Random Painted HIghway
Seems like nearly all abilities have some utility. Time to create flare strike and holy. Glad I kept flare and meteor.
Well if you were capping damage on these abilities before you can theoretically deal more damage. It also helps to build chains.What is the point in increasing # of hits if the total damage is the same? Do you gain SB on every hit, so somehow by having more hits you'd have faster SB charge with these changes?
What is the point in increasing # of hits if the total damage is the same? Do you gain SB on every hit, so somehow by having more hits you'd have faster SB charge with these changes?
What is the point in increasing # of hits if the total damage is the same? Do you gain SB on every hit, so somehow by having more hits you'd have faster SB charge with these changes?
What is the point in increasing # of hits if the total damage is the same? Do you gain SB on every hit, so somehow by having more hits you'd have faster SB charge with these changes?
I raised Chain Fire, Chain Ice, Ultra Cure, Sky Grinder, Dark Zone, Full Break, and I think 2-4 others.
Not sure on money but a lot with a ton of armor materials of course. Was nothing for me to do on leveling.
I was so pumped tonight, thought it was dungeon update. I don't have shit to do in FFRK tonight then.
Supposedly at daily change in 7 hrs? Dunno unfortunate.
12 hours from now, when the daily login bonus refreshes
Pretty sure the second Tuesday of the month has been the day for the DU for the last several, at least. May have been a few exceptions.
So, tomorrow.
Other stats:
* Started at 5 million gil, now at 105 million, after a bunch of reforges and orb exchanges
* Levelled over 80 characters from various stages of 1-65 to max level (either 80 or 99). All non-core characters are now either 80 or 99, and I have no spare MC2 or MC3s.
Dang, did you do gem refreshes? Otherwise sounds like you did a ton of mythril refreshes.
So with new stuff apparently coming are there any must have abilities I should look at or characters I should prep?
I just tested spells/spellblade on magicite with the right set up I'm landing 7000-9999x4 with no limit chain this update + Vivi + LM2 + USB = overkill lol Or any spellblade dual cast user
Introduce a new SB tier that can break the second damage cap*How long before OSBs are buffed to a cap of six 9s instead of five 9s? I'm giving it 6 months
How long before OSBs are buffed to a cap of six 9s instead of five 9s? I'm giving it 6 months
Just make SuperOSBs which hit multiple times!
*cough* Omnislash, Lionheart *cough*
Little weird how good Shooter spells are getting. I think Spell Blade as a job is going to need further buffs to not be entirely outclassed.
Spellblade has Wind/Lightning coverage, the stronger attack for Ice, and better AoE options. I think there's enough differentiation.
Plus, the 5* Spellblade characters tend to be 4-5* in other additional schools that aren't Combat to compensate. Only character I can think of that has 5* Spellblade and nothing else above 3* but Combat is Squall and he's rarely used without his BSB2 anyway.
Gotta run through 12 dungeons asap tonight to pull for disappointment. Ever since I emailed Dena I've had shit luck.