8 hours in. Initial impressions time, seeing as i'd have been done with Midgar and onto the world map by this point in the original.........
"Midgar Only" / "This isn't the full game" impressions:
....Meh, fuck it. Don't care anymore, i'm on board.
I was honestly worried, but now that i'm actually playing this, I feel like what we've gained from the slower pace here is absolutely worth it.
I was expecting to be annoyed by the slower pace of the overall narrative, but honestly there's so much more going on this time that there isn't any time to miss/get impatient for anything. It's not only Midgar that's being fleshed out here -- it's literally every aspect of the original game, but most importantly the characters.
But the thing that's surprising here is that it's not just the supporting characters that are getting fleshed out -- it's the main characters too. Cloud and Barrett in particular, the image around them is far more dynamic this time than it was in the original.....and it feels odd to say that in a game that only includes like 30% of the original story but it's true. The first few hours, i kept expecting old jokes/nods to happen at certain places, and was getting disappointed when I didn't see them....only for them to appear in a completely different, FAR better realized situation for delivery, and it feels amazing.
At this point, i'm fully along for the ride -- i'm not even paying attention to what i know is supposed to happen because i keep getting pleasantly surprised with where it's going.
Texture / Load-in issues
I was completely baffled watching videos like Digital Foundry show footage of these texture issues and just kind of glance over them like "Yeah it's really bad but kinda not?"
I get it now, you'll understand when you play the game, probably. It doesn't detract from the visuals as much as you'd think it would.
if it wasn't a bug, then i assume the game is just short on resources and something had to give. It's not NEARLY as jarring in-game as it is in stills drawing attention to it because honestly, there's alot of sensory information going on in this game. The world is full of objects, people are talking, you're looking at the map, character banter. ect. Also, i saw a few people complaining about some of the backdrops (the graphic they're using for the Plate in the slums).....and honestly, i think it looks amazing. It's essentially like a pre-rendered background assisting the graphics.
Voice Acting
Any time "Why you gotta be such a hardass, bro" can be said in a game like Final Fantasy and actually sound genuine is a moment to truly praise the gods for.
You guys can safely play in English. Tifa's voice isn't annoying anymore (THANK GOD), Barrett is over-the-top but honestly he's really funny (unlike Gladio from FFXV who just sounds weird all the time), the supporting cast is great too.
And this shit blew my mind -- the children even have decent voice acting. Like, even the completely random ones. You guys know what "Anime Children" sound like, right? Well, not here.
Pretty good man. Pretty good.