Yea, I'm not really feeling Gosetsu's vo or goofy personality.
When Gosetsu started talking all I could think was "GET OUT OF MY SWAMP" he sounds like Shrek.
Yea, I'm not really feeling Gosetsu's vo or goofy personality.
I wouldn't mind joining​ you guys because I would get Bonus Tomestones.We should definitely fix a proper time by tomorrow so everyone else who also needs it done can join in!
First thing I got from him was the Scotsman from Samurai Jack.When Gosetsu started talking all I could think was "GET OUT OF MY SWAMP" he sounds like Shrek.
It's possible there's some Hyur in Gosetsu's blood, but he's definitely a Roe. I play one and he has their distinct run/walk animation you don't see elsewhere...
Gosetsu definitely is using a Roe skeleton, but unfortunately that doesn't mean much - pure blood Garleans are Elezen with different heads after all (Cid being an exception).
Gosetsu definitely is using a Roe skeleton, but unfortunately that doesn't mean much - pure blood Garleans are Elezen with different heads after all (Cid being an exception).
Yeah, they definitely just used the Roe skeleton for him. He lacks the nose and other Roe features. He was pretty cool though. Too bad we didn't get to see a Red Mage using moves in the MSQ.
Gosetsu definitely is using a Roe skeleton, but unfortunately that doesn't mean much - pure blood Garleans are Elezen with different heads after all (Cid being an exception).
I look great in Everything
The skeleton isn't not my only reasoning, just a big one. He also definitely has the Roe look in the SB trailer too, and Hellsguard Roes can have very light features, like Redolent Rose. Plus, there's a distinct lack of male Roegaydn in the main storyline, so I don't see it as likely a character with a Roe skeleton and (probably) identifiable Roe SAM animations be a different race entirely. His face doesn't look like a Hyur either
Roes are allowed to have unique faces too ~_~ I know we aren't used to seeing them in the MSQ much at all, but him clearly having a Roe skeleton and moves shows me that he is. Otherwise...why not just give him a Hyur's skeleton and animations?
I guess I need to figure out how PVP works. I've been waiting on the Garo gear to go up on the Gold Saucer, but it's too expensive. I have 1.3 million MGP and that's still nowhere near enough to get everything.
Holy hell the ending got me. It was soooooo good but it feels weird knowing Yda is dead and her sister was behind the mask all along. Lyse is really beautiful though and I need her hair badly.
I wonder how she got all that hair into that hat.
Okay, Crystal Tower recruitment....
Times I am probably free this weekend:
0600-1000 PST (My Friday night)
1800-whenever the fuck PST (My Saturday morning)
0600-1000 PST (My Saturday night)
1800-whenever the fuck PST (My Sunday morning)
0600-1000 PST (My Sunday night)
Since most people on Ultros are in the US, I'm using PST to make it easier. I think we had 2-3 other people express interest in doing Crystal Tower for the first time, so if we can all find an ideal time it'll be great.
Would also appreciate feedback from more experienced players on how long it takes to queue for the other 16 players, as well as how long it takes to actually do each of the parts, including the stuff inbetween to unlock the next parts of the raid. Thanks!
I'll queue from Lamia if you settle on a timeOkay, Crystal Tower recruitment....
Times I am probably free this weekend:
0600-1000 PST (My Friday night)
1800-whenever the fuck PST (My Saturday morning)
0600-1000 PST (My Saturday night)
1800-whenever the fuck PST (My Sunday morning)
0600-1000 PST (My Sunday night)
Since most people on Ultros are in the US, I'm using PST to make it easier. I think we had 2-3 other people express interest in doing Crystal Tower for the first time, so if we can all find an ideal time it'll be great.
Would also appreciate feedback from more experienced players on how long it takes to queue for the other 16 players, as well as how long it takes to actually do each of the parts, including the stuff inbetween to unlock the next parts of the raid. Thanks!
Since I see people posting the new outfit I thought i'd join as well.
I like it, tbh!
Okay, Crystal Tower recruitment....
Times I am probably free this weekend:
0600-1000 PST (My Friday night)
1800-whenever the fuck PST (My Saturday morning)
0600-1000 PST (My Saturday night)
1800-whenever the fuck PST (My Sunday morning)
0600-1000 PST (My Sunday night)
Since most people on Ultros are in the US, I'm using PST to make it easier. I think we had 2-3 other people express interest in doing Crystal Tower for the first time, so if we can all find an ideal time it'll be great.
Would also appreciate feedback from more experienced players on how long it takes to queue for the other 16 players, as well as how long it takes to actually do each of the parts, including the stuff inbetween to unlock the next parts of the raid. Thanks!
fun fact: he's voiced by master asia from g gundam in japaneseWhen Gosetsu started talking all I could think was "GET OUT OF MY SWAMP" he sounds like Shrek.
fun fact: he's voiced by master asia from g gundam in japanese
Unlocking the Crystal Tower can be a pretty lengthy assignment because you are required to participate and complete 4 different FATES in 4 different areas. I don't know if FATE pop up times for these specific ones has been increased or not since I did them back in 2.1 but the lengthy part is just sitting there waiting for the FATE to pop so I suggest people to unlock the Crystal Tower ahead of time and if you need help with the FATE just ask for help in the FC chat.
Okay, Crystal Tower recruitment....
Times I am probably free this weekend:
0600-1000 PST (My Friday night)
1800-whenever the fuck PST (My Saturday morning)
0600-1000 PST (My Saturday night)
1800-whenever the fuck PST (My Sunday morning)
0600-1000 PST (My Sunday night)
Since most people on Ultros are in the US, I'm using PST to make it easier. I think we had 2-3 other people express interest in doing Crystal Tower for the first time, so if we can all find an ideal time it'll be great.
Would also appreciate feedback from more experienced players on how long it takes to queue for the other 16 players, as well as how long it takes to actually do each of the parts, including the stuff inbetween to unlock the next parts of the raid. Thanks!
Okay, Crystal Tower recruitment....
Times I am probably free this weekend:
0600-1000 PST (My Friday night)
1800-whenever the fuck PST (My Saturday morning)
0600-1000 PST (My Saturday night)
1800-whenever the fuck PST (My Sunday morning)
0600-1000 PST (My Sunday night)
Since most people on Ultros are in the US, I'm using PST to make it easier. I think we had 2-3 other people express interest in doing Crystal Tower for the first time, so if we can all find an ideal time it'll be great.
Would also appreciate feedback from more experienced players on how long it takes to queue for the other 16 players, as well as how long it takes to actually do each of the parts, including the stuff inbetween to unlock the next parts of the raid. Thanks!
Looking good.
Found some cool ones on twitter.
If Friday, I likely won't be available until 1900 PST (I'm EST, so that's 10PM for me, as I'm going to a movie with a friend likely for 7PM)
Saturday I'm probably good whenever.
3.56 MSQ.All of these time slots work for me, except for Friday 0600-1000 PST.
I have never seen these before. How do you unlock them?
You get the full set for free from an NPC during the 3.56 Main Story Quest.I have never seen these before. How do you unlock them?
Looking good.
Found some cool ones on twitter.
If Friday, I likely won't be available until 1900 PST (I'm EST, so that's 10PM for me, as I'm going to a movie with a friend likely for 7PM)
Saturday I'm probably good whenever.
Don't mind waiting for you on Friday if everyone else is okay with it. I think it might be better if you're okay with it, just in case we take too long with the earlier stuff and need to finish it off the next day.
I'm definitely okay if everyone else is.That time on Friday would be fine with me.
How do you unlock Crystal Tower? If I unlock it in time I can join on Friday.
Already unlocked all of that last week. Was mostly concerned if progressing between the raids themselves would take too long and be a burden to the other people helping!
I think the other players have unlocked Crystal Tower too, not sure, come on people, sound off!
Should macro this to caster LB button.I purchased the Heavenward Mage outfit just so I can run around yelling "SICKNESS MUST BE PURGED!" like the pompous giraffe I am.
The other two unlock pretty quickly, just simple go here and watch a cutscene quest.Already unlocked all of that last week. Was mostly concerned if progressing between the raids themselves would take too long and be a burden to the other people helping!
I think the other players have unlocked Crystal Tower too, not sure, come on people, sound off!
If Friday, I likely won't be available until 1900 PST (I'm EST, so that's 10PM for me, as I'm going to a movie with a friend likely for 7PM)
Saturday I'm probably good whenever.
Speaking of Elezen, how does the Scion gear look on female giraffes?
Looks pretty good. Feeling like going back to Elezen once SB hitsThere's a lady giraffe wearing it a couple of posts above this one!
That was a pretty hype cutscene. I wonder if some of the effects will be better once Stormblood hits (the water particularly was pretty bad looking).
Also, people hoping it was Rhalgr are silly, has there ever been a precedent for one of the gods being given a corporeal form? Like do we even know if they exist in the first place? "Anything can be a primal" is too broad, there have to be some ground rules.