I wish Idyllshire had an inn room, especially since The Hard Place or whatever technically fills that role for Idyllshire.I was actually done with the 3.0 story long before I realized that Ishgard actually has an inn room.
Which is a shame, because it's my favorite.
I think the gamerescape wiki guides should be posted on OP, I've posted them here too many times
I've heard that you need to be in a team to do the dungeon past certain floors. I'd very much like to go in the Palace for the first time with a bunch of Gaffers. Would some of you be interested in joining me in this adventure? I'm EST. I can usually play in the evenings from 19:00 to 23:00 in the weekdays, and any time of the day during week-ends.
Just finished 2.0 with the help of some friendly FC peeps. Watching the credits now.
Now I've got a quick question since the only 8 man/full party dungeons I've done so far have been with severely overpowered parties: How are those actually supposed to work?
Hi. Are there any catch up guides for someone that stopped a month or two before Haevensward released? I have a white mage at 50 and my clothes are lvl50 too. Help please!!
I had to stop as I spent a whole day grinding these annoying fetch quests and picking up boxes and finding stupid children.
I hate gathering job quests that make you go get high quality items.
The way the xpack works is really frustrating. IM level 53 and ive just looked and seen Ive got loads of bits locked off until I rattle through this post ARR quest :/
Im currently dealing with refugees revolting and I had to stop as I spent a whole day grinding these annoying fetch quests and picking up boxes and finding stupid children. Atleast the flavour texts acknowledged how absurd it all was for me to be doing that.
Oh that was me last week. Lmao.
Unfortunately I think you're like 30-40 quests away from where the story gets interesting.
I hate gathering job quests that make you go get high quality items.
When I play PLD I feel like I'm barely contributing anything damage wise.
Unfortunately I think you're like 30-40 quests away from where the story gets interesting.
Have you been doing the Hildibrand quests? That might make you feel better between MSQ garbage. Some of the 2.1 to 2.3 MSQ chains are baaaaaaaaad.
My fisher is almost 60 from buying fish cheap off the MB and doing GC turn ins. Is there anything useful I can do with fisher at 60? I have never fished before.
I dont think so, just loads of ones to dungeons.
Oh wait yeah I have one about doing a fate with zombies, about as far as Ive got with it.
Jesus, Heavensward leveling feels so slow. Maybe it's because I'm skipping about half the side-quests, but I played all weekend and went from 53 1/3 to 55. Enjoying the story and unlocking flying and all that, but ugh. SO SLOW.
Ding ding dingJesus, Heavensward leveling feels so slow. Maybe it's because I'm skipping about half the side-quests, but I played all weekend and went from 53 1/3 to 55. Enjoying the story and unlocking flying and all that, but ugh. SO SLOW.
Jesus, Heavensward leveling feels so slow. Maybe it's because I'm skipping about half the side-quests, but I played all weekend and went from 53 1/3 to 55. Enjoying the story and unlocking flying and all that, but ugh. SO SLOW.
I remember Yoship saying that Stormblood will have more main quests than sidequests this time around. He also gave a comparison but I can't remember which interview/fanfest/whatever it was from.
That would be nice.
F: By the way, what will the flow to level 70 be?
Y: For your first job, you should be level 70 by the end of the main quest scenario for Stormblood.
F: In Heavensward, there were a lot of instances where I had to sidetrack from the main quests to gain experience points because I was lacking levels. How will it be this time?
Y: This time, the ratio of sub quests will be lowered and main quests raised. We want to balance it so that you do the main quests, a little bit of side quests and the dungeons that will be available during the quests.
F: So youre changing the numbers?
Y: The overall number wont change. For example, if the overall number of quests were to be 500, previously there were 300 main quests and 200 sub quests. Just an example, but this time it would be 350 and 150. The idea behind it is that you gain levels by going through the story. It might have happened because it was the first expansion, but in Heavensward, the first dungeon gave too little experience points, so we had to make adjustments later. This time we have that as a reference, so this time you wont need to stop with the main quests.
I hope the main questline is 2x bigger than Heavensward.
I remember Yoship saying that Stormblood will have more main quests than sidequests this time around. He also gave a comparison but I can't remember which interview/fanfest/whatever it was from.
Side quests ratio might be lesser this time but the exp MSQ offers will be increased to be proportional. Though one thing to note: It's NOT about the amount of it will be lesser, it's more like the ratio between MSQ and SQ will be adjusted. For example. If 2.x has 200 MSQ and 150 SQ, then 4.x will be something like 250 MSQ but 100 SQ.
So how common are 8 man dungeons after 2.0? I'm having trouble finding any guides regarding them, so I'm assuming it's not really a thing.
Also, what exactly are raids and when do I get to participate in one?
So how common are 8 man dungeons after 2.0? I'm having trouble finding any guides regarding them, so I'm assuming it's not really a thing.
Also, what exactly are raids and when do I get to participate in one?
For PotD, you can do floors 1-100 solo, with a matched party, or with a premade party. To enter 101-200, you must take a premade party from either floor 1 or floor 51 all the way through without a party wipe. You'll have some grinding to do before you set foot in those floors, though, as they are quite nasty. You'll probably want your aetherpool gear stat as high as you can get it, if not maxed, which you'll get from the silver chests you'll find throughout. The ones that don't explode in your face, anyway.
If you want to do so after, there is an achievement and title for clearing it solo.
So how common are 8 man dungeons after 2.0? I'm having trouble finding any guides regarding them, so I'm assuming it's not really a thing.
Also, what exactly are raids and when do I get to participate in one?