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Final Fantasy XIV Reviews - GameSpot 4/10, GameTrailers 4.2/10, GameSpy 2/5, IGN 5.5

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Raide, that was my issue in BETA, but I put it down to being the BETA and perhaps they'd add 'hand holding' in for release. I take it its exactly the same for release? :(


zlatko said:
This is the best thread on Gaf since the Woody action figure one. :lol

Londa I got a question for you. It's a two parter:

1) What are your 5 favorite things about FFXIV?

2) What are your 5 most hated things about FFXIV ?

It's really hard for me to find fun/enjoyment out of the game, so I was hoping I could see a bit of a comparison of what it is that bugs you the most, but is being over ridden by what exactly ?

I already said why I like the game before. If you dislike this game, fine, I respect your opinion. But that doest mean I have to explain or defend why I like it to you. Imo, you deserve no explanation from me.


listen to the mad man
Londa said:
I already said why I like the game before. If you dislike this game, fine, I respect your opinion. But that doest mean I have to explain or defend why I like it to you. Imo, you deserve no explanation from me.

Frankly if you're not interested in professional reviews and you don't think anyone deserves an explanation of why you feel differently than anyone else on this issue, I'm not sure how you're participating in this thread at all.


speedpop said:
Isn't that pretty much the norm when it comes to any sense of gaming where there is action involved? You connect with an enemy, you cycle through abilities and certain combination/s of mapped buttons, the enemy dies and you move on to the next one. Of course there may be differing situations to an enemy that force you to change strategy.

Just because WoW, heck most MMOs in general, are a tad more "static" doesn't mean that they should be thrust into the depths of mediocre repetition when you could say the same thing toward a game created by Capcom or any other developer who has built a reputation upon A-grade action games. There comes a point in all games where repetition and mindless gameplay become one and you stop playing.
No, many games forces the player to constantly think on their feet and improvise, so repeating the exact same thing for each fight won't work. There are some games where you can get away by just spamming one powerful attack over and over, and that'll work for the entire game, but that's just bad game design. To be honest, I never got to highend level play in WoW, but from what I've played (up to lvl 30 or something I think) and saw of other players, it was just repeating the same skills no matter the enemies I fought. It very quickly stopped being fun.

Even a good game like GW suffers from the same thing. In that game you can have some more fun building up a unique skillbar, and depending on the skillbar you might have to make some tactical decisions based on who you fight, but even then the execution is so mindless and the enemies are not all that varied that it doesn't take long for you to memorize the few skill combinations you use to kill various enemies.

Zefah said:
You've got to be joking.

WoW would be fucking amazing if they released it as a party-based single player RPG. Let the player build up his or her own party, add in a pause function and tune all of the content accordingly and you would have just about the best dungeon crawler and RPG in history.

Also, I've played Vindictus, but just exactly how is it better than WoW? It's a spammy action game. It's fun, and sure, it feels a bit more involved than WoW, but the range of abilities, party combinations and enemy types gives WoW a ton more depth.
The core combat mechanics are more fun. And in my opinion, it's the very core mechanics of a game which are the most important thing. You can have the most amazing world and quest design, but what's the point when combat isn't fun? Combat is what you spend 90% of the time on in any RPG afterall.

I'm probably very biased as I'm sick tired of most standards in MMOs, and Vindictus just happens to address all my concerns: it has very few timesinks, combat is very varied and fun (sure, you CAN get away with spamming attacks if you're in a big party, but chances are you'll be much more reliant on healing/ressing. Try playing alone on a higher difficulty, you'll start to appreciate more all the attacks and evades you can do), it has no "holy trinity of classes", there's no annoying ganking, no waiting for mobs to respawn, and it's the most challenging of any online RPG I've ever played.

Okay okay, I have technically experienced some more challenging quests in GW, but the cause of that has always been someone in the party fucking up and you have no chance of beating a huge boss/mob because your tank or healer messed up.

And note that I'm not saying Vindictus is a perfect game (it has some problems like level design and difficulty balance in first episode being rather weak, and the payment system is downright awful). But in my opinion, this is the direction MMOs should go in.


Sectus said:
No, many games forces the player to constantly think on their feet and improvise, so repeating the exact same thing for each fight won't work. There are some games where you can get away by just spamming one powerful attack over and over, and that'll work for the entire game, but that's just bad game design. To be honest, I never got to highend level play in WoW, but from what I've played (up to lvl 30 or something I think) and saw of other players, it was just repeating the same skills no matter the enemies I fought. It very quickly stopped being fun.

Even a good game like GW suffers from the same thing. In that game you can have some more fun building up a unique skillbar, and depending on the skillbar you might have to make some tactical decisions based on who you fight, but even then the execution is so mindless and the enemies are not all that varied that it doesn't take long for you to memorize the few skill combinations you use to kill various enemies.

The core combat mechanics are more fun. And in my opinion, it's the very core mechanics of a game which are the most important thing. You can have the most amazing world and quest design, but what's the point when combat isn't fun? Combat is what you spend 90% of the time on in any RPG afterall.

I'm probably very biased as I'm sick tired of most standards in MMOs, and Vindictus just happens to address all my concerns: it has very few timesinks, combat is very varied and fun (sure, you CAN get away with spamming attacks if you're in a big party, but chances are you'll be much more reliant on healing/ressing. Try playing alone on a higher difficulty, you'll start to appreciate more all the attacks and evades you can do), it has no "holy trinity of classes", there's no annoying ganking, no waiting for mobs to respawn, and it's the most challenging of any online RPG I've ever played.

Okay okay, I have technically experienced some more challenging quests in GW, but the cause of that has always been someone in the party fucking up and you have no chance of beating a huge boss/mob because your tank or healer messed up.

And note that I'm not saying Vindictus is a perfect game (it has some problems like level design and difficulty balance in first episode being rather weak, and the payment system is downright awful). But in my opinion, this is the direction MMOs should go in.

I think you've not spent enough time in either game or something. Vindictus is easy as dirt to treat almost every enemy exactly the same and be just fine. Solo it's a bit harder, but it's designed to be grouped, of course it's trickier solo. Still there's only so much you can do with dynasty warriors level of combat. Sure, in wow, if a fight is literally just tank and spank, then it's not too hard, you're still using more skills than vindictus though for most classes, and then when you're talking about level-appropriate difficult content like raiding or even 5 mans aside from Wrath, you're talking about having to find ways to maximize your skills outside of the optimal.

Anyone can stand on a training dummy in wow and put out probably...80% of their potential, but when a fight demands that you put out 90%+ of your max theoretical dps WHILE doing pirouettes around the room dodging mechanics and target swapping and stuff, yeah, it's a lot harder.

Wow combat leveling = training grounds for playing
wow combat raiding = VERY different and challenging.
Vindictus combat levelling = Quite fun, I won't bash the game.
Vindictus combat fighting bosses = exactly the same.

Sorry, but when the my group got to the bear the first time, we ran in on hard mode and used the same strat we've used for every boss ever in vindictus, 3 of us. That strat is: Whittle the boss down and avoid the obvious attack animation pattern cues. Gee. The only difficult part is the patience required to blow through all the health bars they have.


Stumpokapow said:
Frankly if you're not interested in professional reviews and you don't think anyone deserves an explanation of why you feel differently than anyone else on this issue, I'm not sure how you're participating in this thread at all.

I have already said, I disagree with the reviews because they have misinformation in them. The poster asked why I like FFXIV, not why I don't accept the reviews. This same poster came off as a prick to me earlier, and already seems to have made up his opinion of me. Case in point:

zlatko said:
Come on now you don't need to TRY World of Warcraft to get it. Londa means you need to TRY only games SHE likes, because the rest don't matter. :lol

explaining anything to this poster is a waste of time when he is already putting words in my mouth that I haven't said.


Internet at its finest. In this thread a bunch of people bashing a game they have either no interest in playing, or have played little to none of it. I applaud you all for beating dead horses like copy/pasting environments over and over again. It's really strange how people will just latch on something and never let go.


well i guess it can stay exclusive if its not very good. :lol was kinda hoping it would be great. Probably will improve more over time but how long will it take for it to get a better interface update.


Zalasta said:
Internet at its finest. In this thread a bunch of people bashing a game they have either no interest in playing, or have played little to none of it. I applaud you all for beating dead horses like copy/pasting environments over and over again. It's really strange how people will just latch on something and never let go.

And your contribution to this thread is...?


Londa said:
to you, yes, but there are others that disagree.

@IGN review

I don't listen to reviews at all. I also don't believe IGN to be a good source for information. I've stop going to that site for years.

Londa said:
I have already said, I disagree with the reviews because they have misinformation in them. The poster asked why I like FFXIV, not why I don't accept the reviews. This same poster came off as a prick to me earlier, and already seems to have made up his opinion of me. Case in point:

explaining anything to this poster is a waste of time when he is already putting words in my mouth that I haven't said.

You can't weasel out of that one can you? Again, why are you in this thread if you don't trust/listen to reviews at all? You spewing out bs about WoW is even worse than the misinformation about the reviews. Still waiting on that copy/paste vid btw.
Zalasta said:
Internet at its finest. In this thread a bunch of people bashing a game they have either no interest in playing, or have played little to none of it. I applaud you all for beating dead horses like copy/pasting environments over and over again. It's really strange how people will just latch on something and never let go.

I've played enough of this game to last a lifetime, As for sticking around, am i not allowed to enjoy the banter in this thread?


duckroll said:
And your contribution to this thread is...?

Apparently nothing, because it seems you either have to defend FFXIV or bash it to make any contributions. You know what though, I actually play the game, so any grievances I may have with it is backed up by experiences. How about you? Or are you like some of the people here that are just here for a show and piss on it with a mob mentality?


Zalasta said:
Apparently nothing, because it seems you either have to defend FFXIV or bash it to make any contributions. You know what though, I actually play the game, so any grievances I may have with it is backed up by experiences. How about you? Or are you like some of the people here that are just here for a show and piss on it with a mob mentality?

Don't have to be kicked in the nuts to know it'd be a painful experience.


Zalasta said:
Apparently nothing, because it seems you either have to defend FFXIV or bash it to make any contributions. You know what though, I actually play the game, so any grievances I may have with it is backed up by experiences. How about you? Or are you like some of the people here that are just here for a show and piss on it with a mob mentality?

I'm just here to discuss reviews of the game and laugh at people. What else would we talk about in a thread dedicated to -reviews- of a game?


Zalasta said:
Apparently nothing, because it seems you either have to defend FFXIV or bash it to make any contributions. You know what though, I actually play the game, so any grievances I may have with it is backed up by experiences. How about you? Or are you like some of the people here that are just here for a show and piss on it with a mob mentality?

The review scores are bad for a reason, even if you like 14 you have to admit it isn't up to par. (Yes I've played it)


Sent said:
The review scores are bad for a reason, even if you like 14 you have to admit it isn't up to par. (Yes I've played it)

You are right, 14 isn't up to par yet. But it doesn't need a Cataclysm type of fix, just some more patches to bring it up to par after fixing the current issues and adding the missing features, because the game at its core (battle, armory, leve, crafting systems) is good.


Khrno said:
You are right, 14 isn't up to par yet. But it doesn't need a Cataclysm type of fix, just some more patches to bring it up to par after fixing the current issues and adding the missing features, because the game at its core (battle, armory, leve, crafting systems) is good.
The review scores ares 4s and not 6s/7s because they say even the core systems (battle, armory, leve, crafting) are dull or broken or both.


Khrno said:
You are right, 14 isn't up to par yet. But it doesn't need a Cataclysm type of fix, just some more patches to bring it up to par after fixing the current issues and adding the missing features, because the game at its core (battle, armory, leve, crafting systems) is good.

For what it's worth I did enjoy my time with FFXIV. I thought the crafting was pretty cool - despite not explaining much to you or having an in game recipe list (which is beyond stupid.) The fighting was ok, though not really a concern of mine because fighting in mmos is never usually my favourite aspect of them. Changing classes is ace - but I preferred the classes in XI and the leve system is just awful. I appreciate that they're trying to give you quests to do for experience - something which XI was sorely lacking - but they're so dull; they lack context or any kind of character at all.

I think that, if the landscape was up to par, I would still be playing this game. I could overlook things that are fixable if the world was interesting enough to spend hundreds/thousands of hours in - currently though, it isn't.


DaBuddaDa said:
The review scores ares 4s and not 6s/7s because they say even the core systems (battle, armory, leve, crafting) are dull or broken or both.

I disagree, all the cosmetic problems bring the core mechanics down a lot. It's just frustrating to do some stuff because basic shit is missing/broken.

Examples would make the game more accessible:

item sort
Damage icon that shows up in your inventory on the item that is damaged
adjustment to degradation (right now some weapons will be damage after only hour or so of exp)
Check box sell system (so you can sell all your items in one big group instead of individually)
ARROW QUIVERS *shakes fist*
Keyboard shortcuts instead of having to go to main menu
Adjustment in Skill point gains for mages
Recipe book

Just this small list would go a long way into improving the game overall experience. Now sure if you think the world is boring, its probably not going to make the game good for ya. But after the backlash I would hope SE would rework and individualize all the areas they haven't released yet to give them more "life".

Then again this is SE we are talking about, so the likelihood of getting a lot of stuff fixed is somewhat slim.


DaBuddaDa said:
The review scores ares 4s and not 6s/7s because they say even the core systems (battle, armory, leve, crafting) are dull or broken or both.

Fucking hell, you again taking opinions into facts? So am I supposed to get someone else opinion as my own now, or what?

Go play the game first and make your own opinion and see if those systems are indeed dull and broken or not.


JudgeN said:
I disagree, all the cosmetic problems bring the core mechanics down a lot. It's just frustrating to do some stuff because basic shit is missing/broken.

Examples would make the game more accessible:

item sort
Damage icon that shows up in your inventory on the item that is damaged
adjustment to degradation (right now some weapons will be damage after only hour or so of exp)
Check box sell system (so you can sell all your items in one big group instead of individually)
ARROW QUIVERS *shakes fist*
Keyboard shortcuts instead of having to go to main menu
Adjustment in Skill point gains for mages
Recipe book

Just this small list would go a long way into improving the game overall experience. Now sure if you think the world is boring, its probably not going to make the game good for ya. But after the backlash I would hope SE would rework and individualize all the areas they haven't released yet to give them more "life".

Then again this is SE we are talking about, so the likelihood of getting a lot of stuff fixed is somewhat slim.
As you said this is SE only thing players should expect to be fixed is exploits, stuff like actually tuning the game isn't high on SE's priority list.


Velion said:
As you said this is SE only thing players should expect to be fixed is exploits, stuff like actually tuning the game isn't high on SE's priority list.

does your friend know a friend that knows a friend who's dad works for SE?
Khrno said:
Fucking hell, you again taking opinions into facts? So am I supposed to get someone else opinion as my own now, or what?

Go play the game first and make your own opinion and see if those systems are indeed dull and broken or not.
I've been playing the game a ton. Everything is dull. Combat is broken in the areas of SP rewards and battle regimens, at the very least.
Londa said:
does your friend know a friend that knows a friend who's dad works for SE?

Considering how many things you've said on SE's behalf between the beta and now, you saying that is extremely hypocritical:

  • "Beta 3 will have a ton more content and a ton more fixes than Beta 2 did!" (it didn't)
  • "I know beta 3 is buggy but you dont have to worry about reporting the bugs and the UI because Square has a super secret release build that isn't publicly available that they will use for the public beta that has all the bugs fixed and alot more content" :)lol)
  • "The public beta is artificially limited I know for a fact that the full version when it's released will have a ton more content. And an auction house."


Khrno said:
Fucking hell, you again taking opinions into facts? So am I supposed to get someone else opinion as my own now, or what?

Go play the game first and make your own opinion and see if those systems are indeed dull and broken or not.
You are so cute :lol

This is a thread discussing reviews of the game. I am relaying what the reviews say.


DaBuddaDa said:
This is a thread discussing reviews of the game. I am relaying what the reviews say.

Oh yeah sorry, let's keep discussing all the lies told on that GS review, maybe they should have used the launch build and not the beta build to do their review. At least the IGN review does not forgets to mention that the good points, yeah some are those that I mentioned, are held back because of the server and ui problems.

Is that better now?
Khrno said:
Oh yeah sorry, let's keep discussing all the lies told on that GS review, maybe they should have used the launch build and not the beta build to do their review. At least the IGN review does not forgets to mention that the good points, yeah some are those that I mentioned, are held back because of the server and ui problems.

Is that better now?
Nothing in that review sounds different from the release version of the game.
Why are some people taking the stank-nasty reviews so personally? When 5 major gaming organizations give the game average/bad reviews...it's probably not that great.

Don't get pissed because people are reading the reviews and thinking, "Okay, this game PROBABLY sucks." Reviews are there so we can decide to NOT waste our money.


Still spouting garbage, FF fans? I love this thread...every day I can come in here and see what it's like to live life in a delusional state.

And Londa, still waiting on proof for any claim you've made in this thread.


Mr. Snrub said:
Why are some people taking the stank-nasty reviews so personally? When 5 major gaming organizations give the game average/bad reviews...it's probably not that great.

Don't get pissed because people are reading the reviews and thinking, "Okay, this game PROBABLY sucks." Reviews are there so we can decide to NOT waste our money.
They're just frustrated that most people don't agree their game is any good. Also, see here and here.


Mr. Snrub said:
Why are some people taking the stank-nasty reviews so personally? When 5 major gaming organizations give the game average/bad reviews...it's probably not that great.

Don't get pissed because people are reading the reviews and thinking, "Okay, this game PROBABLY sucks." Reviews are there so we can decide to NOT waste our money.

Because Eorzea is my home! I am Salaadin Voivode! Hyur Highlander of Gridania!


Mister Zimbu said:
  • "Beta 3 will have a ton more content and a ton more fixes than Beta 2 did!" (it didn't)

I'm not exactly sure if it's defined as "more content", but didn't Beta 3 allow you to start in Ul'dah and Gridania as opposed to locking you down in Limsa? At least to me that counts as "more content", although I wouldn't exactly call it "a ton"


RocketDarkness said:
Nothing in that review sounds different from the release version of the game.

It's almost entirely factual. I love how people keep suggesting it's full of lies. There are a few inconsistencies and some questionable calls (bad art design? I don't think so. Bad zone design? Totally) but otherwise, it's gripes are valid.
Forbiden said:
I'm not exactly sure if it's defined as "more content", but didn't Beta 3 allow you to start in Ul'dah and Gridania as opposed to locking you down in Limsa? At least to me that counts as "more content", although I wouldn't exactly call it "a ton"

That was the public beta, not beta 3. All I can remember beta 3 adding was pretty much linkshells and speech bubbles to cutscenes.


notworksafe said:
Still spouting garbage, FF fans? I love this thread...every day I can come in here and see what it's like to live life in a delusional state.

And Londa, still waiting on proof for any claim you've made in this thread.

uh huh, I've already moved on from this. Have fun waiting for nothing. :lol

They gave it the finger. Seriously.

If that isn't a professional way of reviewing, then I don't know what is!

do you have a DA/LJ account, and/or do you frequent anime cons, and/or do you Cosplay?

What, the.... :lol
Londa, do you have a DA/LJ account, and/or do you frequent anime cons, and/or do you Cosplay? And have you tried out Vindictus yet? Curious to see what you think about that compared to FF XIV.


Londa said:
uh huh, I've already moved on from this. Have fun waiting for nothing. :lol
As to be expected. FF fans are predisposed to making wild claims on the internet. I'd back that up with proof, but you guys all have access to GameFAQs so you can do it.

Did you guys know that FFXIV actively causes abortions in pregnant women and incites young children to murder their parents? It makes anyone who plays it jump off cliffs and stick their hands down garbage disposals. It's a fact. I'd find proof but I have better things to do.

Also Londa is paid by Square-Enix, I finally have the proof but the effort of typing it makes my fingers hurt. Looks like everyone just has to believe me.


CAGs ending paragraph is actually a good summary:

While no one can say that FFXIV is an entirely negative experience, you wouldn’t be too far off the mark to say that, at least, at the moment. It still has a lot of growing to do, and I honestly believe that the PS3 release next year will be more in line with what should have been the initial release. Even as a devout fan of the series, I can’t recommend this game until a lot of fixes have been put in place. The actual world of FFXIV is lush and beautiful. It’s just a shame that your only means to explore it is with a clunky by-product of stubborn Japanese design.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Londa said:
uh huh, I've already moved on from this. Have fun waiting for nothing. :lol

If that isn't a professional way of reviewing, then I don't know what is!

What, the.... :lol
You want a website called "cheapassgamer" to be professional?


Square Enix have dropped the ball so bad this gen it's almost wiped them off my radar completely. I actually have very little faith in them any longer, and as such my excitement for even FFXIII Versus has plummeted.

Admittedly I did still purchase FFXIII, but I did wait for it to be £17 lol. Never in history (besides with FFX-2) have I not bought a Final fantasy game at launch. Bad times.


Dance In My Blood said:
You want a website called "cheapassgamer" to be professional?

Hey, I'm cheap, and I play games. Nothing unprofessional with that. Well there is the word ass, maybe to give the site a casual feel?
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