Welp, guess I shouldn't have thought "I'm sure SE will have this a bit better sorted by tomorrow, I'll log out so I don't keep people out."
All aboard the always-logged-in train.
now I'm getting a 1017 "world is full" before my character list shows up
There are actually people in this thread that think this is an amazingly awesome launch. I'll let you find them for yourself.
- Launcher errors "webpage wont load"
- NA/EU World list errors "close and relaunch again huehue"
- 1017 "want a queue? too bad"
- 1017 before loading the world list
- 2002 "cause lobby is small too"
- 3102 "you are still inside lawl"
- 90000 "you moved to a congested area"
Anything else i'm missing? That has been today in the last 20 mins for me.
Some people I know got kicked off from zoning.
I guess I won't be zoning for a while!
It's a great game.
So, it's gone from "once you get in, don't log out" to "once you're in, don't leave your zone?"
Maybe I'll go outside..
All SE wants you to do is to stimulate the economy by crafting and selling at the marketplace.
You missed 10102, which is the #1 error right now ;D
They should be shot. Seriously. It's a trainwreck.
Haven't got that one o.o
I did my first dungeons today! Blitzed through Sastasha like it was nothing. Tam-Tara was harder; came very close to a wipe a couple of times. (Party wasn't as good, myself included.) Was hoping to try and tackle Copperbell too, but curiously enough the only thing I found in the mine was a large placard with the number "90000" on it. Looks like I'll be sitting at the login screen for the rest of the day.
I don't really know why I'm playing a healer given how easily I get stressed out doing group content. But it's all good. I need to get over myself and this is how it's gonna happen.![]()
I did my first dungeons today! Blitzed through Sastasha like it was nothing. Tam-Tara was harder; came very close to a wipe a couple of times. (Party wasn't as good, myself included.) Was hoping to try and tackle Copperbell too, but curiously enough the only thing I found in the mine was a large placard with the number "90000" on it. Looks like I'll be sitting at the login screen for the rest of the day.
I don't really know why I'm playing a healer given how easily I get stressed out doing group content. But it's all good. I need to get over myself and this is how it's gonna happen.![]()
Just focus on the tanks for the most part. If you've got a good/decent tank, the DDs wont need healing as much, unless they always get hit by area attacks.
The actual game runs smoothly except for hiccups like this. It sucks that so many people don't/can't spend the time on the login screen to get in or that they should have to do so to play, but the game itself is fine once you're actually in it.
Obviously it doesn't excuse the login hassles, but the launch is far from a trainwreck. I started at nothing and in the last week I got WHM to 45 and MNK to 30.
Hey, speaking of which, where is the marketplace? /noob
I wonder how the duty finder servers work anyway, especially since Yoshi thinks:
"Once the new Worlds are implemented and the duty finder server load has been redistributed over smaller World server groups, we believe that many of the login issues that players are currently experiencing will clear."
Unless they are doing the combination of expanding capacity, adding new worlds, and retooling the duty finder servers?
Buddy, let me introduce you to my friend: Error 90000. He may pop in sometimes while you are in game to say "hi".
There should be a market board where merchants are and you can buy items from other players' retainers. You can have your own retainer where you can sell stuff at the marketplace once you do a certain level 20 story quest.
I'm aware. I just got kicked out because of it.
It's not the norm.
I'm aware. I just got kicked out because of it.
It's not the norm.
Not the norm? Did you read the last couple pages of people trying to play today?
Not the norm? Did you read the last couple pages of people trying to play today?
If Square wanted to kick the AFK people, they would just restart the servers. I think they want to have SOME people having a good time this weekend.
I haven't had the displeasure of meeting 90k yet
I'm working on the OT2 right now.
"The lobby server cannot be found"People are logging in
go go go.
People are logging in
go go go.
Riposte, what's the OT2 title? I think these two were the best ones suggested:
1. The Night is Dark and Full of Errors
2. The Wonderful 101...7
(Not my ideas)
I believe 2 is from crono..?
You are my hero. Thank you. Took 20 minutes but I'm in. You are a champion.
na/eu list still bonkers for me.
You know... i think EA might have figured out something with there staggered launch for SWTOR. Had a pretty damn smooth launch experience with that.
Game has crashed my PC twice in an hour, whereas I've been playing with no crash problems since the beta. Not sure what caused it but the first time my screen turned a light blue colour, then black and wouldn't respond to anything. Second time it went white and again wouldn't respond. Anybody got any ideas what might cause this?
Game has crashed my PC twice in an hour, whereas I've been playing with no crash problems since the beta. Not sure what caused it but the first time my screen turned a light blue colour, then black and wouldn't respond to anything. Second time it went white and again wouldn't respond. Anybody got any ideas what might cause this?
Finally got in this morning and spent a few hoursVery cool FF feel to that part.going on my first airship adventures to rally the troops!Even more FF feel. I was on a high and the server hadn't kicked me off yet - so I decided to dive into the first two dungeons/instances/raids/duties... not sure what to call them. All I can say is - WOW - I am playing CNJ and I had a blast. Two successful yet challenging runs and I am convinced that once the server problems let me play more consistently that this is the best MMO I have played. Combining my nostalgic love of Final Fantasy with crisp, clean and beautiful MMO mechanics - totally hooked.Then after talking to the General from Ul'Dah getting the first real taste of some villain characterization was awesome!
sure its decent. But having to wake up at 4am to try to log in... I'll throw money at them, maybe when/if they get all that shit together.
because with modern SE, my confidence of them doing anything satisfactory is quite low.
I'm in a queue guys. An actual queue.
I'm playing the lottery tonight!