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Final Fantasy XIV Reviews - GameSpot 4/10, GameTrailers 4.2/10, GameSpy 2/5, IGN 5.5

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Londa said:
you sure are mad or just obsessed with trying to call me out in some way. I play the victim how? By saying I don't want to waste my time making a circle map of your beloved game?
Nope, just noticed the same pattern of behavior over the course of many months. One would have to be blind not to see it. I bet I'm not the only one to see it. :D

Keep playing the victim. Everyone is just "stalking you" or "obsessed with you" for no reason, right? I'm sure it has nothing to do with your always unproven and preposterous claims. Or your ridiculous posts that go to lengths untouched by even the most well paid viral marketer.


FFXI had nice zones, some were really beautiful with a lot of life and cool set pieces abounds. A big part of the allure of the BST class for me was gettign to explore stuff at my own pace that you really couldn't in most circumstances.

Thinking of those filled up with story and lore and lots of content was enough on it's own to make FFXIV seem really appealing when it was in development. Casting off the shackles of the Everquest and going more modern while keeping it's core and appealing bits! How could it go wrong!?

And what we got was basically chopped up wallpaper with a few scattered camps for their awful leves =/ It's such a shame, as funny as some of the crazies are and while it's entertaining to watch an entertainment train wreck like this, I'm still mostly sad that it came out like it did after waiting all this time.


Cool Smoke Luke
Alex said:
I'm still mostly sad that it came out like it did after waiting all this time.

Honestly thats where i am.really disappointed. been playing lotro but honestly don't see myself playing more then 6months. I loved so many things about FFXI and wanted to see sequel the progressed with the genre.. FFXIV doesn't appear to be that sequel.

And i don't care what anyone says..that blatant cut and paste terrain is goddamn awful in an mmo.
Assets like Trees, boulders , small structures like tents ect I can handle but non handcrafted terrain? I haven't seen cut and past terran that bad since Daggerfall.

Thats half the splendor of MMo's being able to navigate via landmarks and terrain, In EQ even with the wall of fog you could find your way thru it due to landmarks and terrain layout.
FFXI tho it recycled things like tiered elevation change cliff faces still had zones that felt crafted.


Londa said:
you sure are mad or just obsessed with trying to call me out in some way. I play the victim how? By saying I don't want to waste my time making a circle map of your beloved game?

Nobody is obssessed with you....well maybe Khrno. You post dumb stuff all the time and don't have the proof to back up your claim. Either put up, or shut up. Your lies are worse than the misinformation in these reviews if there are even any.
leng jai said:
This thread is going to rival the OT's in size :lol

Just shows how many people are pissed off at the current state of the game...once SE gets up and does something about it, it can be a pretty respectable product. Not much more to say now though...just people going back and forth bitching about asinine stuff.


Copy pasting happens in almost every MMO, even WoW, where it's not unusual to see the same inns and caves scattered throughout the world. Yet this works when done in a selective way. In XIV, you see the same acre of land pasted 3 to 4 times within your viewing distance, down to the textures and trees that populate it. That's just too much.

Ploid 3.0

Alex said:
FFXI had nice zones, some were really beautiful with a lot of life and cool set pieces abounds. A big part of the allure of the BST class for me was gettign to explore stuff at my own pace that you really couldn't in most circumstances.

Thinking of those filled up with story and lore and lots of content was enough on it's own to make FFXIV seem really appealing when it was in development. Casting off the shackles of the Everquest and going more modern while keeping it's core and appealing bits! How could it go wrong!?

And what we got was basically chopped up wallpaper with a few scattered camps for their awful leves =/ It's such a shame, as funny as some of the crazies are and while it's entertaining to watch an entertainment train wreck like this, I'm still mostly sad that it came out like it did after waiting all this time.

This was the same for me too. I was exping in carpenters landing when that fact hit me. You really take in the splendor of FFXI's world when you level bst and are in isolation exping in a calm state. No waiting for skill chains or fearing the party might break/go wrong, and the exp spots are so different from the assembly line pull kill spots. I really hope FF14 gets Beast Master in some form.


You know WoW has a lot of copy and pasted textures too. What? You want me to find proof of this?! Are you out of your mind!? Why don't you go find the proof for me, even though we're on opposite sides of an argument? You all have internet don't you?


hamchan said:
You know WoW has a lot of copy and pasted textures too. What? You want me to find proof of this?! Are you out of your mind!? Why don't you go find the proof for me, even though we're on opposite sides of an argument? You all have internet don't you?

I refer you to post #2032.


GT Vespene said:
I refer you to post #2032.
and I agree with you, that's just common sense for an MMO. However WoW does it in a smart way while FFXIV does it in a dumb way. Trying to find some fault in WoW doesn't make FFXIV look better at all.

Also the point of my post is that arguing something then not providing proof is dumb. Even dumber is telling the people arguing against you to find your proof.

Ploid 3.0

Yeah the copy pasting in ffxiv seem to stand out more because instead of copy/pasting assets they seem to be copy/pasting whole blocks or rooms. Like your room you're in, they may mirror it to make it backwards, spin it 90degrees, or 180, it's still your room and you're going to recognize it easily. If they instead just use little things from your room and sparingly scatter it where needed to add variety in a world you wouldn't be surprised by seeing it more than 3 times.


Ploid 3.0 said:
Yeah the copy pasting in ffxiv seem to stand out more because instead of copy/pasting assets they seem to be copy/pasting whole blocks or rooms. Like your room you're in, they may mirror it to make it backwards, spin it 90degrees, or 180, it's still your room and you're going to recognize it easily. If they instead just use little things from your room and sparingly scatter it where needed to add variety in a world you wouldn't be surprised by seeing it more than 3 times.

Indeed. Just look at that map you posted 3 pages back. Who makes their copy and pasting so obvious like that?!


hamchan said:
and I agree with you, that's just common sense for an MMO. However WoW does it in a smart way while FFXIV does it in a dumb way. Trying to find some fault in WoW doesn't make FFXIV look better at all.

Also the point of my post is that arguing something then not providing proof is dumb. Even dumber is telling the people arguing against you to find your proof.

I agree wholeheartedly.

I think the worst of XIV can be seen in that forest area, which's name thankfully escapes me. Ugh...

Copy/pasting environments is nothing new in any game, and it doesn't interfere with the experience as long as the sense of deja'vu doesn't make you feel lost. When you're walking down a path and suddenly ask yourself "have I been here before?" you know the design is poor.

Ploid 3.0

I wonder if SE knows and plan to change these deja'vu copy past layouts, or if they are just locked in and can't change it. One thing is for sure, they will not make new zones heavily copy pasted blocks like these (they aren't under pressure, and should be able to take their time).

If you look at that video where the guy made about the copy paste, the whole thing that started his copy/past spotting was that he thought he was going in circles because he had seen the layout before.


Obviously the repeated environments is a strategy by Eorzea's nations so that any invading nation will get lost and confused.
Honestly, trying to defend the copy pasta job for the world design is one of the saddest things I have seen in here.

It strikes me as odd because most FFXI/FFXIV fans I know will always claim that it is a really imaginative world with a great art style.

So please tell me, how much imagination does it take to hit rotate/Copy/Paste a dozen times.

I have no problem with a developer reusing assets, but it shouldn't be so blatant as "Run past lake #3 to see rock path #7 which then leads to another lake #3 which is across from another rock path #7"

That is just motherfucking lazy. In every MMORPG I have ever played I have never seen a design that can create a deja vu effect at almost ever turn.


Londa said:
you sure are mad or just obsessed with trying to call me out in some way. I play the victim how? By saying I don't want to waste my time making a circle map of your beloved game?

I found Atlantis. But you have the google maps, you can find it. I have better things to do with my time.


Londa is STILL trolling this thread? How many days has it been? We need some kind of NeoGAF fatigue system so she doesn't overwork herself.


Pai Pai Master said:
Just shows how many people are pissed off at the current state of the game...once SE gets up and does something about it, it can be a pretty respectable product. Not much more to say now though...just people going back and forth bitching about asinine stuff.

Pretty much.


Unlimited Capacity
Londa said:
you have the internet, go find it for yourself. I'm not going to make a circle map of games because I don't waste my time hating on games to prove a point. I'm also not going to make a video montage of copy and paste in games to also prove my point. I have better things to do. Like play FFXIV.

You are just a fountain of comedy.


hamchan said:
Obviously the repeated environments is a strategy by Eorzea's nations so that any invading nation will get lost and confused.

Well, it worked. Let's go pound nails into our dicks.
Copy pasted barrels. Fuck you wow


Londa said:
you have the internet, go find it for yourself. I'm not going to make a circle map of games because I don't waste my time hating on games to prove a point. I'm also not going to make a video montage of copy and paste in games to also prove my point. I have better things to do. Like play FFXIV.
Don't worry.
Everybody has low expectations with something


Alex said:
FFXI had nice zones, some were really beautiful with a lot of life and cool set pieces abounds.

That's true, but what you're not remembering is that those nice zones weren't filled with life and cool stuff to do from day 1.

Chriswok said:
If I've played the BETA version, has the retail release progressed on from that at all?

Yes, performance has improved considerably from the beta, many bugs have been fixed and some extra content (more leves and class quests) has been added.


Khrno said:
That's true, but what you're not remembering is that those nice zones weren't filled with life and cool stuff to do from day 1.

Yes, performance has improved considerably from the beta, many bugs have been fixed and some extra content (more leves and class quests) has been added.

They were from day one when I played from the US PS2 beta and subscribed at the US PC launch.

Which was in 2003, when the genre was in a *much, much, much* worse place. This is also their second MMO after all those years of experience.

I'm just afraid I'm not going to see eye to eye with any excuses for the state this thing launched in. I've been playing MMOs for 12 years and this is by far the worst, to me. I just can't get over how empty and unfinished it is on every last aspect. Only AO could possibly compete with badness, and that's only because AO had more bugs than files, a feat they attempted to throw up again with AoC. :lol

Man, I love Funcom releases, I want to see a joint Funcom/Ubisoft MMO, your hard drive would probably turn inside out


This is the best thread on Gaf since the Woody action figure one. :lol

Londa I got a question for you. It's a two parter:

1) What are your 5 favorite things about FFXIV?

2) What are your 5 most hated things about FFXIV ?

It's really hard for me to find fun/enjoyment out of the game, so I was hoping I could see a bit of a comparison of what it is that bugs you the most, but is being over ridden by what exactly ?
Is the copy/pasta stuff mostly just that one area with rocks? Maybe HD rocks are as hard to do as towns?

I guess I am asking if the other zones are more diverse and imaginative?


BudokaiMR2 said:
Is the copy/pasta stuff mostly just that one area with rocks? Maybe HD rocks are as hard to do as towns?

I guess I am asking if the other zones are more diverse and imaginative?

Towns don't fare any better. Good luck finding your way without a map. Endless copy pasted halls lead from one hub to the next. Textures recycled up the ass. The towns overall look less diverse than FFXI's. When I was in Windurst, Bastok or Sandoria, I was NEVER lost.


Unlimited Capacity
Khrno said:
Yes, performance has improved considerably from the beta, many bugs have been fixed and some extra content (more leves and class quests) has been added.

Performance is still really bad, though.


BudokaiMR2 said:
Is the copy/pasta stuff mostly just that one area with rocks? Maybe HD rocks are as hard to do as towns?

I guess I am asking if the other zones are more diverse and imaginative?

It's all the zones actually. I found it really noticeable outside Gridania, and didn't think it was an issue elsewhere until many places pointed it out... and then it's really noticeable pretty much everywhere you go.


Dabookerman said:
Copy pasted barrels. Fuck you wow
[img ]http://ui06.gamespot.com/1605/screenshot121006214055_2.jpg[/img]


As amusing as that is, WoW did get better about that. Granted, it's still not entirely gone, but you'll have a much harder time finding a copy-pasted area in Northrend then you would in the classic zones.

FFXIV's copy-pasting is just inexcusable, however.


Say, can one of the resident FFXIV nutjobs clarify something for me? In one of the recent reviews it was claimed that you can't see the status of your items out on the field. Apparently, to find out if you need to repair your stuff you need to visit a repair NPC, or you won't see how damaged your stuff is. Is that true? Even despite the complete and utter listlessness pervading this product I somehow just cannot get myself to believe™ that.

BudokaiMR2 said:
I guess I am asking if the other zones are more diverse and imaginative?
Nah, it's the same in the forest area and in the other starter area as well. Seriously, watch the youtube vids linked in this thread. There's a vid of someone collecting eleven or more separate-but-identical instances of a glade with a small lake in it.
Marrshu said:

As amusing as that is, WoW did get better about that. Granted, it's still not entirely gone, but you'll have a much harder time finding a copy-pasted area in Northrend then you would in the classic zones.

FFXIV's copy-pasting is just inexcusable, however.

Aye, you just copy/pasted kit in WoW now instead. :(


CTLance said:
Say, can one of the resident FFXIV nutjobs clarify something for me? In one of the recent reviews it was claimed that you can't see the status of your items out on the field. Apparently, to find out if you need to repair your stuff you need to visit a repair NPC, or you won't see how damaged your stuff is. Is that true? Even despite the complete and utter listlessness pervading this product I somehow just cannot get myself to believe™ that.

While certainly not an XIV nutjob (in fact I'm a pretty staunch hater at this point) I will point out that no, that is not true about the gear. It is, however, a giant pain in the ass to figure out which piece of gear needs repairing if you get the debuff icon informing you that something is damaged. To check, you basically have to navigate the crummy UI and check every individual piece to find out which pieces are roughed up. Terrible.


So you need to check each piece, but you can do it on the field? OK.

Well, at least you're warned that your equipment is broken. I guess that's something.


_tetsuo_ said:
Performance is still really bad, though.

I never said it was good, but it is better than the beta. Lag is still there, but it's no where as bad as before. Crashes has been fixed in a 90-95% I do still get them when I leave the game on (afk) in the background for long periods of time, but haven't got any crash while actually playing the game.

Alex said:
They were from day one when I played from the US PS2 beta and subscribed at the US PC launch.

I'm not excusing SE, but you started playing a game with a 15 months of extra content and fixes. We would expect to have a game with those 15 months of extra content already from day 1, alright, I've never said otherwise, but FFXI wasn't like at Launch, and not, FFXI wasn't launched first in America.


After playing countless MMO's, the ones that sucks are the ones that neglect to explain how you play the game. Just throwing you in and running off is not really the way to make a game endearing to players.

Played the beta of FF XIV and the UI really did suck. It felt like I had to fight with the UI to get basic things done. Why so many little boxes that I have to click on? Why not streamline everything and get rid of that annoying mouse/menu lag? one of the reason WoW works is because things are always getting streamlined and easy to access. SE are still stuck remaking FFXI because they saw a moderate success with the game from FF fans. They don't need to remake WoW but they could certainly look at some of the basic things it does right.

Crafting was fun but really badly explained. Again, its the game just throwing you in and saying nothing about it. Crafting is supposed to be a fun diversion and a way to help the in-game economy. After failing over and over to make basic objects, its easy for people to just give up.

While the texture/terrain copy & paste is there, I did not notice it too much but the endless trudging around boring terrain really does suck. The main cities are really beautiful but once you step outside, everything does feel a little too confined. Even in the open maps, you're still restricted where you can actually go.

Fans will love it and I am sure SE will fix some of these issues, so the PS3 version might be the one to get but I am not sure they will be fixing some of the major issues any time soon.
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