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Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood |OT| Y'all Need to Calm Down


Thinking about it, I kind of feal like the first Dark Knight arc should have had some of its elements in the main story. It gives the player character more depth, about how they are aware and frustrated at basically being a quest vessel.


Somebody's put up a preliminary MCH guide; the nerf of Overheat to 10% basically makes OH something you only do when you have Barrel Stabilizer which in turn means Wildfire and Midfire remain things.

Mostly curious to see what Flamethrower ends up feeling like given that you're using it to hit specific heat targets.

MCH@70 still seems considerably more convoluted than 3.x MCH at 60. Fewer buttons, but I'm pretty sure most people will still end up playing it wrong.

It also sounds like they're seeing indicators MCH is going to end up being worst DPS again. In which case, gg yoshi a+ job balance
Anytime! ARR is usually around 10 bucks or so. SB is 40 dollars? I think for regular edition (it will include HW so you don't need to buy HW xpac separately)
Oh so HW is included? I'd have to check my Mog Station but I'm sure I already have ARR for PC..

This is sound more and more like the way I am going to go when I get back into the game! Great news indeed. I'm going to wait until the "lines" for some quests die down though lol.


Oh so HW is included? I'd have to check my Mog Station but I'm sure I already have ARR for PC..

This is sound more and more like the way I am going to go when I get back into the game! Great news indeed. I'm going to wait until the "lines" for some quests die down though lol.

You can't even buy HW anymore. It's just the base game and SB.
Just got a PS4 Pro since my old one was slowly dying. Should I use resolution or performance mode? I don't mind 30fps, but I don't want it to go below that, is it at 30fps+ with resolution mode most of the time?

I think its 60fps most of the time? If you have a 4K Tv they might have a checkerboard rendering 4K mode but imo, i'd take the more stable fps.



EDIT: I left out the 70 content.

Thank you! :)


I think its 60fps most of the time? If you have a 4K Tv they might have a checkerboard rendering 4K mode but imo, i'd take the more stable fps.

Yeah, I was talking about resolution mode, I already had a 4K TV, I'm fine with 30fps because resolution mode looks so clean, but I don't want the game chugging when things get crazy.


What made the devs realize carbonized matter for melding was just too mich BS? Very happy that they woke up honestly. That pissed me off.
Yeah, I was talking about resolution mode, I already had a 4K TV, I'm fine with 30fps because resolution mode looks so clean, but I don't want the game chugging when things get crazy.

I think someone mentioned its largely 60fps but can naturally get a bit lower in cities/hubs where there are dozens/hundreds of people on screen. seems pretty fine most of the time


Have you seen any preliminary musings on where the other DPS classes are doing in terms of DPS?

There's a Discord channel called The Balance where a bunch of people theory craft things and talk about it, but I'm not on it. If power rankings are happening, it'd probably be there. The guy in comments on the MCH guide mentions that they're using SSS dummy target values to help compare.

At this point I think ACT needs to be updated to track DoTs properly before it can be used to tell how jobs are working in practice; since MCH lost Lead Shot it has 0 DoTs and so its damage is pretty much correct already.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I believe I'm about done with the HW MSQ quest and will be ready to start Stormblood tonight.

I want to recap and try and paraphrase some of my experience:

It was hard trying to gauge where I was and pick up all the quests I've missed.

Playing DRG was confusing at first with the now lack of several abilities. While my rotation started to kind of come back like riding a bicycle, the bicycle is now missing several parts while still riding on the road.

The writing itself is phenomenal. Koji Fox and the rest of his team do an amazing job whose output is rare in video games. Now that's just the writing itself, the lore of the game went in places I was not expecting and was pretty amazed by. Mayhap partaking of a spirit or two is not wise when playing this game, because I did a double take when seeing *Post HW MSQ Spoilers*
. While reading the text I was like
"Wait, doesn't that mean she's dead?"
. Also this game does not really give a fuck about killing people, even if we did have some fake deaths earlier on.

I really like Alisaie now. While I love the writing in the game, at times I have questioned whether people could speak with such verbosity in real life or if I just didn't pay enough attention in English class. To have a character actually come out and say how ridiculously wordy the other characters are, when they simply want to say thank you, was great. She then explicitly tells
in terse wording that she doesn't trust him. She also got an
aetherial sword
, bad ass. Plus she is a female Alphinaud ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Aymeric is a pretty great replacement husbando.
Hauchefant, I'll never forget you.
Somebody's put up a preliminary MCH guide; the nerf of Overheat to 10% basically makes OH something you only do when you have Barrel Stabilizer which in turn means Wildfire and Midfire remain things.

Mostly curious to see what Flamethrower ends up feeling like given that you're using it to hit specific heat targets.

MCH@70 still seems considerably more convoluted than 3.x MCH at 60. Fewer buttons, but I'm pretty sure most people will still end up playing it wrong.

It also sounds like they're seeing indicators MCH is going to end up being worst DPS again. In which case, gg yoshi a+ job balance
I was told that Hypercharge no longer stacks with Trick Attack, is this the case? Because if so RIP MCH in raid comps


Hitting the floor as in everyone passes so no one gets it. Basically as in you just leave it on the floor.

I'm not sure on high level gather/crafter materia. EDIT - people in my Discord are saying it looks like only transmutation right now... so good luck

Well thats not entirely accurate, there is a shop at the hub location after crossing the Fringes where you fught Zenos in the instance. The seller has all the new Materia including craft and gathering but it has a currency I wasn't familiar with so I didn't bother mentioning it in my other post, thought there was another way to get it.

Surprised no one on reddit bothered to check every single shop. Is everyone ignoring everything and just bulldozing through story?


I really loved the (endgame dungeon spoilers)
Ivon Coeurlfist fight. I really wanted a fist fighter dungeon boss and finally got it, and he was pretty badass. his ultimate was awesome.


Well thats not entirely accurate, there is a shop at the hub location after crossing the Fringes where you fught Zenos in the instance. The seller has all the new Materia including craft and gathering but it has a currency I wasn't familiar with so I didn't bother mentioning it in my other post, thought there was another way to get it.

Surprised no one on reddit bothered to check every single shop. Is everyone ignoring everything and just bulldozing through story?

Pretty much that's what's happening and always will with MMO expansions. I used to do that also, but I want to take my time. I want my enjoyment of this game to be social and enjoyable, not a stressful, grindy sprint where I do nothing with my life except play. That's a bad path for me.


I was told that Hypercharge no longer stacks with Trick Attack, is this the case? Because if so RIP MCH in raid comps

I actually had this exact worry when I saw the new Hypercharge icon, but I don't think it's the case. I haven't hit a dungeon with a NIN while I was on MCH yet, but a couple days ago I did have somebody TA a dummy for me so I could Hypercharge at it since I was worrying about this.

The icons themselves definitely stack--you see the same vuln icon twice in a row, at least on a dummy--so my impression is that the intention is to have the debuffs both apply at the same time; I have not tried to confirm that the back-end is actually calculating this out correctly but I do not think it should be a problem long-term.

If they want MCH to bring up the rear for personal damage, I do want 10% Hypercharge back, though, because the current situation is crap. The amount of time MCH is penalized for accidental Overheat is stupid, given the focus on removing high penalties for mistakes. Getting from 0-50 without Stabilizer or Flamethrower takes forever, and losing the Heated shots for that timeframe sucks.


I think someone mentioned its largely 60fps but can naturally get a bit lower in cities/hubs where there are dozens/hundreds of people on screen. seems pretty fine most of the time

Thanks. I don't notice variable framerate unless it's very severe so I'll stick with resolution mode.


I have not got too far in but just a one work answer from people who have finished MSQ

That smug zenos fella, Do we get to hand his ass to him by the end?


Man I like the gaf FC but really want to check how much better the ping feels in the EU servers. Think I'm going to make a new character and get it to lv30 for the 15 days in Louisoux and if it feels a lot better move my main character to Omega.


How's the performance on ps4? I'm used to playing this at 60fps on PC, but I'm very tempted to buy an account on my PS4 while I save for a new build.

I'm quite sensitive to frame dips, so if it's sub 30 often I might wait...


Not getting four SAMs/Three SAMs and a RDM on floor 91-100 would be fantastic, game.

I've had fun with multi RDM PotD runs, well if they knew that vercure is actually strong and they used it liberally.

Saved a couple runs by turning into a semi-healer for a few pulls.


I do like how they sold Zenos as a villain ( Early SB spoiler )
by being the first guy in the game to totally hand the WOL ass on a silver plater .


I've gone from 62 to nearly 64 grinding for Raigo, the 60 win garo mount. Feel kinda dumb for putting the msq on hold basically but I was winning enough that it was within reach and I really wanted the edgiest of the egdy robo-ponies. Just need eight more wins tonight and I'll be free. It was almost all on mch--

It also sounds like they're seeing indicators MCH is going to end up being worst DPS again. In which case, gg yoshi a+ job balance

oh fun


WHM didn't really gain anything from SB other than Thin Air, which lets them Holy bomb with even greater impunity than before. To make it worse, they took away a good chunk of the kit, giving much of it to the other healers as well. The lily mechanic is dubious at best, with the spells that actually use it being very situational and hard to use.

You get to remove a lot of clutter off your hotbars, but it really just makes it feel empty. It honestly feels really boring to play now, at least to me.

The actual process of WHM healing is about the same for me. It's not more boring it's also not more exciting. I'm ok with that. The stuff they took away I just put back with the roll skills (minus stoneskin).

DPS has improved greatly though. It's a lot more fun with the holy bomb and the faster azise cooldown and I know it's not WHM specific but the removal of cleric stance dancing changes healer DPS from a chore to a joy.

As a controller user I very much appreciate the lack of clutter on the hotbar. PVP is amazing now from a hotbar standpoint.
I've had fun with multi RDM PotD runs, well if they knew that vercure is actually strong and they used it liberally.

Saved a couple runs by turning into a semi-healer for a few pulls.

It didn't help that the RDM on my last attempt didn't realize until like floor 95 that he could use Vercure inside PotD despite not learning it outside. I've had some great RDMs on the other floors, though, and they were a lot of fun to play with.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I'm going to have to find a way to test my ping when I get home.

I've noticed some discrepancies on button inputs pressed. It doesn't feel as snappy as I remember it being, using wtfast back then, and I am noticing some skills not going off with a button press.

I'm wondering if this is because of the data center move to the west cost. Is there any solution?


These log in queues...

So I'm logging in on Odin about an hour ago and it said 1200. It got down to 200 and suddenly it froze and then gave a connection error. Tried to login again and now it days 2500. That's probably like 3 hours :(


Kills Photobucket
Two hilariously stupid things from the final quest.

Alliance: "What could Zenos be doing in there?"

He's holding Shinryu in a giant bubble in the back garden, and you should be able to see it from yalms around.

Alliance: ZENOS IS DEAD! Dispose of his body and just leave those two eyeballs there. Sure they're unimportant.


Is there a way to add this as a non-Steam game to my library properly? I can try adding the launcher but the game seems to crash if I launch it from within Steam.

Asking this again, it just turns out a bunch of DLL errors on launch from within Steam.

Assuming "ffxivboot.exe" is the correct target?
How viable is SCH in Stormblood? I am only lvl 59 and around halfway in HW but I read that it got some serious nerfs.

They've given it a bit of a kicking, but it's certainly still very viable with some useful new abilities. What the player meta will make of it in a short while remains to be seen, though I imagine it will still largely retain its privileged position at endgame.

Aetherflow only returns a tenth of your MP now, so there's greater emphasis on MP management and opening up room in your hotbars for Lucid Dreaming may be a necessity for longer fights. Fairy has apparently been nerfed in potency a bit, but I haven't tested my SCH yet or looked up the numbers to determine by how much.

The nerfs are mainly to its DPS capability. Shadow Flare is now an off-GCD that is up every minute. Bane is heavily nerfed and neither Blizzard II nor Miasma II are available, so SCH's DPS capacity has been thoroughly slashed. Half the DoTs appear to be gone, so no more Aero and Bio to add to the mix. Your DPS toolkit simply appears to be a 15-sec Shadow Flare every minute, two DoTs, Energy Drain in between and a looooot of Broil spam.


Asking this again, it just turns out a bunch of DLL errors on launch from within Steam.

Assuming "ffxivboot.exe" is the correct target?

You can.... that's how i have mine set up. You have to direct it to the launcher, and, if I remember correctly, it's not an .exe that you would expect. I'm at work now, so I can't tell you exactly which one it is.
Really liked the Susano trial. The
shell game gaols
mechanic got a laugh from me. Wiped once because my co-healer kept standing in AoE/fucking off with the damage splits and so my MP was shot from slinging raises so often

About to move on to
. Can't wait to see what happens next
Are they planning on doing something with the queues? Something that isn't "we hope a bunch of people goes to these new worlds". It's ridiculous at this point, I don't even want to think what will happen on the weekend...


It's not amazing so far. That said, I just got the trait that lets you build meter with blood price/weapon and it all feels smoother now that you can use quietus more on trash pulls. With Dark Arts, it's a 210 potency aoe move with no cooldown so it has to be gated. That's basically 100 more potency than other classes spam able aoe moves. While Ill miss the days of abyssal spamming with what felt like unlimited mp with the old blood price, you can feel what they were going for at least. That's sadly true for alot of classes now. They no longer 'feel' right until much later now except red mage who has everything that makes the class great at 50.

Bloodspiller I refuse to believe feels like a wet noodle when it's 20 potency over a fell cleave. I have to believe. I have to have hope.

Half the appeal of Fell Cleave is in its sound/animation. That move could have 10 potency and still be satisfying to use.


I just learned that quietus is physical so if you have BW on it generates mana for each enemy hit.

That's a big gamechanger for me. Think I'll level DRK next.

Still wish BP didn't get hit so hard but this might make up for it.
Are they planning on doing something with the queues? Something that isn't "we hope a bunch of people goes to these new worlds". It's ridiculous at this point, I don't even want to think what will happen on the weekend...

I don't know if there's a lot they can do?

Short of introducing multiples of each server and phasing people across (each server has a capacity cap of 5000) and offering "incentives" to go to lower pop data centers (not really applicable in the EU since we have one local data centre in Germany)...it's tricky : /

When I went on earlier it was a queue of 9...now its like 2700


Somebody's put up a preliminary MCH guide; the nerf of Overheat to 10% basically makes OH something you only do when you have Barrel Stabilizer which in turn means Wildfire and Midfire remain things.

Mostly curious to see what Flamethrower ends up feeling like given that you're using it to hit specific heat targets.

MCH@70 still seems considerably more convoluted than 3.x MCH at 60. Fewer buttons, but I'm pretty sure most people will still end up playing it wrong.

It also sounds like they're seeing indicators MCH is going to end up being worst DPS again. In which case, gg yoshi a+ job balance
Fuck sake, I know I shouldn't have leveled my mch first..


You can.... that's how i have mine set up. You have to direct it to the launcher, and, if I remember correctly, it's not an .exe that you would expect. I'm at work now, so I can't tell you exactly which one it is.

Ooh, maybe it has to be set to the launcher exe. Thanks.

Edit: Nope, that doesn't work. :s
So I purchased the complete collection on ps4 for my daughter, who also has a pc account already. How do I register the code in the box? On psn? If so, I assume the account linking is done on the ps4 after the install is done?


Fuck sake, I know I shouldn't have leveled my mch first..

FWIW, MCH and Bard should end up being relatively close overall and it's possible MCH pulls ahead if there's a DRG in the group (since they benefit more from Disembowel since ranged still can't do their own freaking debuffs.)

But with Overheat being kind of bad after the nerf and the relatively heavy penalties for accidental Overheat, MCH is going to be a lot easier to totally screw up than Bard, provide less in the way of defensive utility, and the rDPS increases between the two will be largely interchangeable.

I don't think we're looking at 3.0 levels of stigma or anything, but as a complete job reboot in the name of drawing in new people I'm not sure it works. It's more complicated now for ultimately less reward; it plays terribly before 64, and it doesn't really do anything that makes it stand out from a crowd.

They could fix a lot by putting Overheat back at 20%, reducing the CD on Barrel Stabilizer to 60s (so you just Overheat every WF as opposed to wildfire/midfire rotations) or restoring Hypercharge to 10%. It's salvageable, but at this point I have no idea why they thought this would breathe life into the job.
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