$11.99 on Steam; $9.60 on GMG with coupon code GMG20-CV2W4-DSYBT
Magic Booster
When Magic Booster is used, the player’s inventory of the following spells is increased by 100:
Cure, Cura, Curaga, Fire, Fira, Blizzard, Blizzara, Thunder, Thundara, Sleep, Blind, Silence, Berserk, Bio, Esuna, Aero, Confuse, Break, Zombie
Chocobo World
This version of FFVIII includes the full game “Chocobo World” that was released as a separate application for previous versions. It is possible to play “Chocobo World” directly from the launcher after booting up FFVIII and by fulfilling certain specific conditions in the main game you will also be able to synchronise data between the two games.
DRM: There seems to be a one-time log in just like FF VII, if you already have VII it signs you in automatically.
Mods: Original Music
Enemies scale with your level, not leveling up makes the game easier and there's actually an achievement for not leveling up Squall.
If the game doesn't recognize your controller, plug it in before you launch the game.
Tips on how to break the entire game within 45 minutes of starting:
As soon as you can, max out your salary level. Buy 30 tents as soon as you can. Use Siren's Life Magic refine ability to refine 30 tents into 300 Curagas. Junction Curaga to each character's HP. You now have enough HP to beat the entire game without any difficulty--and because your max HP is boosted and your current HP is not, Squall will be in limit break mode until you heal. Fight as few random battles as you can for the entire game; learn Card Mod to kill enemies without earning experience. I believe Diablos has an ability to lower the random battle encounter rate. Don't ever fight a random battle where you actually kill the enemies, only run or Card Mod. You will be able to blaze through the entire game with no difficulty whatsoever.
Please be mindful of people that have not played FF VIII before, use spoiler tags in this thread.