This game is phenomenal. Enough said.
can confirm as said weebIt seems more like the weebs would be the ones who enjoy this kind of voice acting as it's like an anime: Everyone grunting to confirm agreement, saying each others names way too much, laughing at the stupidest moments, constant shock gasps and groans, the need to make some sort of noise when on screen during a cutscene and, of course, always having a shitty ill fitting one liner no matter the situation.
I can't think of better voice acting for weebs.
First impressions are not good.
UI and graphics reminds me too much of FF15. The battle system feels clunky, the voice acting is terrible. Final Fantasy X which was the first FF to be voiced sounds better. I can also see the Midgar setting getting old real fast.
Just what to expect out of the hack Nomura.
I can understand how people wouldn't like the game, but to compare the legendarily bad va of FFX to this seems a bit hyperbolic.
First impressions are not good.
UI and graphics reminds me too much of FF15. The battle system feels clunky, the voice acting is terrible. Final Fantasy X which was the first FF to be voiced sounds better. I can also see the Midgar setting getting old real fast.
Just what to expect out of the hack Nomura.
Whaaa someone is butthurt and cant accept a negative opinion. Go back to restera, you seem to fit in there better.Troll much?
Why even bother buying the game if you intended to sh** post on it? Clearly you knew you were not going to enjoy it and you expressed that already with UI and battle system which you should have gained from the demo if you were so apprehensive. You knew it would be nothing like the original. All you are trying to do is get extra attention for some reason. Go have your mom do that for you. I am sure she will oblige.
Whaaa someone is butthurt and cant accept a negative opinion. Go back to restera, you seem to fit in there better.
And no i didnt play the demo. I went in blind.
VA part of my post was a bit hyperbolic, but the rest is nothing exceptional so far. It even got the standard dull fetch quests. Go kill x bunch of monsters, rinse repeat.
Kill 10 quests appeared no where in FFVII or any RPG of that era. VII in particular would not have had any time for such things as its story was paced correctly.
I loathed FFXV.
You must be coming from gamefaqs with that attitude. Too young? Lol i am 40 years old.I don't even know what restera is, lmao. I visit very few and mostly the same gaming sites I have gone to for the last 20+ years.
Going in blind was your choice and your fault.
So.... an R P G... You haven't gone completely brain dead yet have you? You do know what types of things you do this these types of game correct? Pretty sure I recall side quests, etc. in the original FF7... Perhaps you are too young for that game as you basically said you like to make hyperbolic posts, something the younger generation tends to do... /shrug
What do you mean Yakuzaesque?Does the game feel Yakuzaesque to anyone else or is it just me?
2) Side quests, albeit some generic fetch quests makes the world feel more alive. Then the older games of that time ever did
I was actually thinking about it last night to the point that i wished there was an R3 button that enabled first person view to see better all the details (and take more screenshots XD)Does the game feel Yakuzaesque to anyone else or is it just me?
2 Free Final Fantasy VII Theme is available on psn
its true, many of us are heterosexual males. shocking but true90% of social media for this game is about Tifa.
I used to think that gamers being thirsty neckbeards was a myth, but it's true. All of it.
fetch quests makes the world feel more alive
No Promises buthellyeahidtapthattomorrow.So, "No promises" or "Not happening"?
Cloud in a nutshell
Absolutely just killed it at darts
“I’m sick of this shit” and “I don’t give a shit” in that casual toneCloud is just being a toxic gamer. Pay him no mind.
Troll much?
Why even bother buying the game if you intended to sh** post on it? Clearly you knew you were not going to enjoy it and you expressed that already with UI and battle system which you should have gained from the demo if you were so apprehensive. You knew it would be nothing like the original. All you are trying to do is get extra attention for some reason. Go have your mom do that for you. I am sure she will oblige.
It's funny because the demo hides a lot of the negatives from the full game (crazy story changes, generic fetch quests and bad graphics where textures don't even load).There was a demo so negative reviews aren't allowed?
It's funny because the demo hides a lot of the negatives from the full game (crazy story changes, generic fetch quests and bad graphics where textures don't even load).
On the strength of the demo and the fact that I'm on a leave of absence so I'd have time to play, I pre-ordered. I wish I hadn't. The next day the leaks hit and I was devastated. Playing the game now only confirms it.
That’s Tifa and clouds room right? That whole thing is low res. The objects on clouds sink are ps2 level. Also, I noticed the ground switches between super high res textures to incredibly low res. It’s really baffling when you look around at the rest of the game.
I wanna play this game, but... I know I'm not gonna like it.