Patch 3.56 Preview
Patch 3.56 is scheduled to release on Tuesday, March 28, and will usher in the end of the Heavensward main scenario.
What is the new primal?
Patch 3.56 Preview
Patch 3.56 is scheduled to release on Tuesday, March 28, and will usher in the end of the Heavensward main scenario.
We'll know next Tuesday!What is the new primal?
Fingers crossed it's more Chrysalis and less Steps of Faith.
I still think Minstrel's Ballad: The Chrysalis would have been awesome.
Yeah, what a missed opportunity.Fingers crossed it's more Chrysalis and less Steps of Faith.
I still think Minstrel's Ballad: The Chrysalis would have been awesome.
I fucking hate when Steps of Faith shows up in Trial Roulette. I swear it's impossible for me to get put in a group for that one that doesn't wipe at least once.
Same for Thok Hard, now that I think about it.
Should we expect EX of new primal, or do MSQ primals usually come later?
Does it say somewhere there's a new primal? I'm honestly not expecting it.
Does it say somewhere there's a new primal? I'm honestly not expecting it.
Last patch spoliers:It would be pretty shitty if whatever it is broke out immediately after lala scion died to seal it away. I always assumed it would be Omega and we'll be dealing with it in the Stormblood raid.
We should probably get at least one new dungeon with this patch too, right? Maybe?
It's not a full fledged patch so most likely not? Like, talk of primal aside, it's basically just a few story quests to tie up the storyline going into the expansion. Anything beyond that is unexpected as hell.
Hm. I wonder how many MSQ will be added, then. I was expecting 40 or so, to get the total count closer to what post-ARR was, but now I'm thinking maybe only 20-ish.
Goddamnit, I didn't realize the legendary weapon quest was so long and drawn out. I spent WAY too much money buying a materia infused weapon from the market board for it, and now I'm reading that there are apparently a couple trials and more fetch quests on top of that.
Btw, my retainer is getting kinda full of random crafting material that I've been hoarding. I have no plans of taking on a crafting job, so is there any use to that stuff besides selling it for a tiny amount of gil?
It's not a full fledged patch so most likely not? Like, talk of primal aside, it's basically just a few story quests to tie up the storyline going into the expansion. Anything beyond that is unexpected as hell.
Hm. I wonder how many MSQ will be added, then. I was expecting 40 or so, to get the total count closer to what post-ARR was, but now I'm thinking maybe only 20-ish.
That relic weapon quest is outdated.
No point in doing it now unless you're the type of person to put yourself through extraordinary amounts of pain to get a glamour that you'll discard in a few days.
Oh yeah? Hmm, wish I knew that sooner.
We've fought that alreadyMy guess would be
Fight Primal and keep it from destroying the country, but it still basically blows open the wall, leading to free and open travel to areas east.
New Primal will be: 80 foot tall Lalafallelel, the Scourge of all Existence.
If the Primal isn'tthen I'll fantasia into a lala*.Rhalgr
Nothing else makes a lick of sense.
*This is not a legally binding bet.
Rhalgr isn't a primal, though, it's something beyond that, isn't it? They're twelve gods.
We haven't even touched the FF12 espers that the Ascians are linked to - the fight against Nabriales had a chained up thing that could have been Cúchulainn but we never fought it, the only one that's been mentioned is Zodiark - there's still Belias, Chaos, Zalera, Zeromus, Hashmal, Exodus, Shemhazai, Adrammelech, Famfrit, and Mateus.
Isn't Cúchulainn a Void Ark boss, though?
The mining ones the same. You'll want to look up a timers site to tell you the locations on spawn, what it has and when it's going to spawn.This level 50 botany quest is the stupidest shit I've ever seen.
Do we start a betting pool for how much of this series of story patches will be handwaved away a few hours into Stormsblood?
An analysis on Diadem and the i265/i280 stuff.
Since there was a bit of talk concerning the Diadem when it was released I figured some people here might find it interesting.
Basic conclusion that the gear drops in Diadem were not a good idea. I was initially indifferent to the gear drops in Diadem but after reading through it all I agree with the conclusion that was reached.
An analysis on Diadem and the i265/i280 stuff.
Since there was a bit of talk concerning the Diadem when it was released I figured some people here might find it interesting.
Basic conclusion that the gear drops in Diadem were not a good idea. I was initially indifferent to the gear drops in Diadem but after reading through it all I agree with the conclusion that was reached.
Rhalgr isn't a primal, though, it's something beyond that, isn't it? They're twelve gods.
We haven't even touched the FF12 espers that the Ascians are linked to - the fight against Nabriales had a chained up thing that could have been Cúchulainn but we never fought it, the only one that's been mentioned is Zodiark - there's still Belias, Chaos, Zalera, Zeromus, Hashmal, Exodus, Shemhazai, Adrammelech, Famfrit, and Mateus.
This was interesting, but I feel like talking about 265 and 280 as a set sort of confuses the issue. 265 was doomed by how late it hit, and the 5 iLevel decrease from capped gear. They probably should have just let it be 270, to increase the chances of something good resulting.
280 remains dumb; its existence impacted some things most people don't care about, but to the surprise of nobody it failed to provide long-term motivation to Diadem. Everyone I know who initially was determined to try to grind out a 280 has lost motivation, Fate Grind Simulator 2K17 is waning in popularity... It remains one of their weirdest design decisions.
I may be secretly rooting for 3.56 to drop a story primal that drops 280 weapons because at this point whynot.
There's always a proclivity from some folks to be defensive about the development team and the choices they make, but really, Diadem 2.0's failure could have been seen from so far off - they never gave any indication that they actually understood why 1.0 failed in the first place. And when the development team makes boneheaded design decisions, it does undermine the confidence of the playerbase in them, so I completely understand how that post ended.
They've done some really dumb things in Heavensward and hopefully these aren't repeated in Stormblood. The game seems to be getting incrementally better, but it does take a vocal community to steer them in the right direction.
That new guy a half Roe/highlander or something? He's fucking enormous
Rhalgr isn't a primal, though, it's something beyond that, isn't it? They're twelve gods.
We haven't even touched the FF12 espers that the Ascians are linked to - the fight against Nabriales had a chained up thing that could have been Cúchulainn but we never fought it, the only one that's been mentioned is Zodiark - there's still Belias, Chaos, Zalera, Zeromus, Hashmal, Exodus, Shemhazai, Adrammelech, Famfrit, and Mateus.
USgamer: Finally, let me end on selfish question. As a Paladin player, Flash is a good ability, but it doesn't have any impact. Can we give it some impact?
Yoshida: It's true. It is kind of hard to tell if the enemies have reacted to it or not. As you mentioned, it's literally a 'Ping!' and then some light. We're still in a state where we can go back and review some of the existing actions, so I'll look into it.
I spend some time jaw-jacking with Yoshi-P about the transition to Stormblood.
The 2.55 storyline was an excuse to push you into Ishgard but was in itself completely disconnected from what was actually happening in Ishgard that formed the core of the Heavensward story. The equivalent to the Crystal Braves plot in the 3.x storyline is the Warrior of Darkness plot, and that's already been wrapped up. So I wouldn't expect anything in the upcoming patch to be causally thrown aside in Stormblood since it appears to be more directly setting up plot threads that will lie at the core of the expansion.
Anything can be a one. So is Moggle Mog, who is a fairy tale. All it needs is aether and belief and there was plenty of that there plus those guys worship him.Enkidu
I should note that I think Diadem as a concept has potential, but it really needs some heavy changes. By that I mean a concept of having this large area for multiple parties to zone into to do objectives. Thing is they need to fill it with more interesting stuff because the way it is currently you kill some random fates then you are left with nothing good to go for after the objectives are completed to the point that people afk until a boss fate comes up or EM (if it even pops up). Also Sea of Clouds isn't the most interesting place to travel through imo.
The thing in the Chrysalis is a statue of Zodiark.Rhalgr isn't a primal, though, it's something beyond that, isn't it? They're twelve gods.
We haven't even touched the FF12 espers that the Ascians are linked to - the fight against Nabriales had a chained up thing that could have been Cúchulainn but we never fought it, the only one that's been mentioned is Zodiark - there's still Belias, Chaos, Zalera, Zeromus, Hashmal, Exodus, Shemhazai, Adrammelech, Famfrit, and Mateus.
I spend some time jaw-jacking with Yoshi-P about the transition to Stormblood.