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Final Fantasy Type-0 HD |OT| War Never Changes

I'm catching up with the thread and I really love how everybody dislikes Machina even though he has, by far, the most character development (BTW: I also dislike him)
Well, Class Comrades.
I played a bunch of the demo and yeah it could stand to take a few things from Type-0. Like some bits of the combat system and control.

20 hrs in and I just started Chapter 5. This game is really impressive when you consider it was a PSP title.

I wish they didn't leave in some of the PSP cutscenes though. WTF is up with that? So jarring compared to other cutsenes lol

PS: I haven't been having any difficulty issues since I'm utilizing the secret training and leveling everyone :)

Enjoy, it was quite the doozy of a chapter.


Guys, just booted it up to take a break from bloodborne.

Im digging into the gameplay right now. What I dont get is:

In chapter 1 why am I with Queen and nine then suddenly with two others I dont even know?

On the same fight after odin I Get crushed by the l'cie big time. Any tips on that? I thought I was supposed to lose the fight.


You get use to it after awhile.

Yeah, tried again today, and the camera was somewhat bearable. Got to chap 3. I am not even using all of my free time. I'm also declining all the busy work quests that people want to send me on. Using the secret training, and just following the main missions.

Just want to finish the game, see the ending videos and be done with it.

Ray Down

Yeah, tried again today, and the camera was somewhat bearable. Got to chap 3. I am not even using all of my free time. I'm also declining all the busy work quests that people want to send me on. Using the secret training, and just following the main missions.

Just want to finish the game, see the ending videos and be done with it.

Man spend the time and enjoy the game.


So I just started and I find the game actually asks me to evenly level up 14 characters.......Yeah, no way that's happening.

I'm just going to focus on 3 characters (4 at most) and see how it goes.


Man spend the time and enjoy the game.

I would if I cared. The character voice acting is poor, the side quests are terrible fetch quests, the mission structure is repetitive, and even the main missions are boring. The towns, missions, enemy design etc, mostly look the same with not much variety.

The only thing I care about for now is to see through the story. Honestly, it's a pretty terrible game so far. The OST is great though.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Just got the game and am booting it up. That intro cinematic. Wow.
Japanese or English AUIDO??!!

About to head into this game full force. For people who have played it do you recommend english or Japanese audio? Im a huge believer in subs foreign quality for anime but I watched the intto cut scenes in both languages and both seem high quality plus steve blum o yeah!


So I just started and I find the game actually asks me to evenly level up 14 characters.......Yeah, no way that's happening.

I'm just going to focus on 3 characters (4 at most) and see how it goes.

It's actually fun to level everyone and there is an auto-leveling system when you're not playing that you can do for individual characters


If this is Tabata's directorial vision, I have huge concerns for FF15.

1. A lot of the weird direction in cutscenes was due to PSP limitations

2. FF15 is Nomura and Nojima's story, not Tabata's

Japanese or English AUIDO??!!

About to head into this game full force. For people who have played it do you recommend english or Japanese audio? Im a huge believer in subs foreign quality for anime but I watched the intto cut scenes in both languages and both seem high quality plus steve blum o yeah!
The English dub is one of the worst I've heard in a game, certainly the worst in an FF game. There are some good performances like Steve Blum, but the bad far outweighs the good
The English dub is one of the worst I've heard in a game, certainly the worst in an FF game. There are some good performances like Steve Blum, but the bad far outweighs the good

Cool thanks for the insight ill definitely be using Japanese audio with subtitles.

Ray Down

Japanese or English AUIDO??!!

About to head into this game full force. For people who have played it do you recommend english or Japanese audio? Im a huge believer in subs foreign quality for anime but I watched the intto cut scenes in both languages and both seem high quality plus steve blum o yeah!

Japan audio.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
I would if I cared. The character voice acting is poor, the side quests are terrible fetch quests, the mission structure is repetitive, and even the main missions are boring. The towns, missions, enemy design etc, mostly look the same with not much variety.

The only thing I care about for now is to see through the story. Honestly, it's a pretty terrible game so far. The OST is great though.

The towns in this game are so bad, probably the laziest copy and paste I've seen. They feel so sterile and dead on top of that.

I'm curious to see how they'll pull off towns in FFXV.
It's still a PSP game. It was always going to be a bit rough and, given the UMD file sizes, there were always going to be sacrifices, especially when this is one of the most technically demanding games on PSP.

Of course, as a console game, it's quite weak, but for a portable game, those limitations wouldn't be as jarring.
Type-0 should have been a console game from the start.

Imagine, it already eats XIII's lunch as is.

Japanese or English AUIDO??!!

About to head into this game full force. For people who have played it do you recommend english or Japanese audio? Im a huge believer in subs foreign quality for anime but I watched the intto cut scenes in both languages and both seem high quality plus steve blum o yeah!

Most are alright, a few are actually great. But there are some definitely poor performances present.

So I just started and I find the game actually asks me to evenly level up 14 characters.......Yeah, no way that's happening.

I'm just going to focus on 3 characters (4 at most) and see how it goes.

Not a good idea. At the least, ensure to use Academy lessons and training, or it won't go remotely well.


Neo Member
The way he wears his cape makes me dislike him lol

He reminds me of Bishop Brennan


Was quite disappointed with the game as a whole package. Individual elements such as the battle system, soundtrack, character designs and art design was decent, but the story, characters and lore itself failed to present itself in a way that I had hoped, but I mainly hold the tech (PSP) in blame for that. Such a grand plot and scale, but a weak device to show it.

It hasn't made me lose faith in Tabata with regards to XV tho and that's mainly because I absolutely loved Crisis Core. He was able to do a great job with a smaller scale project on PSP and with PS4 I can't wait to see what he can do and with Nomura's work already in place too.


I tried to pick this up again on Chapter 5 after completing Bloodborne...and I lost all interest. Ugh.

I was having a blast and hyped, but I'm just not feeling it right now. I may just look up what happens on youtube if I can't get back into it.

Still hope we get a sequel to this kind of game play and world structure, but with current gen everything. Game is great.

Damn yous bloodborne. Damn yous.
Now that I've had a few days to stew with that ending and finish the manga that came with the CE, I have some thoughts on our estranged angsty extra, Machina.

His past considered Machina is not a bad guy.

I believe no one liked him, in comparison to the other twelve members of Class Zero, because of the way he responded to the world and his circumstances. He was told that Class Zero basically killed his brother. That was complete bullshit fed to him by the commandant and because we, as the audience, know that it's bullshit we're going to be unable to see it the same was as Machina. He's also been provided with no reason to believe otherwise from what he's witnessed while he has been with Class Zero. So, how else was he supposed to react to that and behave around Class Zero?

The ending is really what convinced me that I didn't hate Machina. What did Machina do when he and Rem found their lifeless bodies after spending half the game basically telling them to fuck off? He broke down in tears, and fell to his knees in disbelief, calling out for them as if they would simply wake up. If I wanted to draw conclusions I would say that Machina was sorry for what happened in the latter half of the game, and if he really had any disdain for them as he did earlier he would not have responded that way to their deaths.

Rem on the other hand... I don't believe I saw her really respond to anything. Does she even have a soul?

Edit: Whoops. Could have sworn there was a spoiler tag. Sorry if I spoiled anything.
Now that I've had a few days to stew with that ending and finish the manga that came with the CE, I have some thoughts on our estranged angsty extra, Machina.

His past considered Machina is not a bad guy.

I believe no one liked him, in comparison to the other twelve members of Class Zero, because of the way he responded to the world and his circumstances. He was told that Class Zero basically killed his brother. That was complete bullshit fed to him by the commandant and because we, as the audience, know that it's bullshit we're going to be unable to see it the same was as Machina. He's also been provided with no reason to believe otherwise from what he's witnessed while he has been with Class Zero. So, how else was he supposed to react to that and behave around Class Zero?

The ending is really what convinced me that I didn't hate Machina. What did Machina do when he and Rem found their lifeless bodies after spending half the game basically telling them to fuck off? He broke down in tears, and fell to his knees in disbelief, calling out for them as if they would simply wake up. If I wanted to draw conclusions I would say that Machina was sorry for what happened in the latter half of the game, and if he really had any disdain for them as he did earlier he would not have responded that way to their deaths.

Rem on the other hand... I don't believe I saw her really respond to anything. Does she even have a soul?

Holy shit! Spoiler tag that dude

Edit: and to answer to you, is not that Machina is a poorly written character, everything about him makes sense.

The problem is that the first thing Machina sees you doing is saving his and Rem's life, and yet he just decides to be that way because someone told him a few lies
(not really lies, but yeah)

I think I actually like Cater on the sole reason that she never takes shit from Machina.
Now that I've had a few days to stew with that ending and finish the manga that came with the CE, I have some thoughts on our estranged angsty extra, Machina.

His past considered Machina is not a bad guy.

I believe no one liked him, in comparison to the other twelve members of Class Zero, because of the way he responded to the world and his circumstances. He was told that Class Zero basically killed his brother. That was complete bullshit fed to him by the commandant and because we, as the audience, know that it's bullshit we're going to be unable to see it the same was as Machina. He's also been provided with no reason to believe otherwise from what he's witnessed while he has been with Class Zero. So, how else was he supposed to react to that and behave around Class Zero?

The ending is really what convinced me that I didn't hate Machina. What did Machina do when he and Rem found their lifeless bodies after spending half the game basically telling them to fuck off? He broke down in tears, and fell to his knees in disbelief, calling out for them as if they would simply wake up. If I wanted to draw conclusions I would say that Machina was sorry for what happened in the latter half of the game, and if he really had any disdain for them as he did earlier he would not have responded that way to their deaths.

Rem on the other hand... I don't believe I saw her really respond to anything. Does she even have a soul?

Edit: Whoops. Could have sworn there was a spoiler tag. Sorry if I spoiled anything.
Rem was caught up in her illness thing for the most part. And trying to reason with Machina.


I'm on chapter 8 of playthrough 1 and I have no idea what the fuck is going on story wise. It's so confusing. I'm not enjoying this as much as I want to.


So I chose to
become l'cie and after a while they just kept throwing enemies after me and every time I defeated a squad an even stronger squad came out. I reached a level 89 squad before they wiped me out (I'm level 44). I am EXTREMELY aggravted
So I chose to
become l'cie and after a while they just kept throwing enemies after me and every time I defeated a squad an even stronger squad came out. I reached a level 89 squad before they wiped me out (I'm level 44). I am EXTREMELY aggravted

That was basically the bad ending equivalent of a game over.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Im probably buying the PS4 for Uncharted 4 and whatever else catches my eye(that looks like not too many other games) then back to my Wii U. I usually keep a playstation around just for RPG games.

I think if you see maybe 5 games you want for sure then go for it. Worst thing to do is get a system for one game and having it sit there while you get great use out of another one.
I wouldn't buy any system for 1 or 2 games.
Peoplr never mean it when they say that though. It always in actuality means I want to buy this console with this game in mind, but also buy whatever other games I'm interested in (usually a lot). 9 times out of 10 if they were limited to pay $460 for Type-0 and FFXV demo box, they'd not be so gung-ho.


I think if you see maybe 5 games you want for sure then go for it. Worst thing to do is get a system for one game and having it sit there while you get great use out of another one.

That is true.....maybe I will just wait for a game on PS4 to release to force me to purchase the system then pick up FF type O


Peoplr never mean it when they say that though. It always in actuality means I want to buy this console with this game in mind, but also buy whatever other games I'm interested in (usually a lot). 9 times out of 10 if they were limited to pay $460 for Type-0 and FFXV demo box, they'd not be so gung-ho.
This is also true and my mindset. Was kinda of thinking about getting that New Dragon Age also since it is on sale.


Peoplr never mean it when they say that though. It always in actuality means I want to buy this console with this game in mind, but also buy whatever other games I'm interested in (usually a lot). 9 times out of 10 if they were limited to pay $460 for Type-0 and FFXV demo box, they'd not be so gung-ho.

I bought a wii for Xenoblade and will do the same with wii u


Sat down with the game for 3 hours now, the game clicks and I am loving it. The moogles are silly but the 'I'm a bad arse' one kills me and I forgive them. I just love the battle system. I hope se iterates on it and the ff15 battle system ,it can become even better.
Sat down with the game for 3 hours now, the game clicks and I am loving it. The moogles are silly but the 'I'm a bad arse' one kills me and I forgive them. I just love the battle system. I hope se iterates on it and the ff15 battle system ,it can become even better.

Moogles are annoying when they talk.
Fortunately, they weren't all voiced and some were amusing, so they were endearing.

My faves were "bro" and "nihilist" moogle.
The ones that'd make shit up about their class and the one in charge of less-than-capable cadets were funny too.


Moogles are annoying when they talk.
Fortunately, they weren't all voiced and some were amusing, so they were endearing.

My faves were "bro" and "nihilist" moogle.
The ones that'd make shit up about their class and the one in charge of less-than-capable cadets were funny too.

Yup. They are very endearing. 'nihilis' one cracks me up too.


I tried to pick this up again on Chapter 5 after completing Bloodborne...and I lost all interest. Ugh.

I was having a blast and hyped, but I'm just not feeling it right now. I may just look up what happens on youtube if I can't get back into it.

Still hope we get a sequel to this kind of game play and world structure, but with current gen everything. Game is great.

Damn yous bloodborne. Damn yous.

Yeah, I'm liking the game but have been wanting to play Bloodborn. I have yet to get it though cause I know that once I play Bloodborn, it'll be unlikely that I can go back to FF with the same type of interest I have now.


As expected, the game wasn't all that. Isn't that always the way with Japan exclusive games? People always hype them up like they're the second coming of christ, but then when they eventually get localised people realise they're not that great.

Anyway, I just beat the game. The story really fell apart at the start of chapter 8, but I'm glad to say that I was actually attached enough to Class Zero (read: everyone but Machina and Rem) that it still hold my interest. Not to mention that the final dungeon was actually pretty good. The final boss is probably one of the worst in Square history though.

This game had so much potential, but it's all so wasted.
Is it impossible to get a good rank on the first mission, I keep replaying it just for SPP (surprised you can earn 500 in 5 minutes), but my phantoma harvested keeps giving me a D rank :/
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