I spend some time jaw-jacking with Yoshi-P about the transition to Stormblood.
USgamer: Has there been any thought about ways to make older gear usable to players in some fashion, outside of glamour? Things are always moving forward, leaving players with reams of gear in their banks for glamour sets alone.
Yoshida: Not really. If we were to do something like that in order to accommodate for older gear, people might go back to older content. Content that they had played over and over again, just so that they could obtain gear was the dropped in those areas. We want to avoid having people going back to older content.
Good interview. This gave me a good laugh:
WT says hi
yeah, that'll be sent out when stormblood comes out. You have like a week fo early access play before needing to input the Stormblood retail codeQuick question :
I pre ordered Sb collector edition a while back on steam.
I already entered the code in mogstation for the early access.
But unless I am missing something it is currently not possible to redeem the Stormblood code right?
If the Primal isn'tthen I'll fantasia into a lala*.Rhalgr
Nothing else makes a lick of sense.
*This is not a legally binding bet.
I don't think he's saying that they don't want people doing things like WT or roulettes that directly incentive you to do old content.
I think he means for the expansion. Since if they made old gear useful like FFXI for example then people might start farming old content since the gear would naturally be good enough to warrant doing that in the first place instead of doing new Stormblood content since that's what they want people to focus on.
Finally finished the crystal sand anima step, fuck that god forsaken step.
It's mostly hilarious given how heavily the FFXIV content cycle relies on sending you back to old content, though. WT, Aether Oil quest, multiple other relic steps, the addition of glamour drops to Coil, etc. It's fine that they don't want to buff the gear, but it's silly to pretend they don't invest a decent amount of effort into coming up with reasons to keep people running old content as a matter of business as usual.
There's also nothing wrong with doing it, it's just such a bizarre reason.
Monks used (??) to use Fracture.
Monks come from Ala Mhigo.
I'm just saying.
It's half in jest but I'm not entirely sold yet on them doing a better job at weaving the move into Stormsblood as well as it can be. It's a lot of generally unfounded concerns, granted, but the Doman side of things makes me wonder how the whole story pans out. They may not do another "btw, I know we got dragons and all but check Ul'dah for like an hour and come back?" bit but I'm still a little nervous at how the transition works out. It'll be an interesting thing to revisit post-3.56 and post-SB anyway.
Granted, I'm also one of the few who don't love the storytelling in the game. The worldbuilding is pretty good and the overall story isn't bad itself but I'm not a fan of how a lot gets presented.
I was leveling my crafting slow and steady until I realized how much grinding I would need to get sands the other way.
Now I just want to get to scrips asap and spam them for sands.
I think the difference is WT, Relic and glamour is technically optional while if a piece of BIS was on Garuda HM or something everyone would 'have' to do it. Though that's avoiding the fact that such a system wouldn't necessarily have to be whatever the highest current gear level was.
I don't think he's saying that they don't want people doing things like WT or roulettes that directly incentive you to do old content.
I think he means for the expansion. Since if they made old gear useful like FFXI for example then people might start farming old content since the gear would naturally be good enough to warrant doing that in the first place instead of doing new Stormblood content since that's what they want people to focus on.
Yeah, I think I was thinking about it more in terms of just making it serve some kind of purpose, even if only for leveling alt jobs. Relic also occupies the weird not-BiS-most-of-the-time-but-occasionally-sometimes slot which could get incredibly interesting if they follow through with an entire full armor set relic-style. But really it was mostly "we don't want to push people back to old content" "....lololol"
in b4 SB relic armor requires chain-running Steps of Faith somehow
Yeah, I hope they continue to avoid the Destiny model like the plague and cancer that it is.
Are you done with the Umbrite? I hope you like grinding more tomes for the next step and putting aside 4 hours a day to run a1s ad nausea for a few days.
I spend some time jaw-jacking with Yoshi-P about the transition to Stormblood.
God I hope they don't end up making Paladin too good
that shit is boring as hell. Animations have no impact either.
God I hope they don't end up making Paladin too good
that shit is boring as hell. Animations have no impact either.
It takes almost exactly 4 hours if you only do A1S on bonus. 8 hours if it's not on bonus. So, one or two days.
Man, Paladin animations are their like one saving grace to me.
But I'm also easily amused and think Divine Veil's sword flip is the coolest shit in the world ;-;
USgamer: Prior to Stormblood, players had to complete all of A Realm Reborn's story to move onto Heavensward. That requirement is going away with the new expansion. Do you feel that relaxing the hard story requirements from Heavensward is a good move for the game? Is that meant to get newer players into the game?
Wait, what?
Jump potions.
Wait, what?
Yoshi-P talked at length about introducing them to the rest of the versions as well with SB. Also changing it so that they would make you skip ARR+HW (currently it's just ARR).I thought that was just for China and Korea?
While it would be nice to have an option like that in game, if you're having troubles with hunting logs, I can't recommend this site enough.I wish the game had an ability like Wide Scan in XI that would show the mob locations and their names on the minimap. It would really help when trying to do Hunting Logs or farming crafting items.
So why the fuck am I playing through 2.x now? T_T
Am I a sucker?
So why the fuck am I playing through 2.x now? T_T
Am I a sucker?
Huh???? You saved money.... the jump potions are going to cost an arm and leg probably... maybe 30 bucks tops on the mogstation. Aren't you happy you enjoyed the story and game?Honestly, it would be such a loss to just jump through the whole story and be instantly level 60 on one job. All this content right now is worth doing if it is your first time.
Huh???? You saved money.... the jump potions are going to cost an arm and leg probably... maybe 30 bucks tops on the mogstation. Aren't you happy you enjoyed the story and game?Honestly, it would be such a loss to just jump through the whole story and be instantly level 60 on one job. All this content right now is worth doing if it is your first time.
So why the fuck am I playing through 2.x now? T_T
Am I a sucker?
I'm just kidding...
2.4 is REALLY good so far. I've been having a blast this week compared to 2.1 through 2.3. Hahaha. I'll post more but I kinda want to collect my thoughts on 2.x in general after finishing through 2.55. There's A LOT to like about FFXIV, but I also think that it's very transparent where they had to cut corners and pad content.
Those moments where it feels like you're twiddling your thumbs with menial tasks have been relegated to the optional sidequests.
I'm getting ready to do Garuda (Extreme). It's going to be bad.
I'm getting ready to do Garuda (Extreme). It's going to be bad.
Unless you're going in synced at level 50 she's going to die in under 60 seconds.
Chances of that happening are very low.I'm doing it through the Duty Finder, so I assume it's synched. I don't know if I'm going to get to do it tonight or not. I've been waiting 45 minutes for it to form a party.
I'm doing it through the Duty Finder, so I assume it's synched. I don't know if I'm going to get to do it tonight or not. I've been waiting 45 minutes for it to form a party.