Ravidrath said:
Instanced dungeons revealed!
I guess it's good they're working on these? But without a battle system worth playing, it still feels premature to me.
Hopefully its a mix of stuff. I can see some things being the same, especially if they are natural to the area (bugs and puks in Gridania) since that happens in most places in other FF titles. Being timed, prerequisite quests, and a limited party size seems like it'll help to increase the challenge of the dungeons...and we better have a boss battle.
Some of these items will be gained from chests or fulfilling certain conditions, so thats nice...maybe we'll see some puzzles or beat in a certain amount of time...or even clear the entire dungeon of enemies or something.
Honestly, once these dungeons hit, the battle system
should be more enjoyable since the stat, equipment, and skill fixes are
supposed to be implemented along with auto attack. Reason for the italics is that even with Yoshi's team, things still get left out till next update at times.
EDIT: And it looks like those glitched areas were the raid dungeons? Was the base data there the whole time? Also apparently people are blockheads and think that the time limit means that you can only access the dungeon every 60 minutes.