It's more noticeable on certain classes than others (NIN is pretty bad) but the easiest to notice it on is probably DRK. At a ping of 30-50 or so, you can double-weave your off-GCDs without issue as long as you hit the buttons quickly enough, but at 90ms, your GCD will clip no matter how fast your fingers are.
It changes the whole class for the worse, in a big way, if you have to plan everything around only using one off-GCD per GCD, especially during sensitive parts of a fight like your opener.
However, having said that, the solution to that problem is not to magically try to place the servers somewhere that everybody can get 30-50ms (a physical impossibility), but rather to actually fix the game and its client-server relationship so that an extra 0.05 seconds of latency isn't preventing you from performing three actions in a greater-than-2.0-second interval.
Goodbye DRK.