Remember all the Heaven's Ward stuff that got datamined in a recent patch and we were all wondering where it came from?
Cash Shop Fun Times
Is there a reason they have changed all the voice actors for HSMerlwyb sounds like a bloody eastlondon 1800s pie merchant now :/
It's not exactlyStory stuff was ok. Some cool stuff, bit short but eh. It's ok as a lead in to Stormblood but not as good as a lead in as 2.55 was.
I'm super annoyed at (primal spoilers)it being Shinryu and not Rhalgr. I mean, yeah, Shinryu might make sense for a Doman style super raid like Bahamut and Alex but how/why would the Ala Mhigans summon it? When they are all "oh my god help us" with their god being Rhalgr, something some members have already tried to summon before, something they see as being an almighty kicker of asses? Just bugged me because every other summoning makes sense, Ysale into Shiva, Enkidu, Moggle Mog, the beastmen primals. None of them ended up summoning a god/legend from another culture by accident.
Was theomega/shinryuu fight music some weird remix of the FFV battle theme, I'm apparently deaf and couldn't tell.
Watching Gosetsu fight has ramped up my SAM hype even more.
Now to wait for people to analyze his move set (which seems to already be under way).
No, it was The Fractal Continuum/Azys Lla's theme that then segued into a completely new melody that sorta sounds like FFV's The Last Battle but not really?
I almost died in that fight because I kept watching his moves. He had some kickass AoE teleportation attack. I hope it's not just a Gosetsu skill.
Rhalgr and Ramuh are heavily hinted to basically be the same god in two different "cultures". A primal is belief (or a wish) made manifest. There's not much more to it.That was a pretty hype cutscene. I wonder if some of the effects will be better once Stormblood hits (the water particularly was pretty bad looking).
Also, people hoping it was Rhalgr are silly, has there ever been a precedent for one of the gods being given a corporeal form? Like do we even know if they exist in the first place? "Anything can be a primal" is too broad, there have to be some ground rules.
they changed studio's .
That was a pretty hype cutscene. I wonder if some of the effects will be better once Stormblood hits (the water particularly was pretty bad looking).
Also, people hoping it was Rhalgr are silly, has there ever been a precedent for one of the gods being given a corporeal form? Like do we even know if they exist in the first place? "Anything can be a primal" is too broad, there have to be some ground rules.
Well...that was something. Kind of went over like a wet fart. =/ Couldn't even get an awesome Gotetsu cutscene with Samurai action (similar to when Thancred/Yugiri debuted Ninja).
Come to think of it, that's kind of Heavensward in a nutshell. Started strong and ended at the finish line pretty limp.
I couldn't disagree more. The patch story was just as good, if not better than the base heavensward story. Especially 3.3 and 3.4. A huge step up in quality compared to the 2.0 patch stuff. The pacing, voice acting (as well as the amount of cutscenes that actually had voice acting), and story was better in every way.
What was that little tease at the end? Is big bad going to get an "I am your father" moment with Yda?
The focus on the blonde hair is a dead giveaway. So, probably?
The weekly limitation on Allagan tomestones of scripture has been increased from 450 to 900.
She would need to beGarlean, wouldn't she...? (third eye and all)
So, with Heavensward I switched back to English voice after playing through most of ARR in Japanese because I couldn't stand Minfilia's terrible English voice. Erm. Did everyone just turn British? Lol.
Pretty much everyone got a lot better in Heavensward
Pretty much everyone got a lot better in Heavensward
I haven't played enough to really tell, it's just weird that suddenly pretty much everyone is totally British.
The only voice that actually carried over was Aymeric iirc. But yeah, everyone is super British lol.
So, with Heavensward I switched back to English voice after playing through most of ARR in Japanese because I couldn't stand Minfilia's terrible English voice. Erm. Did everyone just turn British? Lol.
How close is the translation between what is said in Japanese and the English text ?
It's often completely different. Like, not even a translation. Just completely rewritten with a similar context. Lines tend to be much shorter in English too, I suspect due to the recording budget. There's a lot more exposition in Japanese, what they say tend to be more direct and straightforward. Sometimes though... it doesn't even feel like they're talking about the same thing. It's pretty weird.
I didn't like the change back in 3.0 because we lost Gideon Emery as Urianger but the new voices eventually grew on me.So, with Heavensward I switched back to English voice after playing through most of ARR in Japanese because I couldn't stand Minfilia's terrible English voice. Erm. Did everyone just turn British? Lol.
Gamer Escape: The voice acting in Heavensward I noticed a lot of NPCs have different voices now and I was wondering why those changes were made?
Soken: Its a tough question to answer. When were thinking of the business of an MMORPG we would love to use the same voice actor throughout the series, but there are contractual obligations and sometimes it doesnt allow for us to buy the rights to their voice for a perpetual amount of times. Sometimes there are other reasons that might come up and so we would have to sometimes recast the actors that are voicing our NPCs. Our intent is that we want to avoid having to recast them.
This might be because its a long running game, it might be out of the ordinary, but if a voice actor decides to leave the industry, it would be inevitable that we would have to recast them.
There are instances where within the development process that we would have to recast and have new actors record voices for certain NPCs. Our stance however is that wed love to keep as many of them as possible from 2.0 moving forward, continuing to reprise their roles in upcoming expansions and the updates throughout.
Sometimes due to business reasons we have to change the voice actors. From the creative side of things however we want to keep them, its not a situation where we dont like them or anything like that.