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Final Fantasy XIV |OT| ARR: Alpha Closed. Beta mid-Feb

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Micromegas said:
While I can understand the disappointment, especially with the "PS2"-era precedent, you don't really think they were going to just drop everything else and start doing DX11 stuff did you? I mean, the game is complete belly flop. They used the PS2 as an excuse last time and they'll use the PS3 as an excuse this time, but don't fall for it... they were never ever going to upgrade last time, and they certainly aren't going to now when they can't even justify a monthly fee this late in the game, especially when the PS3 version is still vaporware.

I understand they, but man the "limitations" is a vague excuse...


Rodent Whores
Unknown Soldier said:
There might not be a PS3 version of this game even after 2 years.
Considering their current record, it's unfortunately sad but likely.

I'll have to see how patch 1.18 and patch 1.19 go. If they can accomplish what they said they would accomplish by the end of summer, then I'll reassess their progress a little more favorably.


Rentahamster said:
Considering their current record, it's unfortunately sad but likely.

I'll have to see how patch 1.18 and patch 1.19 go. If they can accomplish what they said they would accomplish by the end of summer, then I'll reassess their progress a little more favorably.

It would certainly give something the people who are interested in the game something to talk about. Right now this thread is Unknown Soldier(and etc) saying the same thing over and over again.


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Riposte said:
It would certainly give something the people who are interested in the game something to talk about. Right now this thread is Unknown Soldier(and etc) saying the same thing over and over again.

GAF need a "Generic MMORPG talk" thread for everything who is not FFXIV like the TERA talk who is done here.


Gromph said:
GAF need a "Generic MMORPG talk" thread for everything who is not FFXIV like the TERA talk who is done here.

Without a single game to universally compare favorably to I am pretty sure that would just create a big flamewar lol. Kind of silly there isn't a Tera thread.


I think they should let level 5 do their next MMO, Dragon Quest online Yes please !

It's too bad TFLO never came out that game looked awesome at the time.


Rodent Whores
Munba said:
If you remember, they had a Japanese community event or something back in September where the old dev team showed a presentation of group crafting a boat and a giant cake.

The OP of the thread asked, "whatever happened to that"?

Dev response says that the new dev team of course hasn't gotten rid of these ideas, but they are still on the drawing board, so to speak, and are still examining how to implement group crafting in a way that makes sense and has meaning. They will post something about group crafting once they flesh out the details more and are actually at a more concrete stage of development in that area.


Jinko said:
I think they should let level 5 do their next MMO, Dragon Quest online Yes please !

It's too bad TFLO never came out that game looked awesome at the time.

god yes they need to open back up TFLO i still wish that game was made.


Ravidrath said:
Instanced dungeons revealed!


I guess it's good they're working on these? But without a battle system worth playing, it still feels premature to me.

Hopefully its a mix of stuff. I can see some things being the same, especially if they are natural to the area (bugs and puks in Gridania) since that happens in most places in other FF titles. Being timed, prerequisite quests, and a limited party size seems like it'll help to increase the challenge of the dungeons...and we better have a boss battle.


Some of these items will be gained from chests or fulfilling certain conditions, so thats nice...maybe we'll see some puzzles or beat in a certain amount of time...or even clear the entire dungeon of enemies or something.

Honestly, once these dungeons hit, the battle system should be more enjoyable since the stat, equipment, and skill fixes are supposed to be implemented along with auto attack. Reason for the italics is that even with Yoshi's team, things still get left out till next update at times.

EDIT: And it looks like those glitched areas were the raid dungeons? Was the base data there the whole time? Also apparently people are blockheads and think that the time limit means that you can only access the dungeon every 60 minutes.


Coldsnap said:
They should have capped the lower dungeon, stupid idea not to .

Might be better this way. You'd think higher levels would stay away from low level dungeons or just switch jobs/classes, since the items wont be of any use to higher ranks...for the most part anyway.

That and people would whine about being capped regardless.


Rodent Whores
Teknoman said:
Might be better this way. You'd think higher levels would stay away from low level dungeons or just switch jobs/classes, since the items wont be of any use to higher ranks...for the most part anyway.
Yeah, a similar situation with the rank 30 NMs that were released. The NM drops that were useful for endgame builds were just relentlessly zerged to death by R50 characters. Can't really do much about it for open world mobs, but with specifically designed content like dungeons, they can make it specific for a particular rank range.


Teknoman said:
That and people would whine about being capped regardless.

Which is a shame because without caps it makes everything under(or near) the level cap brainless fodder until you hit the level cap. Might ultimately decide how long I play the game since the level cap is a far ways off AND I would have multiple classes to level.

EDIT: The problem is that MMO players traditionally care more about the "LOOTS!" than the game itself. Even if they say beforehand that they want challenge, withdrawals will kick in when they come across something particularly challenging. (This was as true for FFXI players as it is for anyone else.) Unfortunately you are more likely to come across something grindy than challenging.


People raid for loot.

Loot in the 25+ dungeon will likely not be something a 45+ person wants, so I don't see a problem with not capping it.


Rodent Whores
Ravidrath said:
People raid for loot.

Loot in the 25+ dungeon will likely not be something a 45+ person wants, so I don't see a problem with not capping it.
But since each player can level a multitude of classes, that level 45+ player would still have a desire to do the level 25 dungeons for gear for his level 25 classes.


Rentahamster said:
But since each player can level a multitude of classes, that level 45+ player would still have a desire to do the level 25 dungeons for gear for his level 25 classes.

And given the option of having a friend cheese it out for you with a capped class, it is going to be extremely difficult to convince people to do it the "proper way". Why would anyone with a level 50 not use the level 50? Why would anyone with a friend with time to spare not ask him to come as his level 50? (Do people enjoy one-shotting monsters in shitty guildleves?)

Actually doing it the proper way will be near impossible since levels in MMOs are all over the place this far in. (You'd probably have as much luck finding a group which wants to play "Hard Mode FFXIV" as you would finding a roleplaying group.)

EDIT: Granted the team could instead just focus on making level 50 dungeons which are challenging (until the inevitable level cap increase), but then I would have to spend hours and hours and hours for each class in order to turn most of the accessible content into videogame content rather than a chore I need to complete in order to access the videogame content.

Isn't YoshiP the guy responsible for making 98% of FFXI obsolete and fodder?


Rodent Whores
I think that in the case where you have a bunch of high rank friends who want to help you, a simple temporary delevel-sync mechanic would work fine.


Riposte said:
Isn't YoshiP the guy responsible for making 98% of FFXI obsolete and fodder?

As far as I know, Yoshi-P never worked on FFXI at all... that's probably why he's seen as a breath of fresh air. :p

If I recall, he's pretty young and just produced the hyper-successful Dragon Quest Monster Battle Road arcade games.

...Which, BTW, everyone should see because the super attacks are so fucking hot and well-directed.



Ravidrath said:
As far as I know, Yoshi-P never worked on FFXI at all... that's probably why he's seen as a breath of fresh air. :p

If I recall, he's pretty young and just produced the hyper-successful Dragon Quest Monster Battle Road arcade games.

...Which, BTW, everyone should see because the super attacks are so fucking hot and well-directed.

lol the DQIX inn attack was awesome. Everyone from every Dragon Quest ever attacking via a giant building :D You need to figure out a way to tie these videos into a XIV forum topic.

Ugh...if DQX doesnt have special attacks like these...i'm going to be really disappointed.


Agree not capping the instances is a bad idea, as was said previously people play these games mostly to acquire new loot.

I suppose WoW doesn't have capped instances and that works fine, sure people ask level 80+ to quickrun the instance for them, but it will just create a situation where end game instances and content is more challenging.

As long as SE keep adding both low and high level content it should work out fine, would like to see 2-3 instances every 10 levels eventually.


Rodent Whores
Jinko said:
I suppose WoW doesn't have capped instances and that works fine
Isn't there essentially a pseudo-level cap? Most of the raid loot is bound to your character, so you have to play as that character to acquire the items anyway, right?

In FF14, since a single character can be multiple classes, using your high rank class to easily farm items for your lower ranked class would ruin game balance.


Rentahamster said:
Isn't there essentially a pseudo-level cap? Most of the raid loot is bound to your character, so you have to play as that character to acquire the items anyway, right?

In FF14, since a single character can be multiple classes, using your high rank class to easily farm items for your lower ranked class would ruin game balance.

Ahh yes I didn't think about that.


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Munba said:

On the first confirm that "High dificulty" had been taken into consideration while developing the dungeon.

On the second, if i dont read bad... they say:

4 Man PT= Only 4 are allowed, no solo, no 2 no 3, only 4.
Same for 8 man one.


Rodent Whores
Coldsnap said:
Yeah, I hope there is good stuff in 1.18 so that I can see some familiar faces again.

Is your thing just for the summer? Still gonna be busy after it's over?


Rodent Whores
Munba said:
lol, I'm on it. Quick - perusal, it's talking about the difficulty and how it's designed to be hard with a special boss monster that needs special tactics to take down.

The 4 and 8 man party limit is hard coded, too. You have to be a party of that exact size. No low-manning.



Guess who just got back today?
Them wild-eyed boys that had been away
Haven't changed, haven't much to say
But man, I still think them cats are crazy

They were asking if you were around
How you was, where you could be found
Told them you were living downtown
Driving all the old men crazy

The boys are back in town
The boys are back in town
I said
The boys are back in town
The boys are back in town
The boys are back in town
The boys are back in town
The boys are back in town
The boys are back in town


Rodent Whores
Here ya go:

The upcoming dungeons are estimated to be, in a nutshell, "really hard". I also confirmed the dungeon boss's difficulty with the dev team.

If you ever hope to defeat The Dzemael Darkhold dungeon boss, you will need to clearly assign roles amongst your specialized party of 8 rank 50 players. Furthermore, you can't just think of the boss as just a strong version of an ordinary monster. You will need to use special, boss-specific strategies to achieve victory.

I haven't played it myself yet, but I am looking forward to it

I confirmed the party member limit with Yoshi-P.

The party member limits for the dungeons introduced in patch 1.18 is:

The Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak: 4-man limit
The Dzemael Darkhold: 8-man limit

This means that for the 4-man dungeon, you must be in a party of 4 and only 4. If you are in a party that has over or under 4 members, you will not be allowed in the dungeon. Same goes for the 8-man dungeon.

We have decided on those hard-coded party member limits for now due to balance and server load concerns as a starting point. We will then gather feedback and input from the players as they play through the content in patch 1.18 so that we can further experiment with the party member limit and try to incorporate more variation into the game.

YoshiP says, "The 8-man party dungeon, "Dzemael Darkhold", has a reeeaaallly good boss drop, so please try it out!"


Boss.. Monster...?


I really hope they dont drop the ball as far as the bosses go. Boss specific strategies sound great and all, but they need to make sure the visuals indicate the danger so to speak.

And I really wish there was some sort of topic to confirm whether or not the boss monsters have their own theme (hopefully the one I posted earlier). Not a big deal to some, but it should be an obvious thing to do.


Rodent Whores
Teknoman said:
Boss.. Monster...?


I really hope they dont drop the ball as far as the bosses go. Boss specific strategies sound great and all, but they need to make sure the visuals indicate the danger so to speak.
Chitinous Coblyn part deux


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Jinko said:
I'm glad, I would rather see specific aga/ra spells.

Protectra and Shellra can I have it ?

So annoying when you cast a buff and you forgot to switch AoE on.

I remeber the first time i saw Protectra IV in XI, i said "I wanna be WHM"
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