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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT3| When having no onions makes you cry


I have meteor at rank 4 so good.

All my six star still rank1. Haven't made quadruple fouls yet. Since I would only use it on bosses, seems like no reason to create?

I destroyed Flare, I never had made Flare Strike, will look at those again.

I still have Holy at rank 2.
What is the point in increasing # of hits if the total damage is the same? Do you gain SB on every hit, so somehow by having more hits you'd have faster SB charge with these changes?


What is the point in increasing # of hits if the total damage is the same? Do you gain SB on every hit, so somehow by having more hits you'd have faster SB charge with these changes?
Well if you were capping damage on these abilities before you can theoretically deal more damage. It also helps to build chains.


What is the point in increasing # of hits if the total damage is the same? Do you gain SB on every hit, so somehow by having more hits you'd have faster SB charge with these changes?

Agree with the two above. It also in a weird way nerfs Cloud USB.

More hits means less chance off run off damage which is one of the big perks of the SOLDER EX.





What is the point in increasing # of hits if the total damage is the same? Do you gain SB on every hit, so somehow by having more hits you'd have faster SB charge with these changes?

Makes buffs more effective by removing cap issues, basically.

SB gain isn't per-hit, though there was a buff to SB gain on ability usage for everything except Lifesipon and Wrath.
Welp, Orbfest is officially over, and man did I ever farm the shit out of it. I started the event with about 118 mythril. I'm sitting at 25 right now, so I used 93 + however many we earned during the event, which is probably around 50. So I probably used somewhere in the neighborhood of 150 refreshes. Honewise, here's what I got done:

Titan R0 -> R1
Multi Break R1 -> R2
Gaia Cross R1 -> R2
Necrofear R1 -> R2
Guardbringer R2 -> R3
Hailstorm R2 -> R3
Tornado Strike R2 -> R3
Bahamut R1 -> R3
Tiamat R2 -> R3
Thief's Revenge R0 -> R3
Chain Blizzaga R3 -> R4
Chain Firaga R3 -> R4

I haven't added it up, but I'm pretty sure that's a lot of fucking orbs.

Other stats:
* Started at 5 million gil, now at 105 million, after a bunch of reforges and orb exchanges
* Levelled over 80 characters from various stages of 1-65 to max level (either 80 or 99). All non-core characters are now either 80 or 99, and I have no spare MC2 or MC3s.


I raised Chain Fire, Chain Ice, Ultra Cure, Sky Grinder, Dark Zone, Full Break, and I think 2-4 others.

Not sure on money but a lot with a ton of armor materials of course. Was nothing for me to do on leveling.

I was so pumped tonight, thought it was dungeon update. I don't have shit to do in FFRK tonight then.
I raised Chain Fire, Chain Ice, Ultra Cure, Sky Grinder, Dark Zone, Full Break, and I think 2-4 others.

Not sure on money but a lot with a ton of armor materials of course. Was nothing for me to do on leveling.

I was so pumped tonight, thought it was dungeon update. I don't have shit to do in FFRK tonight then.

Supposedly at daily change in 7 hrs? Dunno unfortunate.


Pretty sure the second Tuesday of the month has been the day for the DU for the last several, at least. May have been a few exceptions.

So, tomorrow.
titan r1-r3
fires within r1-r3
dash/slash r1-r3
poison leaves r1-r3
hailstorm r1-r3
raging storm r1-r3

2 r4s: Bahamut, ultra cure
36 r3s
2 r2: entrust, dire heal

36 summon orbs for ogopogo to r3
smoldering fire
icicle shot

don't care for now:
hell thunder, abyssal shards, dwindling spirit, necrofear, reaping scythe, doppelblade, flashing blade, holy (soon) arise, odin (soon) barrage, flare strike (soon), quick hit, sky grinder, exploding fist, mug time, sanguine cross, morbid countdown

r2s meltdown, valigarmanda, omega drive
r1s: curada, snowspell, affliction break, sky high, lifebane, mug blood lust, aegis strike demonsblood, stitch, penalty snipe

all characters maxed including cores (52 level 99s- sitting on 1 mc3 in case of a X bsb/osb pull tomorrow.
gold to 61m, down to 41m after orb exchange
close to 40m in upgrade materials


Other stats:
* Started at 5 million gil, now at 105 million, after a bunch of reforges and orb exchanges
* Levelled over 80 characters from various stages of 1-65 to max level (either 80 or 99). All non-core characters are now either 80 or 99, and I have no spare MC2 or MC3s.

Dang, did you do gem refreshes? Otherwise sounds like you did a ton of mythril refreshes.


I have spent way more mythril on the last two Orbfests.

Just didn't need as much this time.

I only ended up with 17mil gold.
Dang, did you do gem refreshes? Otherwise sounds like you did a ton of mythril refreshes.

no gem refreshes, only mythril. Given that I'm already "that guy" who spends a ton of money on the game, it doesn't make sense to spend mythril on anything other than refreshes, and gems on anything other than pulls. If you do it this way, it saves money long run. Of course, the better way to save money is to not spend anything on anything :) But if you're going to whale anyway, then you had better not be using mythril on pulls.


Yes, Flare and other OG 5* abilities are getting buffed!

I've always held off on Flare Strike (remember the OLD Cid Missions where you crafted stuff with 5* orbs were super rare...I recall so many no ragerets threads on Reddit), but I guess I have an excuse to craft it now if it's getting buffed.


So with new stuff apparently coming are there any must have abilities I should look at or characters I should prep?

I guess it's too soon to decide. I would wait until some JPN players are done with the testing that said: Chain-spells are always a good bet.

Especially because of this:

I just tested spells/spellblade on magicite with the right set up I'm landing 7000-9999x4 with no limit chain this update + Vivi + LM2 + USB = overkill lol Or any spellblade dual cast user

Yeah, it's just some random reddit person saying it but if true it's exactly what WarAdept and I said when Vivi's USB was revealed.


Ya what Tidd says, sounds like DeNA. Would also more allure to people.

What don't always get all the buffs and debuffs to hit 99k? Well you still want SOSBs because they hit twice! 70k x2 dmg!


Little weird how good Shooter spells are getting. I think Spell Blade as a job is going to need further buffs to not be entirely outclassed.


Little weird how good Shooter spells are getting. I think Spell Blade as a job is going to need further buffs to not be entirely outclassed.

Spellblade has Wind/Lightning coverage, the stronger attack for Ice, and better AoE options. I think there's enough differentiation.

Plus, the 5* Spellblade characters tend to be 4-5* in other additional schools that aren't Combat to compensate. Only character I can think of that has 5* Spellblade and nothing else above 3* but Combat is Squall and he's rarely used without his BSB2 anyway.


Spellblade has Wind/Lightning coverage, the stronger attack for Ice, and better AoE options. I think there's enough differentiation.

Plus, the 5* Spellblade characters tend to be 4-5* in other additional schools that aren't Combat to compensate. Only character I can think of that has 5* Spellblade and nothing else above 3* but Combat is Squall and he's rarely used without his BSB2 anyway.

SB has the stronger Ice if you're comparing 6* versus 5*. And isn't the aoe 5*vs4*?

3 or so of the 5 star sharpshooters are blackmages, so hitting wind/lighting isn't much of a benefit. I don't think any of those reasons you listed really make the .2 to .6 potency difference on the single target 5* completely sensible. The floor at least should be lower imo to greater encourage a ranged weapon.

Fires Within hits harder than Blazing Twinstrike now. Ranged, better damage, and a % heal.


Well, Spellblades have Bartz USB that can deal insane damage with the chase mechanic (up to 8 additional hits) and dual/triple cast RM/LM.

Guess that's the reason why they are weaker.


I really don't think the rank of the abilities actually matters so much as the fact that they exist. Otherwise Sharpshooter would seem worse because there's nothing really worth using below 5*, and that wouldn't make sense.

There will be way more 5* Sharpshooter characters once we get the changes that should come with Type-0. Still, black mages with 5* Sharpshooter aren't going to use Sharpshooter, so you can probably table them. The characters those skills are designed for are mostly focused on Machinist, Ninja, or Support.

In any event, I think the basic tradeoff for Spellblade makes sense: weaker single-target attacks in exchange for better utility. If they hit harder than Monk skills you'd have even less reason to use a Monk.


No intelligent discussion for me to add but!

One of the things I liked in this game the most was spellblades. It felt like something created for the game but made so much sense.

As for Fires Within, I like the spell, but it is restricted with the element somewhat. What is nice about spellblades is they seem to have something for everything.

Things have changed now that I focus on relics and 5star spells but my favorite characters in the game were the spellblades that also had knight abilities. Off top of my head, like Steiner, Celes, Beatrix, I think Agrias? It was because they were a spell blade plus Holy.

Drainstrike was once one of my favorites...don't use it much now...

..which leads me to the sad demise of spell blades. 5star skills really killed them. Tornado strike was only thing that I look at...

I don't memorize multipliers but it is obvious leeching leap does more and more return than drainstrike. If they made a 5star version, that would really give them a boost. It doesn't matter if MMO, arpg, or turn based... everybody loves the application of hurting someone and boosting yourself at the same time, like a Necro.


that puzzling face



did it fam.

If I had OK BSB and could RW Sentinel Grimoire (currently OK BSB) and then replace Tyro with a III DPS, the 3-man CM would be much, much more doable. Such as it is, I'm quite brickwalled by lack of options.
Just beat D220, one shotted it first attempt, but probably because i had read how hard it was, and since I noticed he started by buffing himself i used the timeless old tactic of Hit and Run to build SB. Built like 1.5 bars for each and went to town with Agrias, Beatrix, Orlandeau, Lenna, and Y'shtola. Triple stacked holy imperil right off the bat, then Shout RW and Moogle Boost and unloaded Orlandeau BSB, C1, and OSB.

Kinda cheap using hit and run, but it got the job done with no stress
I used an awesome team for both js and the 220.

Tg cid osb
Fran bsb
Edward osb imperil holy
Cid Raines bsb
Yuna USB

Rw wall for 220 deployment for js (forgot to use it in my mastery run)

Hadn't used Edward much since nabbing hi imperil in the imperil lucky draw. Used wrath and ace to get his bsb up and running. Raines bsb with its +defense was a great addition. Fun stuff.
Gotta run through 12 dungeons asap tonight to pull for disappointment. Ever since I emailed Dena I've had shit luck.

My luck has been down as well. Not getting many multi-item pulls. Thankfully my bad draws are at least giving me a burst. Hoping for some X armor.

Have 46 mythril so I'm ready to pull on half-price. Should bounce back up with DU at 16 and X at 12. So I might give a X banner a pull depending on what I get. That or start saving for IV.

Finally grinded out the last stupid 4 star Spirit Mote I needed. Spent around 400 stamina it seems chasing down 5 more 4 star spirit motes. Strago is dived as far as can be. :)


Please, just no more FFT relics

4 Platinum Swords and 3 Coral Swords are enough


Ramza's Gloves, and Braska's SSB Staff

The staff is new at least
IX might be beating VIII for best synergy now.


Amarant BSB
Steiner OSB(already have fire BSB)
Zidane OSB

no dupes. =)

I have so many OSBs


Tidus BSB and a lulu SSB. Definitely needed the 10 synergy and I think that's my first enwater so I'm pretty satisfied with that pull.

Edit: did a "screw it why not" pull on ffxii banner 1 and got vaans LMR. should help keeping up his USB and BSB debuffs.


Goddamn, 5/11

Kuja OSB (new)
Ovelia BSB (new)
Vivi SSB (dupe)
Wakka SSB (new)
Paine SSB (dupe)

Wakka's SSB seems pretty shit, but I'm always happy to get a healer BSB for a new realm.

I can't find anyyyyyyyyything about Kuja's OSB (Demon's Rod), guessing in part because there's items in other realms with the same name. Is this thing any good? I have really good RS in FF9 except for mages; Vivi's SSB was the only thing I had until now.
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