Buy it on Amazon, they are offering a $20 credit with it.
Buy it on Amazon, they are offering a $20 credit with it.
Just a question guys, I didn't realised about the big nodes and small nodes in the Crystarium system and I'm kinda screwed, I'm at Academia (4XX AF), with roughly around 11 hours into the game.
I have maxed out my Commando nodes (including the small nodes) for Noel and the Ravager nodes (also including the small nodes) for Serah and do you guys think I should continue playing or restart the game? I know the stats are quite a huge difference in the end but I pretty much owned the recent boss easily. I want to buy the Lightning DLC and it seem that my characters need to be really strong to defeat her. So what do you guys suggest? Should i restart the whole game or just continue playing it?
Does anyone have tips forthe first Caius fight? The fucker destroys me once he uses that ability that buffs up his attacks and refills his HP.
The fact the game is more open than it's predecessor has returned the issue of awkward difficulty, something I absolutely fucking despise in RPGs. XIII actually did a good job of balanced difficulty until the game opened up in Pulse.
Just a question guys, I didn't realised about the big nodes and small nodes in the Crystarium system and I'm kinda screwed, I'm at Academia (4XX AF), with roughly around 11 hours into the game.
I have maxed out my Commando nodes (including the small nodes) for Noel and the Ravager nodes (also including the small nodes) for Serah and do you guys think I should continue playing or restart the game? I know the stats are quite a huge difference in the end but I pretty much owned the recent boss easily. I want to buy the Lightning DLC and it seem that my characters need to be really strong to defeat her. So what do you guys suggest? Should i restart the whole game or just continue playing it?
I'm confused what exactly have you done wrong?
MED/SEN, you mean? Basically, yes. The Large Node bonuses are:
+2 Magic:
Any Ravager Level
Odd Synergist Level (i.e., from Level 4 to Level 5 would be an "odd" level).
Odd Saboteur Level
+2 Attack:
Any Commando Level
Even Saboteur Level
+6 HP:
Any Medic Level
Any Sentinel Level
Even Synergist Level
So, basically, if you want to max ATK, make sure you level Commando only on Large Nodes and all your Even Saboteur level ups are on Large Nodes; if you want to max Magic, level Ravager only on Large nodes and your Odd Synergy and Sabaoteur level ups on Large Nodes.
Or just not think about it too much and just use your Large Nodes for the role you care about.
Does anybody know if Target is still offering a $20 gift card with the purchase of the game?
I'm trying to look for the best deal I can get from a retail store. I don't feel like waiting for my order to ship from Amazon.
I see, I don't think I fully understand though. So your meant to only light big and small spheres alternatively or something?
I guess once I get the game it'll make more sense but it sounds like a major bug!
From what I read on the price tag, I think the gift card deal lasts until the fourth.
Also, since I plan on restarting now that I understand a bit. I imagine it's best practice to unlock MED/SYN/SAB with that first level?
mild spoiler alertthings on Pulse have been unsurprisingly difficult but I was very intrigued how people still desired to live on Cocoon despite the revelation of what Cocoon's purpose was. That conflict is brewing again is a fascinating tiwst.
Question then.
Is it worth investing in the RAV/COM roll upgrades when you break to the next level of the crystarium? Won't that create more big nodes?
Also, since I plan on restarting now that I understand a bit. I imagine it's best practice to unlock MED/SYN/SAB with that first level?
Did you know that Noel offers to hunt down Atlas for the Academy becausehe refused to help a needy friend hunt one day in his time and said friend never came back?
I really do think bringing back some of the older skills would ruin the balancing even more. Being able to cast Haste/stick on Auto-Haste would make the game way easier than normal. Element Guard replaces the Bar- Syn spells, so they aren't really needed. The En- spells would be great since Noel doesn't learn Fire spells early, and he only has Galestrike and Icestrike + Blizzara at the moment. Edit: I'd love it if Slow were back in, though.
Also, defeating weakened Atlas with two party members on normal mode is entirely possible, if anyone's curious. Rav/Rav and don't even bother switching to Sen (well, I was overpowered with HP in the 1000s, so Sen wasn't needed), and then Com/Sab or Com/Rav (since Serah's Rav and Sab were way stronger than her Com for me, and I was ATB-cancelling to get the job done faster). Got the 5-star trophy for it, amazingly enough.
Didn't try my hand at Strengthened Atlas because I haven't been levelling up monsters a whole lot (I'm waiting for Vitality items), and I knew that since I haven't maxed any roles yet that I wouldn't be able to take Atlas on like that. Plus I didn't want to spend anymore time in Bresha Ruins since I've experienced that place for hours, including time in the demo.
Er, actually, I haven't been leveling Sen much for the other two either. Sen is at Lv 14 for Noel and Lv 7 for Serah. Been leveling everything else but Sen, and I should really fix that.
It's not a bug. People just want to maximize the return on their CP.
I don't think it's worth restarting for though.
mild spoiler alert[/spoiler]things on Pulse have been unsurprisingly difficult but I was very intrigued how people still desired to live on Cocoon despite the revelation of what Cocoon's purpose was. That conflict is brewing again is a fascinating tiwst.
Question then.
Is it worth investing in the RAV/COM roll upgrades when you break to the next level of the crystarium? Won't that create more big nodes?
Also, since I plan on restarting now that I understand a bit. I imagine it's best practice to unlock MED/SYN/SAB with that first level?
This is really the only problem I had with the plot.
I can see why but I guess it comes down to iswhy go live in a world full of monsters you have been taught to fear all your life when you can still live in safety on a ruined but stable world now free of any false fal Cie rule? I'm sure many people would make that choice. Plus there is probably technology there they can salvage to use. Until they built the Gran elevator, they couldn't even bring that stuff down to Pulse without a lot of time and effort.
I can see why but I guess it comes down to iswhy go live in a world full of monsters you have been taught to fear all your life when you can still live in safety on a ruined but stable world now free of any false fal Cie rule? I'm sure many people would make that choice.
Because it's a pointless and unwarranted change that makes zero sense.Not sure why people are complaining about the removal of haste.
Wow.... the endingWhat the hell? Come on that is so stupid? Is there going to be a third one or are they going to force us to buy DLC
Congrats, so you made it.
But yeah, I cant wait for more people to beat the game and hopefully having similiar thoughts. It will be interesting how this turns out, since nothing is know about the future the ending leaves an even bigger soure taste ...
Wow.... the endingWhat the hell? Come on that is so stupid? Is there going to be a third one or are they going to force us to buy DLC
there will benovels lol
OK just finished the 2nd area in the Histor Crux, and am off to the third one. I'd like some help with the monsters though; I'm currently using:
Lvl. 20 Hoplite (COM)
Lvl. 15 Cait Sith (MED)
Lvl. 20 Zwerg Scandroid (RAV)
Other monsters I have are Lvl. 1:
How should I go about Infusing these monsters?
I hope you don't mind me asking this again but-
Oh and should I sell off my old equipment?
Thanks! After getting the Chichu and leveling up a better healer it was much better. I'll be working on afterthough later today and tomorrow. I really enjoyed the game for what it was but it had a lot of shortcomings. I loved the characters but I felt like the cast was much smaller and therefore I felt sort of annoyed. Noel is absolutely amazing and the characterization of him and the relationship between Caius is phenomenal. I think character relationships were the best aspect of the story. The actual plot was good until you hit like episode 3. Then it turns to convoluted BS. It's really sad because they have some really good dialogue lines and they have to ruin it with cheesy lines or some temporal terminology crap. Also this game is very bipolar in a way, both in gameplay and story. The story tries to be so serious but it feels like a stupid silly comedy at times and it really ruins the experience. The same concept can be applied about the combat. Fights are stupid easy with the exception of the last boss and the miniboss in the final episode. What the hell is with that ramp up? I find that fiendishly unacceptable. All in all, good game. Pretty short, beat it in 19 hours.
and I know people are saying they don't care if a RPG is 20 hour long, but for me, a 20 hour mainline FF is unbearable.
I beat the game at 35 hour mark. That is because I wanted to see how many side quests I could find and finish without a guide. Right now I'm 76 hours into the game where I felt I should be dong these stuff after 100+ hr in previous FF titles (including FF13-1)...
How the heck did you put so many hours into it already? Did you get it early? Also, I think the length is fine. In fact I think many average consumers would find this better than XIII because of its pacing, length, and difficutly (with the exception of the last boss). Overall it's a pretty good package for normal people but enough to intrigue the hardcore because of the "abundance" of content it offers.
I don't think you use weapons to upgrade in this game. I just sold all of mine with the exception of accessories.
I imported the Japanese version early.
Yeah the game itself was very fun and the monster recruit system was super addictive.
I actually find the monster recruiting a hassle and annoying. While most monsters you can get after 2 or 3 tries. There are some that take forever and are a complete waste of time altogether.