Snow is shaken and minutes later return to his hero self serving actitude, also he gave the speech for people to join his fight, which was nothing else than a excuse to save Serah. Also is quite unclear that it even served to save any people, not only because it wasn't even that the only option, fight or die, but also seems it's clear that most people died anyway, being the characters the few survivors...
I'm just saying that even is obviously Hope profound hate and willingness to kill Snow comes from the fact he also blames himself and a way to cope with the pain, alas I don't think that Snow dosn't have any blame on the matter, as I said, even if people joined and was aware of the danger, they wasted their lives on a stupid, reckless plan. And that's all on Snow. Is like a general makes a bad call on the battlefield and a whole squadron dies, obviously they were killed by the enemy, but the blame also falls in the general.
Lol no, as soon you set foot on the city it's 20fps hell....
Other areas suffered as well.