The PoTD trade in, whats going to happen if i swap in 30/30 and im above that level and am I going to be rubbish in the 60+ floors with 0 wep and armour stats?
it'll subtract 30 from your current aetherpool ratings, so say you're at 60/60 now you'd be at 30/30 after getting a padjali weapon. do make sure you're on the job you want the weapon for when you trade in as well.The PoTD trade in, whats going to happen if i swap in 30/30 and im above that level and am I going to be rubbish in the 60+ floors with 0 wep and armour stats?
Tell me duckroll how did you feel about that ending cutscene? I remember it being a pretty good way to close off A Real Reborn and the wait that followed for the release of Heavensward was pretty agonizing because I was dying to know more since by that point I had grown pretty attached to the characters.I'm going to lie down now because watching 90 mins of non-stop cutscenes was a bit much. Zzzzzzz.
I'm going to lie down now because watching 90 mins of non-stop cutscenes was a bit much. Zzzzzzz.
it'll subtract 30 from your current aetherpool ratings, so say you're at 60/60 now you'd be at 30/30 after getting a padjali weapon. do make sure you're on the job you want the weapon for when you trade in as well.
and then kinna weapon requires a padjali weapon and subtracts 60/60 from your current rating
Yeah, it'd make you fairly weak in POTD (iirc 30/30's still pretty good for starting from 50 and you get silver chests out the wazoo on 50+ anyway) so if you're 60/60 right now or something you should be fineShould have laid down while they played dude haha.
What did you make of it all?
Ah ok, Ive honeslty no idea how the + X +X stat effects you in PoTD so I didnt want to get a weapon then become weak as hell in my PoTD runs.
Im up to 70-80 on my NIN and godamn there is a alot of shit to press as a NIN, Im glad reddit had a guide lol
Yeah, it'd make you fairly weak in POTD (iirc 30/30's still pretty good for starting from 50 and you get silver chests out the wazoo on 50+ anyway) so if you're 60/60 right now or something you should be fine
but if you just hit 30/30 i'd hang onto it for now until you finish your current set of 100
I'm going to lie down now because watching 90 mins of non-stop cutscenes was a bit much. Zzzzzzz.
Tell me duckroll how did you feel about that ending cutscene? I remember it being a pretty good way to close off A Real Reborn and the wait that followed for the release of Heavensward was pretty agonizing because I was dying to know more since by that point I had grown pretty attached to the characters.
I don't know what to expect at this point to be honest but I will say that enjoyment wise Heavenward started off great in the story but everything else has been pretty meh for me. A Realm Reborn started off pretty meh too but it ended on a high note so I very much doubt Heavenward is going to be able to beat A Real Reborn's ending in that regard.Wonder if they will be going the same route with the cap off tonight. I, for one, welcome a gigantic cutscene.
I don't know what to expect at this point to be honest but I will say that enjoyment wise Heavenward started off great in the story but everything else has been pretty meh for me. A Realm Reborn started off pretty meh too but it ended on a high note so I very much doubt Heavenward is going to be able to beat A Real Reborn's ending in that regard.
Just yesterday I decided I might be willing to put in the time to level up my Dragoon after I hit 60 on my Warrior. Can't even imagine doing it for more than 2, maybe 3, characters.
I feel I'm one of those rare people who enjoy leveling more than the endgame grind.
I feel there's only one way for that story to go. I would be surprised if we didn't get that, really.I didn't care much for ishgard so the big hype of finally getting to go there was lost on me. I expected a city full of shithead elves and I got exactly what I expected.
If we see the cocoon in the sky hatch tonight, I'll be sufficiently pleased
Leveling is actually rather enjoyable for me. I like learning different classes, at least on a basic level. You never know when you'll find a class that just really clicks with you, like my current love affair with monk.I feel I'm one of those rare people who enjoy leveling more than the endgame grind.
I was kind of similar, where I knew i wanted to level things up but i didn't see myself ever touching healing or casting classes. Now I've been sitting here with all 60's since like... maybe six months after HW's launch. Looking forward to it again to 70.I'm not going to totally rule it out for myself, since if the community keeps being fun to hang out with I can see myself playing this for a while.
I feel I'm one of those rare people who enjoy leveling more than the endgame grind.
I don't know what to expect at this point to be honest but I will say that enjoyment wise Heavenward started off great in the story but everything else has been pretty meh for me. A Realm Reborn started off pretty meh too but it ended on a high note so I very much doubt Heavenward is going to be able to beat A Real Reborn's ending in that regard.
I cant even work out how the hell you get enough XP if you dont have the MSQ on the second run through.
so the FFXIVCensus guy posted on Reddit that there was 3 million active players
and then I killed the thread by proving his methodology was wrong
Arkeband, FF thread negative nancy, strikes again!
He definitely got it wrong, last unofficial census had like 400k active players lolso the FFXIVCensus guy posted on Reddit that there was 3 million active players
and then I killed the thread by proving his methodology was wrong
Arkeband, FF thread negative nancy, strikes again!
The 2.55 ending is rather exciting, though its impact is lessened byI hope Stormblood will pick up on some of the threads relating to Raubahn's character that were dealt with, since he's in the key visual and all.not going through with the shakeup in Uldah's government and Nanamo's proposed transfer of power. The Ishgard plot in HW ended up stronger because they actually did go through with the change in government/status quo there. Ultimately what I like 2.55 best for at this point is the welcome shake-up of the Scions it caused.
so the FFXIVCensus guy posted on Reddit that there was 3 million active players
and then I killed the thread by proving his methodology was wrong
Arkeband, FF thread negative nancy, strikes again!
FFXIVCensus is this weird intersection of good intentions and terrible approach. Claiming to have any idea of activity based on the presence of a minion from a year-old patch was silly. Constantly talking about "active players" when the only things you measure are character-based is silly. Proclaiming that a non-WoW MMO somehow has 3 million active subscribers and wouldn't be bragging about this at literally every opportunity, based on an activity metric you just decided to start using and hadn't really tested the validity of, is silly. They mean well, but everything sourcing them needs to be taken with gigantic chunks of rock salt.
The data is interesting to combine with Lucky Bancho's stuff, and it's neat that they'd previously been providing a consistent dataset you could look at month-to-month differences in, but it's never been worth taking at face value.
When should we see patch notes?
Want to know if I've done my last Zurvan EX.
Yeah, it'll probably be an hour or two after maintenance that we get patch notes.When should we see patch notes?
Want to know if I've done my last Zurvan EX.
My prediction for tomorrow's patch is
Omega will be activated and will one shot the primal before it's finished forming or it escapes and Omega one shots it anyway blasting a hole in the mountain we see in some concept art then it escapes to Interdimensional Rift where the next raid takes place.
I'd imagine it starts with Nero coming to say "Hey Omega's over here let's use it instead of you guys just relying on the WoL to solve everything" and the WoL and crew go over to secure it and meet those Garleans over there then Nero shows up in the Magitek and is like "i got this" and you get a transmission saying the sky egg is cracking and you need to go hold off whatever it is while they activate Omega. I'm pretty sure the explosion at the end of the 3.5 trailer is blowing a hole in the wall to allow us to go over to the Ala Mhigo side.
"You must main Dragoon with skills like that! Raising <t>"
" Your spiritbond with the floor is complete. Raising <t>"
How did you find the steps of salt?
Tell me duckroll how did you feel about that ending cutscene? I remember it being a pretty good way to close off A Real Reborn and the wait that followed for the release of Heavensward was pretty agonizing because I was dying to know more since by that point I had grown pretty attached to the characters.
But you love cutscenes duckroll.
It's the way the game was meant to be played.
Steps of Faith can also be unsynced. Went with one lv50 (newbie) and three lv60s. I think we finished it with one dragonkiller.