So last fanfest is where they are saving all their ammo. February 18th can't come soon enough.
8v8 feast is cancer but still not as cancerous as frontlines
these 10 wins are going to take forever
8v8 feast is cancer but still not as cancerous as frontlines
these 10 wins are going to take forever
I actually prefer Sohm Am HM to Belesar's Wall. Dun Scaith is great too and the fights feel really desperate in DF which is good. I'm glad they walked back on making the 32-man brain-dead easy like Void Ark.
Whew. Finally managed to make a character on Ultros.
I sure hope Bard is fun 'cause that's what I intend on playing!
the real news will be the announcement of the 3rd new job
just got a feeling in my gut, they kept mentioning they wouldn't do 3 new jobs again but i think they'll do it
RPGamer said:Will any future jobs be added via patch like Ninja was?
Yoship said:You may have heard it in the panel but the development team is kind of hesitant on adding jobs like this so I'm kind of torn. Adding a job in a patch update is actually quite an extensive task and a pretty big endeavor but at the same time we also understand that the players were really excited and happy about a job being introduced in a patch so we would love to consider it positively but at this point we're not able to say.
Alright, another "returning player" question. How should I go about making some gil? I've got like 200,000 and seeing how prices have jumped on the market a good bit since 2014, I realize that's not gonna do. :lol
Alright, another "returning player" question. How should I go about making some gil? I've got like 200,000 and seeing how prices have jumped on the market a good bit since 2014, I realize that's not gonna do. :lol
Nothing to do with the spidey shirt is interesting considering the Sam raimi thing.
I tried farming Zurvan for an hour or two just now. Guess what happened? Oh... Soar and people threw themselves in the fire. Regroup.... Soar again.... why is this mechanic so hard for everyone? Skipping is nice but jesus... not everyone can. If it is a farm I'm gonna expect you to know it o.o
I'm seriously sick of this fight already, lol.
The only argument for us getting three jobs in the expansion is that it's super awkward for there to be an unequal number of tank and healer jobs, as SAM would likely be a tank because why would we need two DPS classes???
But the argument against it is that they've already used language implying that the next job will be the last one to be revealed.
So either way, I think they've already fucked this up. It isn't like the classes in this game have talent trees or specs to balance around, just crank them out.
Are there any sources for Yoship stating or alluding to there only being two jobs?
The only thing I've found is the comment about Ninja which I've seen somehow get reinterpreted into "too difficult to do 3 jobs in an expansion" when that's not what was said.
The only argument for us getting three jobs in the expansion is that it's super awkward for there to be an unequal number of tank and healer jobs, as SAM would likely be a tank because why would we need two DPS classes???
I'm planning a Dun Scaith run for reset day at 9pm EST if you want to join reply with your ingame name.
Team 2exdrdungeons2newjobs
I don't really think SAM tank creates anything awkward, and I think in practice SAM tank fixes the awkwardness in terms of how you actually build a group.
Currently group builds are:
Shield Healer (Scholar/Noct AST)
Regen Healer (WHM/Diurnal AST)
You have two different options for three of the four spots; SAM as a WAR equivalent creates actual competition for the OT spot, which is what's missing from the current setup. Out of all the things SB needs to do, creating some competition for WAR has to be pretty high up the list.
With the trouble they've had (and still arguably have) balancing the 3 healers I don't think introducing a 4th one would be very high on their priority list either.
FF14 jobs have always been weird in terms of identity.
But WoW also had/has issues adding new classes. First they add a melee plate tank/dps! then they add a melee leather tank/dps/healer! then they add a melee leather tank/dps! (See the pattern?)
Don't know if there is, people keep mentioning it but I also don't remember him specifically stating 3 jobs were too much, just the Ninja in a patch was too much alongside making 3 new jobs for an expansion. The real reason people feel its only 2 jobs is thanks to that misspoken twitter message stating RDM was one of the two new jobs in Stormblood. Its since been taken down but now we are left wondering if they know something we don't and it wasn't intended to be released or if they simply didn't know anything and misunderstood what was coming. Guess we will know in less than a month.
Alright, another "returning player" question. How should I go about making some gil? I've got like 200,000 and seeing how prices have jumped on the market a good bit since 2014, I realize that's not gonna do. :lol
I would like to know this as well since I've been buying glamour stuff off of the marketboard and I only have 400,000 left.
Why is Soar so difficult for people?
There's literally two different standard positions and that's it.
I've skipped a ton but even when soar didn't skip it's... not hard.
I don't get it.
Also why is the bow the only drop from him? I've seen nothing but the fucking bow drop.
Hey GAF, if anyone needs a raid group, I'm getting my group back together after a couple of month hiatus and we're looking for 2 dps- some combination of MCH/BRD and Melee dps. We did A10S back in October before our break and we will be starting A11S soon. So if you can do any of those jobs listed above, can make raid 3 days a week from 9:00-11:30pm eastern and want a group, let me know. We are on Ultros but we can take anyone from Primal. If you are interested either PM me on here or send me a tell in game, I'm Tomo Takino.
Why is Soar so difficult for people?
There's no lines drawn on the floor for this one.
Just 26 more Triple Triad cards to go!
Elaisse won't drop Archaeornis for anything. :|
EDIT: 26
All melee
It's less "all melee" and more "all tanks". Tank is always the most in-demand/needed role, so they never want to add a new class that isn't a tank and make the situation worse.
It would be pretty simple for them to just alternate between a tank and a healer each expansion. So a new tank and DPS in 4.0 and a new healer and DPS in 5.0. It evens out over time, depending on how many expansions the game will ultimately get.The only argument for us getting three jobs in the expansion is that it's super awkward for there to be an unequal number of tank and healer jobs, as SAM would likely be a tank because why would we need two DPS classes???
But the argument against it is that they've already used language implying that the next job will be the last one to be revealed.
My luck is horrible in Triple Triad. I almost never get cards to drop.