I can't even get the NA/EU server list to load![]()
Restart your client. I was having the same issue and the list updated after I restarted.
I can't even get the NA/EU server list to load![]()
I agree completely, the first dungeon was really fun. I felt like typing " FELLOWSHIP, GO FORTH!" all the time during Sastasha.
The first airship flight, the music.. wow. I had so many feels.
They will, Yoshida and Nomura will make it right...
Is your GPU overheating? Check your temps with the GPU-Z program if you haven't already downloaded it.
well hopefully that will happen before the 30 days are up! Because having a bad launch has never done well for a mmo, ever.
rip vanguard.
well hopefully that will happen before the 30 days are up! Because having a bad launch has never done well for a mmo, ever.
rip vanguard.
I'm in a queue guys. An actual queue.
I'm playing the lottery tonight!
Is there anything I can do with old equipment? My inventory has been getting full so I've been selling it to vendors. Looking for a way to break down into raw materials?
Tradecraft leves
Sell on the marketplace via retainer
If spirit bonded 100%, break down into materia
people really that interested in throwing money at SE atm?
wait, forgot, SE fans.
Got the Tam-Tara dungeon finished. Tanking when you're with archers is kinda difficult there. They always managed to lure the enemies to them before I could get them.
People are actually getting in? I keep getting the "Unable to update the Group NA/EU character list" message...
Just spam the thing none stop for 15 min, you WILL get in everytime.
In my defense, I have yet to meet a tank in this game who doesn't stand around with his dick in his hand for what seems like an eternity after every pull, so I see fit to take matters into my own hands (not to mention that instances so far have been miserably easy - I even ended up damage tanking a boss and we got along just fine).There are a lot of overzealous DPS in the game who will walk ahead of/not follow the tank or even pull and aggro things they shouldn't. It sucks but they'll learn (after i let them die repeatedly)
Or if another error hits you like 2002 or 10102... as he ironically enough showed just above your post.This does nothing if the NA/EU Worlds don't load.
Is there anything I can do with old equipment? My inventory has been getting full so I've been selling it to vendors. Looking for a way to break down into raw materials?
Unless you restart the game you'll continue to see that message, if that ever pops up for me 90% of the time a client restart with get rid of it.
Then you can move on to the endless 1017's
This does nothing if the NA/EU Worlds don't load.
In my defense, I have yet to meet a tank in this game who doesn't stand around with his dick in his hand for what seems like an eternity after every pull, so I see fit to take matters into my own hands (not to mention that instances so far have been miserably easy - I even ended up damage tanking a boss and we got along just fine).
well hopefully that will happen before the 30 days are up! Because having a bad launch has never done well for a mmo, ever.
rip vanguard.
In my defense, I have yet to meet a tank in this game who doesn't stand around with his dick in his hand for what seems like an eternity after every pull, so I see fit to take matters into my own hands (not to mention that instances so far have been miserably easy - I even ended up damage tanking a boss and we got along just fine).
Both retainers and materia are story related.
I was silly early on and went real hard on Botany. And I constantly found myself without inventory space. I pressed on in the story and got my retainer, and now have a bit if pocket change. And try to hold on to any gear that you have 100% spirit bonded.
In my defense, I have yet to meet a tank in this game who doesn't stand around with his dick in his hand for what seems like an eternity after every pull, so I see fit to take matters into my own hands (not to mention that instances so far have been miserably easy - I even ended up damage tanking a boss and we got along just fine).
How far into the story is the retainer?
I've rolled 4 craft classes (two at 20, one at 17, one at 10) and I'm constantly running out of inventory space :/
I'm just before Sastasha
After you beat the first 3 dungeons (which starts with Sas), you'll get your retainer.
How far into the story is the retainer?
I've rolled 4 craft classes (two at 20, one at 17, one at 10) and I'm constantly running out of inventory space :/
I'm just before Sastasha
How far into the story is the retainer?
I've rolled 4 craft classes (two at 20, one at 17, one at 10) and I'm constantly running out of inventory space :/
I'm just before Sastasha
Is there a kind of maintenance going on? If so why would they do it on a Sunday when people are off work?
In my defense, I have yet to meet a tank in this game who doesn't stand around with his dick in his hand for what seems like an eternity after every pull, so I see fit to take matters into my own hands (not to mention that instances so far have been miserably easy - I even ended up damage tanking a boss and we got along just fine).
EIGO said:EIGO is seeking founding members and leadership candidates to solidify its Free Company status.
About EIGO
EIGO (英語is a social Free Company dedicated to those who wish to converse in the English language on the Durandal server. We welcome both those with native English ability and those such as our Japanese hosts who may be learning the English language.
We hope to support those of all timezones and play styles, but in the interim welcome those seeking a social Free Company.
That's the exact problem I was having with Tam-Tara. Was partied with two archers who were consistently drawing aggro, which made life much more difficult for me as the healer. Is it something to do with how the class deals damage, or were my groupmates just really trigger happy?
In my defense, I have yet to meet a tank in this game who doesn't stand around with his dick in his hand for what seems like an eternity after every pull, so I see fit to take matters into my own hands (not to mention that instances so far have been miserably easy - I even ended up damage tanking a boss and we got along just fine).
Less QQ more pew pew, mirite?20k posts of QQ
In my defense, I have yet to meet a tank in this game who doesn't stand around with his dick in his hand for what seems like an eternity after every pull, so I see fit to take matters into my own hands (not to mention that instances so far have been miserably easy - I even ended up damage tanking a boss and we got along just fine).