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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT3| When having no onions makes you cry

that guy is basically the perfect DeNA customer, day 1 player, every mythril spend of refreshes, never honed a skill, pulls done exclusively with money.

Damn, except for the hone part, that's literally me lol

Why pull with mythril when it's so much less efficient (yea I know, there's a flaw in this reasoning somewhere)


Torment Dungeon - V CM

I did it! I fucking did it! Right down to the wire! CM Torment with no native BSB, hastega, boost/faithga and with a terrible shared medica! SB's used:

Greg - Faithful Companion (SSB)
Faris - Kindred Spirit (SB)
Krile - Unspoken Bond (SSB)
ExDeath - Neo Almagest (SSB)
Lenna - Shared Medica from X realm Staff

Fuck me this was insane. 3 days of tweaking, S/L'ing and absolute frustration. Krile was obviously my biggest damage dealer with the double summons, but none had to be used for the trash, so I had to Hit and Run to build SB gauge for Greg and Faris to take out the trash themselves. Greg tanked the ST physical and magic spam from the piggies, but even with the Heathen Frolic, Magic Lure and a medium resist accessory, the ST spells were still doing a hefty 1.5k+ to him per hit.

I was tempted to dive Faris to Dancer 5 so I could use Multi Break on her, but I saw that it cost a ginormous amount of Dexterity Motes, so I opted to use -res dance to help Krile and ExDeath further. To be honest, ExDeath was probably my MVP, that magic blink from his SSB is probably the only reason I could do this.

Doesn't help that my Lenna has literally nothing to use in terms of synergy. Her pathetic shared medica was doing 1k heals to the party.

So remember the user on reddit who had over 2 million casino chips in the orbfest. They finally used nearly all their orbs:
He mention he doesn't like to R5 5 star abilities due to the cost of orbs, but I see him with two R5 Diaga.
Two R3 Twin Thunderstrikes! I would have at least got Lifesiphon to R5.
His hoarding for almost 2 years to save that much plus refreshes on orbfest.

Completing the FF XIII event left me with 101 abilities. I forgot I have these one star cure, thunder and blizzard abilities. Well, time to shatter them for space.
Once you lock an ability, there is no way to unlock it right?


He mention he doesn't like to R5 5 star abilities due to the cost of orbs, but I see him with two R5 Diaga.
Two R3 Twin Thunderstrikes! I would have at least got Lifesiphon to R5.
His hoarding for almost 2 years to save that much plus refreshes on orbfest.

Completing the FF XIII event left me with 101 abilities. I forgot I have these one star cure, thunder and blizzard abilities. Well, time to shatter them for space.

Diaga is 4*. I'm actually on the same boat as him. I never use Lifesiphon. 5* ability spam is so much stronger unless you have one of the ridiculous SBs like Vaans to warrant some LS spam.

And you can unlock an ability the same way you lock them.
Diaga is 4*. I'm actually on the same boat as him. I never use Lifesiphon. 5* ability spam is so much stronger unless you have one of the ridiculous SBs like Vaans to warrant some LS spam.

And you can unlock an ability the same way you lock them.
Oh yeah, forgot it gives 4 uses at R1.
When I go to view items and select the ability tab, not sure how to unlock them. I can mass lock more abilities.


Oh yeah, forgot it gives 4 uses at R1.
When I go to view items and select the ability tab, not sure how to unlock them. I can mass lock more abilities.

Gotta hold tap on an individual ability and pressed the lock icon on the top right to unlock it for selling/shattering again.

Unfortunately there no mass unlock option.


So I can't buy Angeal Lode II because it's not fucking available? I'm stuck with him at level 65 until he comes back in another event God knows when?


Fuck, for some reason I misread the CM conditions and just thought your party had to include 3 FFXIII heroes, not be made up of a team of ONLY 3 FFXIII heroes >_>. Not a big deal and easy enough to re-do though. Also that feeling when you forget that you had a BSB altogether (Noel's). Funny how in ~3 months I've gone from having zero BSBs to having so many I'm literally forgetting about having some of them lol. Powercreep something something



That's an amazing pull, congrats!


Ugh. i get so mad seeing anything above 3/11. Im salty. 2 years and best ive gotten is 3/11. Then i see peeps with like 8/11.

congrats on that! id die for a 4/11

Just bought 900 gems, went 3* x 5 on the available banners with gems. nice.

edit: plus a 3 pull, all 3 stars. nice, 8/8 3 stars.

Did a rage 11 pull, got a shit ass bsb heal and some shit guns for sazh.


Ugh. i get so mad seeing anything above 3/11. Im salty. 2 years and best ive gotten is 3/11. Then i see peeps with like 8/11.

congrats on that! id die for a 4/11

Just bought 900 gems, went 3* x 5 on the available banners with gems. nice.

edit: plus a 3 pull, all 3 stars. nice, 8/8 3 stars.

Don't do this to yourself. If you're going to do paid pulls, especially in a world of G5, do x11 pulls.


I now have Vanilles and Ysh bsb heal. apparently im set for a while.

i was wanting snows bsb, but this ok. shouldnt have a problem doing cm.
I have Vanille's BSB but I don't find it all that great. I have Eiko's BSB and for dedicated healing I find that to be much better. Vanille's nuke while Bursted is good damage though.
One of these days when I'm not so lazy I'm going to post what all I have so you guys to tell me how well I'm doing and what I need to be aiming for in the future.


I have Vanille's BSB but I don't find it all that great. I have Eiko's BSB and for dedicated healing I find that to be much better. Vanille's nuke while Bursted is good damage though.
One of these days when I'm not so lazy I'm going to post what all I have so you guys to tell me how well I'm doing and what I need to be aiming for in the future.

The greatest thing about it is that it's instant cast. No waiting the 3 seconds of cast time to use a SB and seeing if the boss will gib someone during that critical moment. You press it and Vanille spams Curaga on everyone. It's also suited towards mage teams more, given the CMD1 lowers Res by a large amount and is Holy Element to boot, a difficult element for pure mage parties to hit. Plus it gives a moderate Mind boost to Vanille on top of the Burst mode stat increase, making her hit harder and heal harder.

Eiko's does better on pure physically orientated teams obviously, that 50% crit is amazing.

Y'shtola's is just the general top tier healer BSB that tailors to all teams but doesn't assist in increasing the DPS of the party like the other two do.
Vanille's? That shit is absolutely godlike lol. Instant major heal is just absurd.

I now have Vanilles and Ysh bsb heal. apparently im set for a while.

i was wanting snows bsb, but this ok. shouldnt have a problem doing cm.

Yeah, it's the instant that pushes it over the top for me. Plus the ability to do damage. Would you believe that I'd had it for a few weeks before realizing how ridiculous it was? I was always running Arc as my healer because I had his two SSBs, but Vanille is exceptional.

With Ysh and Vanille, you're seriously set.

I'm just doing 100 gem pulls until the Cid banner, at which point...
Got the torment cm done. Took a lot of playing around overdays of attempts but finally I used this party, this didn't get mastery, which I've already gotten:

Galuf gust r4 lightning veil r5 no sbs used, but non rs lightning dagger, ninja boost ram
Exdeath meltdown ruinga r5 grand cross neoalmagest battleforged rm
Krile Bahamut r3 meteor r3 tomorrow's promise bsb, battleforeged rm
Faris 2 r4 dances reducing magic and resistance, sea lords sb, knights fall rm
Lenna curaja r5 Shellga r3 princess favor sb, mako might rm.

Rw was krile Sheepsong

I really tried to force gilg with his osb and Gaia cross into the party but met will major failures, so I swapped him for ninja Galuf, who was doing around 4K per boss each round, which really added up. Also tried variations with carbuncle, bartz with his ssb, the inky character who wasn't in at least one attempt was Dorran. Obviously the MVP was krile with her bsb, that does serious damage firing it off the turn before the first shot if it expires. Runner up of course exdeath firing off tons of meltdowns primarily on the fire guy since I couldn't hit his weakness.

Haven't tried the 250 round yet, probably for Monday. May keep this team as is except swap eiko for Lenna and my bsb healing, I had a fair amount of ruinga, meteor and gusts left over at the end...


So I've got 3 bsb heals, Penelo, Vanille and Yshtola. Please Dena, no more bsb heals. I'm good. Need elemental bsbs!

This game gave me almost nothing but healing SBs for the first six or so months I played.

It was a little baffling. Worked out for the best in the long run, maybe.
I finally beat Primal Exdeath thus ending that FFV event. It took me many tries thanks to Exdeath wiping me out but finished him off with no deaths.

Party was Minfilia, Maria, Alphnaud, Tyro, and Yshtola. RW was Onion Knight BSB which really helped a ton with my dps. Maria and Alph were the real stars of the party cranking out damage (thank you Maria BSB on phase four).

It's the first event I fully cleared (aside from that elemental event) so it feels really good.


What are the conditions in order to get Record Materias as loot?
I was kinda wtf when this happened at Heroic XP.


As I said earlier my account is about 500 days old (got one RW that is 497 days idle). Good thing is that when I started, I didnt play long.

So during my first week of playing I have acquired Mythil from every daily up to Heroic (also doing event quests and did Orbfest dungeon so many times I could).

In OT there is this Friend Code tracker, but does GAF have own friend code list somewhere? Could try to add bunch of you to follow :p.

Code: bs7e
Sharing Y'shtola with Stoneskin II.
All luck of the draw

If you see someone who looks like a scrub leave the room or kick/block them

I've had decent luck with random multiplayer, but almost always "outside of normal playing hours"

Take last night, was playing fairly late, and kept seeing the same few scrubs, but enough good players to make it worthwhile. Took out aliatar.

Trick ended up being running two y'shtola, mine only has stoneskin, but the second could focus on y'sh's burst then (which was really useful combined with constant stoneskin. I ran my usual vaan for mag/def burst. Other stand outs were a minfilia, alph, celes and a aerith (all with burst).
What are the conditions in order to get Record Materias as loot?
They drop after any round of combat. As for where tap the details button the record materia list. That will tell you. A few of the early ones (e.g. Cloud, Cyan) require specific story dungeons but most are chance to drop anywhere.

I think of the early FFIV dungeons offers the mosts rounds per stamina but I would try to not to go out of my way and just use characters that have RM to drop on the classic/part 1 difficulty of events.


Today the trap banner for Raines Burst lands. Ill bite 50 mythril there because Im a weakling and also the next XIII banner with Raines burst isnt much better.


that puzzling face
oh my fucking god randoms have zero fucking idea how to play multiplayer

Had a bet with a friend that I could pug FFV event after the next D200 drops (meaning majority of the playerbase, esp. the good ones, had little reason to do it)

Took 4 days on and off but I eventually succeeded.

I think I'd prefer to contract tuberculosis.

All luck of the draw

If you see someone who looks like a scrub leave the room or kick/block them

I had a hysterical giggling fit after one particular attempt where after 30 minutes of pruning a room I hosted (some of the people who stayed even left out of boredom) and FINALLY getting a great party together that included a Y'shtola with Stoneskin II and OK burst, I started, then realized the Y'shtola wasn't running Dr Mog, and 3 people got gibbed pretty fast.



I finally got the FFV and FFXIV Raids done with randoms, took a couple of tries but wasn't too horrible. I got the hang of being able to tell whether or not a group was going to be able to do it pre-game and would bounce pretty quickly. When I did the Aiatar d200 battle we had one guy running a 99 Terra with her fire BSB, then me and another guy both had 99 Terra's with her imperil Fire SSB into OSB and just completely fucking melted the boss. Good times.
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