Kagari I checked RPGsite but I've seen only the new review, where's your take on the changes made for the western version?
It will be up by Monday.
Kagari I checked RPGsite but I've seen only the new review, where's your take on the changes made for the western version?
So, I have to admit. I'm getting somewhat excited to get this...
It will be up by Monday.
He's laughably boring in the end. Last good villain to the series imo was Dr. Cid.
It will be up by Monday.
As long as Crazy Chocobo is unchanged, I'm happy. I don't care howbadawesome that song is.
Got an email that Amazon shipped out my CE Guide~ Excitement!
Editor's Note: "Invisible Invader" is instrumental in the overseas version.
Does anyone know if the pre-order content for various retailers will come shipped in the box, or will it be on receipts/slips with codes/etc?
I want the CE for PS3, but as said before GameStop appears to be out.
Another question, though, does anyone know how powerful is Serah's DLC weapon is? Is it even worth it?
I'm thinking I'll preorder it at Best Buy.
By the way, the Collectors Edition guide is only $20 at Amazon, as seen here: http://www.amazon.com/dp/0307894215/?tag=neogaf0e-20 I'm assuming this is a really good deal?
The bigger question---Does the soundtrack contain the altered or non altered version?
Usually preorder content is printed on receipts.
As for the PS3 CE, Amazon still has it for release date shipping: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0062VM8LU/?tag=neogaf0e-20
GT review is up. Spoilers abound I guess. A lot I haven't seen in there, along with the newer enemies in the game, which I hear isn't much. They must have really rushed, cause they say it takes about 20 hours to finish.
Still they loved it, giving it an 8.8.
Gamestop.com has that too, but it costs $12. Thing is, if I'm getting 40% off the CE guide from Amazon, that money saved would easily pay for my shipping at Gamestop.com, so it all comes down to which is the better DLC deal, Omega or Serah's DLC stuff. :/ Or, the novella from Best Buy. How big is that thing anyway?
I hate all this various retailer different DLC shit.
They must have really rushed, cause they say it takes about 20 hours to finish.
Oh thanks, that doesn't sound like anything I need then. Too much XIII related story will make my head hurt. But boss battles, yes, boss battles are a good thing.its not an art book from bestbuy. Its the episode i novel. Like 40 pages. It bridges XIII and XIII-2.
I can check lol
Does that mean the OST is EXACTLY the same as the one in Japan then? No songs cut or anything?
The thing about the DLC is you can bet they'll all be released later for a fee. I have the Episode i novella... it's probably the best thing since it's a physical item. I got Omega for free from JPSN and honestly... it's not that amazing.
I can confirm Invisible Invader is intact in the OST that's included in the CE for both US and EU.
Oh, so all the DLC will be released later? I was kind of worried about that because some of the preorder DLC for duodecim never made it on PSN. :\
I really wanted the Kingdom Hearts Cloud costume too. But I preordered the game from Amazon because it's just better for me to get things through there in general...
They'd be stupid not too. The costumes and Omega are already up on JPSN for download. Splitting up the DLC is stupid as it is... at least Europe gets it all bundled together.
Does the game has grindy trophies? Man, FFXIII was annoying to platinum.
& i gotta admit that, tho i'll be getting it, &'ll likely end up enjoying it (as i did ffxiii), this's probably as un-hyped as i've ever been for an ff game. it's weird...
They'd be stupid not too. The costumes and Omega are already up on JPSN for download. Splitting up the DLC is stupid as it is... at least Europe gets it all bundled together.
I can confirm Invisible Invader is intact in the OST that's included in the CE for both US and EU.
Ah, great, that's killed another reason to be hesitant about the LE.Yes.
Since folks here are on an anti-Toriyama crusade, you might be interested to read what some of his unused ideas for the original FFVII entailed.
There's one doozy of a concept in there. I think you'll know it when you read it.