The only thing I did was login and hit a dummy for a while. First thing I noticed is that the sfx came out at a delay compared to pre-server move. It's slight but definitely noticeable. Does the slight clipping make it unplayable? No, it's something I'll have to get used to eventually.
I did a few hours of testing things on a dummy and checking input timestamps (mostly just via logs, didn't think I needed frame data levels of stuff); I could get them to clip in certain pairings, or some of them to clip in the hundredths of milliseconds occasionally which I chalked up to my hotkeys are awful, but none of them are combinations you naturally hit anyway (anything with Plunge, DA->oGCD instead of oGCD->DA).
I'm also not entirely sure how often DRK actively pursues a 2x oGCD outside of opener alignments? I'm pretty sure it's kind of rare beyond whatever is up alongside Dark Passenger or Carve & Spit and both of those were the convenient-to-cancel with ones when DA used to be bugged to allow for two activations in one buff.
Triple Cleave is something I still need to test. Mudras are probably going to be hilarious now.
Realistically, triple cleave should be fine for basically everyone? You're not 2x oGCD natively as a WAR too often and the old standard for shaky latency was to delay the post-IR Berserk so it clips the GCD slightly instead of hitting it too early so people suddenly clipping now is better for them, not worse. The rest is fitting in GCDs that shouldn't really have changed unless people weren't riding the GCD to begin with. Server move lets me just mash my keys and come out with about a .15s or so leeway, even when I was actively trying to oGCD everything I had available, which more or less puts it in line with my SSPD being over the minimum breakpoint.
Edit: To be fair to all of this, I'd still not at all be opposed to them just cutting the GCD animation lock. It's somewhere around .635s and animations are janky enough as is, if anyone really watches them when playing, that cutting that to .5 or .3s would do a lot to free up the double weave without really opening up a triple weave avenue. Or, well, combat overhaul fucks it all over anyway but eh.
It's not just that though. NIN for example isn't actually unplayable at 160ms but it feels awful with Mudras constantly not registering and the game throwing you Rabbit Mediums from time to time when you're trying to use Raiton instead of Fuma. It turns the job into a crapshoot and that's just not fun.
NIN gets to be the weird one where it can feel like absolute shit at 'good' latencies. Even at 70-80 range it was fine but the packet loss and random cancelling of GCD/oGCDs led to a lot of mudra fuckery that WTFast fixed. If the server move fixed that, NIN is a lot less suffering to me that I had when my ping was closer to 80-100. It seemed good enough when I was testing without messing with my post-move latency (~50-60) but I really didn't stress it much.
but then no more bunny and that's tragic in it's own way