I know this probably won't help anyone but for the the XIV U+ I did it twice. First time was all back row:
Zidaine (ranged and BSB can support), Fran (ranged, mostly paralyzed), Vanille (BSB, not really needed), Terra (wrath, chain firaga, SSB+OSB combo) and Hope (use OK RW and Faith, pretend any other action matters). Terra was doing 99,999 with the OSB.
Second time was the Cid mission. Now I did 2 more 11 pulls on the first XIV banner getting me two Omirods (kept separate), a second Evokers doublet (kept separate) and second shield (merged) so at least I have a good set of RS gear now. Party was:
Yda (Power Breakdown+Mental Breakdown)
Minfillia (Gaia's Cross and Full break, also mostly paralyzed)
Y'shtola (Protectga+Curaga RM: healers prayer II)
Paplymo (Faith, Chain Firaga RM: devotion)
Alphinaud (Ifrit, Phoenix RM: Mako Might)
RW was Krille's tomorrow's promise BSB*. These BSB wore off right before the end but radiant shield killed the dragon. If radiant shield hadn't fire spells or summons would have. Now if you don't have the RS gear or the buffs I think you might be pushing it without meltdown but give it a try I guess. No hastega makes things a little rough (I defended Yda while the dragon was in the air thinking "oh he'll have another ATB by the time it lands"...the dragon got like 3 hits in before that happened).
BSB command 1 was hitting damage cap each hit for Paplymo under mental breakdown while it was not for Alphinaud (level 65 no dive just shy of 430 mag).
*Edit: I suppose Papalymo could be stronger if you can get theirs to 5 hits or more but I'm not sure how the mag thresholds and stat buffing works exactly.