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Final Fantasy X|X-2 HD Remaster |OT| G - A - F in position, it's showtime gurlz!


Forgot this thread existed.

So I'm at the point where I think all I have to do is capture 10 of every monster in Omega Ruins, grind with cactuars/tonberrys, kill the dark aeons, and then kill those optional bosses.

This is the first time I've actually played the game after years of watching my brother play through it multiple times, and I have to say, this is definitely one of my favorite RPGs ever. So great in so many ways.

Also I guess I should ask, because I'm crazy enough to get the Platinum trophy, is it necessary to kill all the Dark Aeons and stuff, or could I skip that if I wanted to?


Forgot this thread existed.

So I'm at the point where I think all I have to do is capture 10 of every monster in Omega Ruins, grind with cactuars/tonberrys, kill the dark aeons, and then kill those optional bosses.

This is the first time I've actually played the game after years of watching my brother play through it multiple times, and I have to say, this is definitely one of my favorite RPGs ever. So great in so many ways.

Also I guess I should ask, because I'm crazy enough to get the Platinum trophy, is it necessary to kill all the Dark Aeons and stuff, or could I skip that if I wanted to?

There's a trophy for killing Penance and he's only available once you've killed all Dark Aeons.


Any hints for beating that damn Chocobo race against the trainer? This is really one of the worst mini games I've ever seen. I've managed to beat it twice on PS2 but that was pure luck and I'm afraid my DS3 controller won't last long enough to make it.


Any hints for beating that damn Chocobo race against the trainer? This is really one of the worst mini games I've ever seen. I've managed to beat it twice on PS2 but that was pure luck and I'm afraid my DS3 controller won't last long enough to make it.

Press all shoulder buttons at the time to improve steering, use the D-Pad, don't bother to do a serious race when you can't get at least four balloons at the start and avoiding birds is more important than getting 1/2 balloons.


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
So I best Penance. And all I have left to do is the Sphere Grid. Then I'll beat the game and listen to that other thing for the last trophy. Thing is, I can't grind hard because my other characters have killed so few enemies that Tonberry doesn't even Kill them. What's the fastest way to boost that?
So I best Penance. And all I have left to do is the Sphere Grid. Then I'll beat the game and listen to that other thing for the last trophy. Thing is, I can't grind hard because my other characters have killed so few enemies that Tonberry doesn't even Kill them. What's the fastest way to boost that?

If you're using Comrade overdrive, that's a pretty simple problem to solve.


So I best Penance. And all I have left to do is the Sphere Grid. Then I'll beat the game and listen to that other thing for the last trophy. Thing is, I can't grind hard because my other characters have killed so few enemies that Tonberry doesn't even Kill them. What's the fastest way to boost that?

It might be faster to just use one of your built characters to take the Karma and just level two weaker characters at a time.


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
If you're using Comrade overdrive, that's a pretty simple problem to solve.
It might be faster to just use one of your built characters to take the Karma and just level two weaker characters at a time.
Yeah. I'll do this. Thanks. And if I keep their speeds low, Rikku will get all the more turns.

I don't need to color in all the traversal lines, just cover the nodes. Correct? That'd make the whole process like 15% faster.


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
If you're using Comrade overdrive against Tonberry you only need *one* character who gets hit really hard by Karma, and the other people can grind off of them.
The thing is, I like just jamming "X" for hours on end. That's how I did Earth Eater. Went to a relatives dance recital and pressed "X" and "up, right, x, x, x" for a good 2 hours.


Whoever made the trophy list for this game, I would like to thank for not being so evil as to make me use/discover every one of Rikku's Overdrive's.
That's how it works when you have the proper setup. Auto Haste on the victim. Auto Phoenix on the other. Mash Triangle until the victim's turn.

Cactuar King is an alternative if Karma doeant 99999 someone.



Glad that's over with.


I'm playing FFX-2 after I first played it 10 years ago (and beat it). I've always sort of disliked the game's existence because FFX is very important to me, and I didn't like how FFX-2 officially continued the story in a goofy way. Plus I just didn't think the story was good.

But after going back to it now, I'm definitely enjoying it quite a bit. I suppose one reason is because I'm embracing the lighter tone now. When I first played it, I only enjoyed the sections with a similar tone to the original game. But now I'm taking the game for what it is.

Also, I do think the direction kind of makes sense, and I find it kind of relatable now. After going through school and doing what you're supposed to do your entire life, you get a yearning to just break free and do whatever the fuck you want. So Yuna's change kind of makes sense.

I have one question though. I turned the spherechange settings to "OFF", but there's still a long cut-scene every time I change dress-spheres. What am I doing wrong?


I have one question though. I turned the spherechange settings to "OFF", but there's still a long cut-scene every time I change dress-spheres. What am I doing wrong?

I believe the first time you change from dressphere X to dressphere Y it always shows it.


Playing FFX for the first time and just got to the Thunder plains. should I just grind here a little bit? I've heard the final boss is hard and requires some grinding. I wouldn't mind just milling around in the thunder plains for a while to get a head start.


Playing FFX for the first time and just got to the Thunder plains. should I just grind here a little bit? I've heard the final boss is hard and requires some grinding. I wouldn't mind just milling around in the thunder plains for a while to get a head start.

There are better places to grind near the end of the game, so I wouldn't recommend. Just dodge that lightning like a boss and be on your merry way.
Playing FFX for the first time and just got to the Thunder plains. should I just grind here a little bit? I've heard the final boss is hard and requires some grinding. I wouldn't mind just milling around in the thunder plains for a while to get a head start.

You level pretty quickly in the Thunder Plains when you first reach them, but you always level up faster simply by making story progress.

Make sure every character participates in every battle (even if only to Defend) and that you Overkill every single boss, and you'll never really need to grind until postgame stuff (at which point grinding becomes extremely easy).


you'll never really need to grind until postgame stuff (at which point grinding becomes extremely easy).

I've beaten FFX's story over a dozen times, but I never wanted to go through the repetition of maxing out the Sphere Grid and beating Nemesis and Penance.

I'm curious. How do you guys usually go about grinding during the post-game? Omega Ruins to start and then the Monster Arena creations?

I might finally give it a shot when I start my next file.


I've beaten FFX's story over a dozen times, but I never wanted to go through the repetition of maxing out the Sphere Grid and beating Nemesis and Penance.

I'm curious. How do you guys usually go about grinding during the post-game? Omega Ruins to start and then the Monster Arena creations?

I might finally give it a shot when I start my next file.

Without going into the exact detail: Sin/Omega ruins until you're strong enough to killed the "One Eye" in the arena reliably, then do that for the starting weapons (items required to fully prepare) in order to do the Don Tonberry thing which doesn't really have much else in the way of pre-requisites.


Playing FFX for the first time and just got to the Thunder plains. should I just grind here a little bit? I've heard the final boss is hard and requires some grinding. I wouldn't mind just milling around in the thunder plains for a while to get a head start.

If you're going to grind anything in the Thunder Plains, grind fifty lightning strikes for the triple Strength Sphere reward.


I'm convinced Atlantis is a living FFX encyclopedia, could probably tell us all of the various area/creature arena rewards off the top of his head, the remiem race rewards in order, etc.


I'm convinced Atlantis is a living FFX encyclopedia, could probably tell us all of the various area/creature arena rewards off the top of his head, the remiem race rewards in order, etc.

Actually, I usually just remember vague things then run to FFWiki for the specifics.
I've beaten FFX's story over a dozen times, but I never wanted to go through the repetition of maxing out the Sphere Grid and beating Nemesis and Penance.

I'm curious. How do you guys usually go about grinding during the post-game? Omega Ruins to start and then the Monster Arena creations?

(1) Complete the story up through Seymour Omnis (doing the Cave of the Stolen Fayth as soon as you reach it - doing so gives you enough experience to make Mt. Gagazet pretty easy as long as you battle correctly to make sure everyone gets experience from every battle) and getting all of the treasures inside Sin.
(2) Get all of the optional aeons.
(3) Capture 10 of every monster everywhere, doing the areas in order and fully completing each of them (you need to do this anyway so you might as well take the opportunity to level up while also increasing the amount of damage that Don Tonberry will eventually do to you). This basically levels you sufficiently to make sure that the Omega Ruins will be a total breeze by the time you need to go do your capturing there (and you should customize First Strike on every single Capture weapon and teach your whole party Provoke/Delay Attack with whatever Skill and Special Spheres you have, mainly because of the Great Malboro ambushes you'll eventually encounter).
(4) Don Tonberry trick whenever you need more levels.

I know you can do the Don Tonberry stuff sooner than that, but it doesn't do a whole lot to make you better at capturing monsters (you'll be hitting for 9999 for Omega Ruins anyway) so I figure you might as well do that stuff earlier.


Capture 10 of every monster everywhere, doing the areas in order and fully completing each of them (you need to do this anyway so you might as well take the opportunity to level up while also increasing the amount of damage that Don Tonberry will eventually do to you).

Great point, I'm shamed that I forgot this because it's what I generally do and suggest as well. Free* sphere levels if you want to 100% anyway
Great point, I'm shamed that I forgot this because it's what I generally do and suggest as well. Free* sphere levels if you want to 100% anyway

it's also literally the last time in the entire game that battles will actually be interesting to fight; as soon as it becomes all about stats and having the correct armor, strategy pretty much goes out the window outside of Penance, and even Penance is just about making sure you kill the arms at the correct time


I feel like I've finally entered the point of no return. I'm killing One-Eye for those triple overdrive weapons. Is it the beginning of the end for me?

I just need to have everyone set to Comrade Overdrive except Tidus, who will be taking the 99,999 hit, right? Am I supposed to kill the guy, or does that not matter?

EDIT: Wtf am I talking about, I'm doing it all wrong lol. I'll just follow a GameFAQs guide or something.


Yup. I think FFX's main story campaign is far more rewarding than the one in FFX-2, but FFX-2's postgame is so much better.

Yep, replaying both games back to back really hammered this home for me. I was so excited to finally see the international content too.


It's crazy how much time it takes to level up on the sphere grid compared to killing any of the stuff needed to actually level up. The last 3 hours have been me on the sphere grid basically.


Lol I'm so mad. Final boss in FFX and everything is going so well, we're all full strength, not even a "whoops!" letting him get off his big over drive can bring me down.

Then he gets FIVE FUCKING TURNS IN A ROW even though my guys are on haste, of that stupid sweeping physical move and kills my party.

What bull. shit. Now I have to watch Tidus whine his heart out again... "waaah I'm such a fucking man being able to tell you I hate you dad waaaah".


Edit: There. Eat my Magus Sisters. Bitch.

Edit: Hooray, finally finished FFX again. Probably won't play X-2.

Anyway, that was fun. I'll never get over my blinding hatred of Tidus, chocobo racing is the worst thing ever, Seymour is a super creep (also a liar? There were still Ronso around during end game), but it was fun. There was so much nonsense (Operation Mi'hen is the worst conceived "tactical" operation I think I've ever seen. Literally none of the plan makes sense), it was hilarious, I liked Yuna (despite her "super assertive" voice), Auron is a badass and ain't got time for games, got all my aeon friends and then murdered them horribly. The end.

Hilarity and fun was had by all.
Grinding Ultima Buster. Come on, I still need Triple AP/Triple OD weapons for 3 people. You don't have to include OD->AP, it's cheap to customize!
Lol I'm so mad. Final boss in FFX and everything is going so well, we're all full strength, not even a "whoops!" letting him get off his big over drive can bring me down.

Then he gets FIVE FUCKING TURNS IN A ROW even though my guys are on haste, of that stupid sweeping physical move and kills my party.

That attack has the Delay Attack property, I believe. It tends to get chained against your party at low levels unless you're Hasted.


That attack has the Delay Attack property, I believe. It tends to get chained against your party at low levels unless you're Hasted.

We even had haste on lol. The ATB bar had him attacking once and then us all going once or twice. He hit once and then the ATB bar was like "fuck it" and didn't even show up again until he'd gone like five times and killed everyone. Lol. Oh well.

I beat him up the second time. Knocked him out cold.

I started X-2 just to watch the stupid opening and...now might play a bit of it. Lol. Dat battle system...


I'm pretty sure that every time I face Jecht, I always just whip out the Magus Sisters. You can't lose.

I should probably try and actually fight him with my characters next time...

I kind of forgot going into final boss that I played this game for over 100 hours ten years ago. I had four of the ultimate weapons and must have gone around the grid a lot. I remember his second form being two hits to kill lol.

So going in with only 30 hours of play kind of shocked me. Went and got the rest of the aeons and Yuna and Auron's weapons and went back and had a better time. Still used Magus Sisters for the last 50k HP.

Also, speaking of Auron's weapon... Went to Mushroom Rock to change it from rusty sword to Masamune and ran into the Dark Magus Sisters. Man, what the hell. Had no idea those were around and they murderilized me. Also saw Dark Ifrit in the desert and noped the fuck out of there.

I'm actually playing X-2. Oh jeez. Man, fuck Brother, he's so annoying and creepy. :/


I heard that Omega was buffed in this version, do you think I'm strong enough for him? I've already killed dark Valefor and dark Ifrit.

I kind of forgot going into final boss that I played this game for over 100 hours ten years ago. I had four of the ultimate weapons and must have gone around the grid a lot. I remember his second form being two hits to kill lol.

So going in with only 30 hours of play kind of shocked me. Went and got the rest of the aeons and Yuna and Auron's weapons and went back and had a better time. Still used Magus Sisters for the last 50k HP.

Also, speaking of Auron's weapon... Went to Mushroom Rock to change it from rusty sword to Masamune and ran into the Dark Magus Sisters. Man, what the hell. Had no idea those were around and they murderilized me. Also saw Dark Ifrit in the desert and noped the fuck out of there.

I'm actually playing X-2. Oh jeez. Man, fuck Brother, he's so annoying and creepy. :/

That happened to me with Dark Ixion.


Also, speaking of Auron's weapon... Went to Mushroom Rock to change it from rusty sword to Masamune and ran into the Dark Magus Sisters. Man, what the hell. Had no idea those were around and they murderilized me. Also saw Dark Ifrit in the desert and noped the fuck out of there.

kinsei said:
That happened to me with Dark Ixion.

That happened to me with all three. lol

I felt that I didn't remember those characters from the North American version (who initiate the battles), but I wasn't sure. So I talked to them...and then I was like, "Well, fuck".

I'm actually playing X-2. Oh jeez. Man, fuck Brother, he's so annoying and creepy. :/

I remember hating Brother in FFX-2 when I first played it. But he's been making me laugh this time. He's so over-the-top, it makes no sense.
I'm at the part of FFX where I've killed every Dark Aeon except for Yojimbo and now I'm trying to grind him to get at least one Ribbon-and-three-empty-slots armor per character.

My fucking GOD this is BORING
Or just settle for Stoneproof.

Or just max HP/STR/DEF/some LCK.

All I want is for each character to have one Ribbon/Auto-Haste/Auto-Protect/Auto-Phoenix armor and one Ribbon/Auto-Haste/Auto-Regen/BHPL armor. Is that so much to ask for?

(I might skip out on the former since I can reliably kill Dark Yojimbo very easily and Penance is so goddamn boring that I might just Zanmato him, but I'd like to get that kind of superboss armor ready at least for the big Tidus/Yuna/Auron party, two of whom already have it).
Oh I misread it sorry.

I couldn't bother grinding 4 slot Ribbon from Yojimbo. I grinded for several hours and never saw Ribbon in any configuration.


I'm thinking I'm just gonna Zanmato everything after I max out everyone's sphere grids. I've already played the game for 85 hours at this point, which is by far the longest I've played an RPG for a while.

But regarding that, is there a certain thing I should be doing when filling in the nodes for everyone? Is there a good place to get a lot of the HP, Str, Mag, etc. spheres?


I'm thinking I'm just gonna Zanmato everything after I max out everyone's sphere grids. I've already played the game for 85 hours at this point, which is by far the longest I've played an RPG for a while.

But regarding that, is there a certain thing I should be doing when filling in the nodes for everyone? Is there a good place to get a lot of the HP, Str, Mag, etc. spheres?

Species Conquest arena monsters (+ Greater Sphere for some reason) drop the stat boosting spheres.

Fenrir: Agility
Pteryx: Evasion
Hornet: Accuracy
Vidatu: MP
One Eye: Magic Defense
Jumbo Flan: Magic
Tanket: Defense
Juggernaut: Strength
Ironclad: HP
Greater Sphere: Luck


I'm thinking I'm just gonna Zanmato everything

This is another question I have. Is there a surefire way to have Yojimbo execute Zanmoto? Or is it just a matter of making the chance as high as possible?

I never really had to use Zanmoto on purpose, since I never tried to defeat the Monster Arena creations.
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