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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT3| When having no onions makes you cry


There was a time when that was BSBs. Except BSBs and Lifesiphon/Wrath severely fucked up the power curve.

Like the jump from SB to SSB felt correct.

The jump from SSB to BSB was astronomical, it made a whole lot of things super redundant.

I don't know if I agree with that. Recall that the first BSB was for Cloud and remained exclusive for a over month before mortals trembled before the force that is Tiny fucking Bee... Squall's was next. Really BSB's didn't show much power till Cecil due to the en-element giving his follow up entries massive AoE power, the commands were still trash, you used Saint Cross. It's really not till Vaan though that we start to see them come into their own. Even the first few White Mage BSB's were lack luster.

I think the BSB balance issue has been more a recent problem than a long standing one personally.
I'm so happy BSBs are getting obliterated.

The thing about the constant "Xyz is the new meta" in FFRK is that you're only talking about peak power and efficiency. Physical teams + Ultra Cross Slash are better than mage teams right now. USBs + abilities will be better than BSBs in a few months. A few months after that, something else will be on top. But you're never required to have the bleeding edge meta to complete all of the content in the game. BSBs will continue to be perfectly viable for clearing content, even if something new is a little better. Just like mage teams are still great even though physical teams are a little better. Just like Wall is still worthwhile even though piercing attacks and debuffs have taken on greater prominence.


Tbh I don't think I will use Cloud's USB outside of Jump Start dungeons. They need too much setup. I need a Ramza with two bars for Shout and Chant and my Cloud USB user needs 3 bars to use it perfectly. Takes way too long when I can beat most stuff in less turns. It's nice to see the big numbers but it's not really necessary. Guess it's easier for some people who have Zack's chain and other stuff.

We get new USBs in each event now. The problem until now (Japan now) was that most of the time you also have to use a BSB to get the most uses out of a USB. E.g take Vincent's USB:
Vincent's Cerberus (DC) [USSB, +5 ATK & +5 MAG] - 6 AOE Fire/NE ranged physical or magic attacks, depending if user's ATK or MAG stat is higher, Quick Cast 1, En-Fire & EX "Cerberus" to user
EX "Cerberus": ATK or MAG +30%, depending if user's ATK or MAG stat is higher, Quick Cast 1 when using Fire attacks

It's nice, you get quick cast when you use a fire attack. But what can he use? Chain Firaga with 2-hits? Yeah this doesn't deal enough damage with just Chain-Firaga. Same goes for nearly everyone else.
The rebalance of the abilities also makes En-Element SSBs much better. Suddenly they can be on par with BSBs, if you don't need the burst mode for extra stats.
USB certainly got a buff with all these abilities changes but in no way BSBs are shit now. The will still do a lot of work. Especially in longer fights like torments that has all the trash stages.


The thing about the constant "Xyz is the new meta" in FFRK is that you're only talking about peak power and efficiency. Physical teams + Ultra Cross Slash are better than mage teams right now. USBs + abilities will be better than BSBs in a few months. A few months after that, something else will be on top. But you're never required to have the bleeding edge meta to complete all of the content in the game. BSBs will continue to be perfectly viable for clearing content, even if something new is a little better. Just like mage teams are still great even though physical teams are a little better. Just like Wall is still worthwhile even though piercing attacks and debuffs have taken on greater prominence.

I've beaten most content with RW wall or reverse wall and a bog-standard physical team ever since anniversary: Ramza, Vaan, Vanille, physical OSB (Sephiroth for Fire/Dark weak, Tidus for Water weak or omni-resist, and Orlandu otherwise), and flex.

I have the tools for a mage team now, I just need to get it leveled and make some abilities.

"Meta" is whatever works with the relics you have.
Just got Mog to 99 today.

Since the start of fest I've got

And Mog to 99 from 80.

Is there some mnd spear in the game? Confused by Mog's major mnd boost when equipping a spear.

My Strago only hit 20-some uses. :( Half from the day before.


Is there some mnd spear in the game? Confused by Mog's major mnd boost when equipping a spear.

Mog's old Sunbath SB is from a spear with decent MND, but that's probably the only one.

Some of the MC3 RMs are decidedly character-themed like that one and generally pretty useless for anyone else. (e.g. Barret's +30% phys. damage when equipping Gun-Arm.)


Lmao I saved 50 Mythrils during all week to try and get something for Vaan and got Balthier's BSB.


Before that I got Balthier's LM.

I feel the game is trying to tell me something.
Is that what you call being fashionably late?

As for the FFVII event I mentioned doing earlier today. Tifa, Seph, Aerith, Angeal and Red XIII did well in the Jenova marathon. Even with RW wall I still lost two damage medals so it lives up to the reputation of its brethren. Tifa's burst actually came in useful hitting p2 for weakness and in p3 every other turn I was just burst entry spamming for 5k per hit of the entry. It feels nice when those "when will this even be useful?" SB actually come in useful. I had some great errors of using Seph BSB when I meant to OSB, casting cura instead of BSB c2 and forgetting to dispel haste on p3.

I might try Cloud tomorrow morning or let him slide completely too tired (and drunk) now.


Got enough mithril for another pull on Cloud's banner and I failed, two more trash dupes. For real now, I won't pull for anything else anymore, let's see how far this account can go.

Maybe with 2k mithril I can get some goodies of the 2019 meta.


Got enough mithril for another pull on Cloud's banner and I failed, two more trash dupes. For real now, I won't pull for anything else anymore, let's see how far this account can go.

Maybe with 2k mithril I can get some goodies of the 2019 meta.

I should have enough for 1 more pull too before the banner expires and I already have Zack's CSB. Decisions....
I turned in my notice at work yesterday for the end of the month (better job lined up) and my birthday is Sunday so I treated myself to a pull on xii-1 and landed vaans USB, stoked about that. Fully augmented it and now have a useful weapon for the handful of katana only users. Can't wait to try him out now, hone to,thiefs revenge to r4? Looking like yes. Maybe r5.
Fighting Cloud.

Golbez, Exdeath, Cid, Fran, Vanille RW:Cid

Theory was. Golbez tanks and spanks build up SB gague on raines, get imperil dark up and use an instant cast OSB to end the battle. Mako might is on fran and golbez.

In practice Cloud limit breaks, attacks in such a way that Vanille unable to cast BSB as I went double heals over lionheart and people start falling. Except Golbez. I also forgot to give Exdeath white magic and given I could get the boss down to half health without imperil I might be better suited slotting in a white mage I actually have a burst for.

Either way feels like the rng will be strong with this one.

Edit: Spin Drive can go fuck itself. I'm actually doing worse with Yshtola. It's like the game has gone, "oh bring white mages heres more bullshit. Face it you can win unless you spend money."


Fighting Cloud.

Golbez, Exdeath, Cid, Fran, Vanille RW:Cid

Theory was. Golbez tanks and spanks build up SB gague on raines, get imperil dark up and use an instant cast OSB to end the battle. Mako might is on fran and golbez.

In practice Cloud limit breaks, attacks in such a way that Vanille unable to cast BSB as I went double heals over lionheart and people start falling. Except Golbez. I also forgot to give Exdeath white magic and given I could get the boss down to half health without imperil I might be better suited slotting in a white mage I actually have a burst for.

Either way feels like the rng will be strong with this one.

Edit: Spin Drive can go fuck itself. I'm actually doing worse with Yshtola. It's like the game has gone, "oh bring white mages heres more bullshit. Face it you can win unless you spend money."

I had to have Wall for that fight. Also if you have radiant shield , he is one of the types that the high AE and dmgoutput really benefit that strategy.


Cloud A+ mastered with

Tyro - LS/Dire Heal, Wall, Dr Mog's Teachings
Yshtola - Curaja/Protectga, BSB, Ace Striker
Cloud - LS/LS, BSB2, +30% Sword/LM1
Ramza - FB/LS, Shout/Chant, Battleforged
Quistis - Armor Breakdown/Power Breakdown, Mighty Guard VIII, Mako Might
RW Cloud USB

Dire heal only for the medal condition
Quistis was using MM, instead of Ramza, as he can easily build his SB, and he must wait for Cloud anyway. Major Regen from Quistis SSB actually saved me here.
Strat was simple, buff cloud, debuff the other cloud, RW and BSB2. Cloud was dealing almost 50k dmg with his command 1, and almost 170k with his (second) BSB2 entry.

Fastest A+ win in a while


Did what will be my only pull on Cloud, 1/11 Green Megaphone :(.

Not awful actually since at least it wasn't a dupe, that's an alright relic and I didn't have anything for Cait Sith, but not great.
need Well, I thought was going to get noob cid to 80 before his rm dropped but ok be damned if the same round he hit 80, it dropped. Back to everyone possible maxed. The question will be, do I break a character with tomorrow's mc3 or do I wait to see what happens with the lucky draw, particularly since the ld includes X, the event for the week and I only have rikku, jecht, and yuna at 99 for that realm, my fewest outside of I, XI, and XV

Edit: I really need to sit at my pc (rare time for that these days) and spreadsheet out the rms I have and dump rendunant and inferior versions of things and plot out which rms to target down the road.


Ugh. I updated my phone to Nougat a couple of days ago and everything is 100% more awesome... except for FFRK, which is now basically unplayable.

Been here since the start, but >1 second lag in the menus is seriously killing my interest in continuing. :(

It really helped me to not care that much about the game anymore, it's literally unplayable specially in raids. Disgusting.


I haven't done any MP raids in weeks because of the Android update. It's seriously fucked. I really enjoy all of the motes I'm missing out on that we won't get compensated for :/

It's honestly the number one reason I've gone super casual on the game now, I've stopped doing most even battles after the MC3 one.


Was behind since still in middle of a move...

Caught up CID event. Somehow I received more eggs than. What I am use to.

I was able to egg him straight to 75, then one trip through orb fest got him to 80.


6 mythril altogether was nice, at 26 now. Will ensure I have 25 for tomorrow.

Edit oh and since we were talking about roaming warriors summons lately....

I posted something like 18 then 28.. last few days was 28 again, 16, and 19.

Wakka still doing work. It's all interesting me to, the money is paltry but interesting to see what people want.


I don't know you guys get so many RW summons. I got 4 today, which is typical for me. The other day i got 8 which is close to the most i've ever gotten. I have Setzer bsb as my RW which you'd think would be more popular than Wakka since it's reverse Wall on entry with stackable hybrid breaks on the cmds. Doesn't seem to matter what i put up though, i've had Wall, Vessel of Fate, Cid Raines bsb, Twin Stars (ATK/MND/crit rate boostga), and none of them have ever reached 15 summons. I think one time i got 11 summons, and that was my highest.

I'm thinking about switching my RW to Raijin bsb for all the Cloud Ultra owners out there.
I don't know you guys get so many RW summons. I got 4 today, which is typical for me. The other day i got 8 which is close to the most i've ever gotten. I have Setzer bsb as my RW which you'd think would be more popular than Wakka since it's reverse Wall on entry with stackable hybrid breaks on the cmds. Doesn't seem to matter what i put up though, i've had Wall, Vessel of Fate, Cid Raines bsb, Twin Stars (ATK/MND/crit rate boostga), and none of them have ever reached 15 summons. I think one time i got 11 summons, and that was my highest.

I'm thinking about switching my RW to Raijin bsb for all the Cloud Ultra owners out there.

Do you go through your list of followers and clear out people who aren't playing regularly?


I did that awhile back and haven't needed to since. I'm only at 65/100 followers anyway.

Well I always got 2-6 for like a year and a half...

Then I read about doing what he said and deleted a ton, hopefully you are smarter than me, I just cleared who I was following.

Bout a month ago, right when Lenna and Ramza USB came out I cleared he following me list

I had people from like 370 days and about 50 people who were level 10 Tyros with Judgement SB.

It could have been clearing out who followed me or the change in Soul Breaks but Lenna and Ramza USB and Wakka BSB last couple of weeks has always been 12-30 ... and one day 56

Edit: on my phone so lack of proper formatting also I never put up things like Deployment tactics or vessel of fate ... those a dime a dozen.

You having Setszer though unless it is really old, should be a good one. I never see Setzer... oh wait is that the lucky 14 times hit thing? I have seen that. I usually only see Fran for support.


Quiet today.

So what's good to know about tonight's banner?

Guess I will go see who are fighting in our u+, Apoc, jumpstart, raid etc


Quiet today.

So what's good to know about tonight's banner?

Guess I will go see who are fighting in our u+, Apoc, jumpstart, raid etc

I think mostly cause people are farming up Orbfest before it's gone. XII lasts another week, VII closes on 14, and XIV lasts till the 16th? There was virtually no rush for these last couple of banners.

Tonights banner has Yda's USB which is meh sans her BSB. Papal's OSB shows, along with his BSB and both of Thancred's BSB's. I think the unsung star might be Papal's SSB, which while not new, is really good. Hastega, Faithga (30%), and magic short charge 3.

Tomorrow has the Dungeon Update lucky draw for 9,10, Tactics.


Beat the jump start torment. Used onion, luneth, alph, zidane and ysh.

Not weak to wind to start? Zidane changed that.

Edit: also didn't wanna dick around looking for an MP party so just killed daedalus by myself.

Onion, tyro, Beatrix, agrias, ysh.

Went from no holy to a couple decent ones. Not the best, but it sufficed better than damage entry medica.


Yea, I'm still farming orbfest to get as much exp / orbs as I can for hones. After that's over I'll knock out all the events.

I'm probably gonna drop a pull on the 1st banner of the X event when it drops since my only X synergy is...Yuna SSB Medica?

If I somehow gett Rikku's USB then she is replacing Ramza for me. In most situations I can hit the soft cap for attack with just the 30%.
Over the past three days I got 30 more mythril.

Pulled twice on Cloud's banner. (Had previously pulled a 3 relic draw and got Zach's chain)

1st - nothing (expected)
2nd - 1 disco 1 5*, Barrett's gun and Cloud's ridiculous OP makes all things ridiculous Relic)

Should I keep up shout, or swap it for cloud's new relic


Did a rare 11 pull

Got Enchochian Blizzard or whatever, Pappy SSB that I already had... so now it's 8 star.

Got Yda materia relic... some robe says small chance boost 30% or something, need to read up on it, could be fun.

Anybody know anything about it?

Edit: small chance to negate 30% damage when using a monk ability.

Anyway this is cool, my first materia relic


Damn, Ramza's and Minfilia's USB in combination with Wall and debuffs are ridiculous. Titan hit for like 300. Sometimes even below 100. lol

As always I feel like I did all the healing with my Rosa. Even the two times someone used Eiko's BSB I could've done the healing but waited because he was already casting it. Guess thanks for the crit buff? :p Someones Ramza shuffled Chant, his USB and was an entrust bot two times. Love the instant cast attached to it especially with my Squall. Extra attacks with his BSB are always nice.

Guess the annoying part for these bonus battles is out of the way: finding a good party.

Got Yda materia relic... some robe says small chance boost 30% or something, need to read up on it, could be fun.

Anybody know anything about it?

Edit: small chance to negate 30% damage when using a monk ability.

Anyway this is cool, my first materia relic

I believe this is only great in combination with her BSB. So if you have it congrats!

Should I keep up shout, or swap it for cloud's new relic

Keep Shout. Everyone who wanted Cloud's USB as a RW already followed whoever pulled it. Also the people who followed you did it because of Shout and they probably need it more than Cloud's USB.
Alright keeping shout!

Set up a wind God chain team... fujin (BSB and Enwind) cloud (USB & OSB), Zach (chain), alphinaud (BSB and His atk/may buff SSB) and luneth (BSB)
love an mp battle that begins before we even see the 4th person.

I had a very slooooow A+, my TGC did most of the damage, we had no boostga. two minfilias who apparently didn't have the ssb, they just used their bsbs...a wins a win though.

also, we need mp premade parties desperately. so annoying to see a need, swap out, and then parties don't need what swapped to...
After being a Day One player...I think I'm going to finally retire this game. It's been great, but I've lost all motivation to play. Everything feels like it's just recycled content over and over. The power creep is ridiculous. So many QoL improvements need to be made to this thing...

I've just lost all the excitement and love I had for it. I can't even bring myself to finish the majority of the events anymore. :(


Subete no aware
So uhhh... that jump start was pretty interesting.
Orlandeau did ~275k damage in 1 turn, and then about 350k on the next turn
Is that with the Cloud thing and Orlandeau's OSB?

After being a Day One player...I think I'm going to finally retire this game. It's been great, but I've lost all motivation to play. Everything feels like it's just recycled content over and over. The power creep is ridiculous. So many QoL improvements need to be made to this thing...

I've just lost all the excitement and love I had for it. I can't even bring myself to finish the majority of the events anymore. :(
I feel like for most mid-end game players, it's basically autobattling through most of the event for the mythril, then paying attention for the Apoc/Jump Start battles.

I wonder what happens when they totally run the well dry of characters in these games though. I guess they start dragging in FF15 at that point?
Is that with the Cloud thing and Orlandeau's OSB?

Orlandeau BSB, which does 10 hits. Plus WoL holy chain, Imperil Holy, shout, Moogle Boost, Chant, Full Break, and Armor Breakdown

180 CM was not too bad. Smooth sailing once you make it past the first 1-2 turns with everyone alive, but rough getting there. Papalymo was key despite only being level 65, with his Hastega SSB and extra slot for Shellga so Y'shtola was free to Wrath.

220... ugh. This guy hits like a truck once he gets into his weak state, and party buffs are useless because he removes them faster than you can apply them. It's a sprint at that point to see if you can do enough damage before he wipes you. I went with a mage team here so I wouldn't have to worry about blindness.

Haven't tried the Jump Start yet.


My update.

First two fights were no problem and got normal d220 mastered on first try. For that fight I did:

Firion // Full Charge, Life Siphon
Relm // Ultra Cure, Arise
Vaan // Power Breakdown, Mental Breakdown
Alphi // Protectga// Curaja
Ramza // Full Break, Banishing Strike

RW: Wall

BSBs, Radiant Shield, and History Truth were the other stuff. Last Stand only got triggered one time.

One cast of deployment tactics and Wall Last the first 50%. Full charge was doing 9kx4. He did magitek missles twice. The second he did it, he killed him self on radiant shield.

Jumpstart and Raida are left.
Toughest 220 yet. Still havent beat it. Got em down to back foot.

MP was a riot. Had to control 6 characters. Never seen HP go up and down so much. Wasnt an easy fight but fair.


More details about the abilities balance changes! https://www.reddit.com/r/FFRecordKeeper/comments/6mhxb7/abilities_balance_changes_110717/

Can't believe that spellblades are still worse than sharpshooter abilities. And even Fires Within is better, which has a self-heal!!!!

They are pretty close, and far more characters have Sharpshooter access than Spellblade. Spellblade will also continue to have the better AoE options, and Flare Strike has at least some potential with those buffs.

My other takeaways:

  • Meteor and Flare are probably worth making at those multipliers for omniresist situations. Ultima is still iffy, though Meltdown remains a good investment.
  • Ultra Cure finally has White Magic cast time.
  • Penalty Strike, Quadruple Foul, and Sky High are still terrible. Though at least Sky High is actually slightly stronger than Aerial Dive now. Aegis Strike and Crushdown are a little better off but will probably still be inferior AoE options the majority of the time.
  • Adding a debuff to Odin is interesting but not enough to make it preferable over a different summon, even with the hone increase.
  • Not sure Mug Bloodlust needed to be made that much better, but it was. Mug Time probably did, though I'm not sure that was enough.
  • Nice buffs to Saint Cross and Flashing Blade if you were already going to use them.
  • Stitch in Time can play a more universal self-buffing role (i.e. not just for Fujin) in addition to being a DPS upgrade over Quick Hit/Thief skills.
  • Darkness still kinda sucks, with the usual exceptions.
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