I just learned that quietus is physical so if you have BW on it generates mana for each enemy hit.
That's a big gamechanger for me. Think I'll level DRK next.
Still wish BP didn't get hit so hard but this might make up for it.
Was the PS4 version updated to support PS4 PRO and add high resolution mode?
Seriously, even if you're dumb and don't like the outfit she gets at the beginning of the expansion the art and trailers for the expansion spoil that she changes into a traditional Japanese oppai dress and starts doing The Twelve's work.Lyse in thatdress. *wipes sweat from brow*Ala Mhigan
Lyse is best girl, folks.
Lyse in thatdress. *wipes sweat from brow*Ala Mhigan
Lyse is best girl, folks.
Lyse in thatdress. *wipes sweat from brow*Ala Mhigan
Lyse is best girl, folks.
Didn't someone say Stormblood came with Heavensward?
Didn't someone say Stormblood came with Heavensward?
Errrrr.... this morning on Mogstation I saw an option to upgrade both ARR and HW to Digital CE for 30 bucks. But now that option is gone and there are only individual options at 20 bucks each. What gives?!
SE did, on their store page.
Amazon sent me two copies of the game for some reason. Only charged me for one though. Never had that happen.
It says it does right on the box. I have it right in front of me.
My question is can I play through Heavensword story with Samurai? Or is Samurai only available after you beat the Hevensword campaign so to speak. I'm starting from scrach.
Reposting because I never got an answer. Anyone know?
Reposting because I never got an answer. Anyone know?
Damnit Arby's
Yeah that was...But lucky Gosetsu could hold the roof up long enough for them all to have a good stare and chat lol
Damnit Arby's
Inner Release -> Path -> Berserk -> Fell Cleave x2 -> Infuriate -> Fell Cleave x4
Level 67-68 spoilers I guess
Yotsuyu!! ;__; I need a new waifu now, I'm thinking Cirila can suffice... But lucky Gosetsu could hold the roof up long enough for them all to have a good stare and chat lol
I believe so, yes. I went back to performance mode with mine because resolution mode made the fans crank up on high and sound like a hair dryer.Just got a PS4 Pro since my old one was slowly dying. Should I use resolution or performance mode? I don't mind 30fps, but I don't want it to go below that, is it at 30fps+ with resolution mode most of the time?
Yeah I've just hit 64 and it felt boring and dull, now I at least get some kind of bonus for being above 50 heat.FWIW, MCH and Bard should end up being relatively close overall and it's possible MCH pulls ahead if there's a DRG in the group (since they benefit more from Disembowel since ranged still can't do their own freaking debuffs.)
But with Overheat being kind of bad after the nerf and the relatively heavy penalties for accidental Overheat, MCH is going to be a lot easier to totally screw up than Bard, provide less in the way of defensive utility, and the rDPS increases between the two will be largely interchangeable.
I don't think we're looking at 3.0 levels of stigma or anything, but as a complete job reboot in the name of drawing in new people I'm not sure it works. It's more complicated now for ultimately less reward; it plays terribly before 64, and it doesn't really do anything that makes it stand out from a crowd.
They could fix a lot by putting Overheat back at 20%, reducing the CD on Barrel Stabilizer to 60s (so you just Overheat every WF as opposed to wildfire/midfire rotations) or restoring Hypercharge to 10%. It's salvageable, but at this point I have no idea why they thought this would breathe life into the job.
Not getting four SAMs/Three SAMs and a RDM on floor 91-100 would be fantastic, game.
Anything out there for WAR rotations/openers? I have so many questions.
I feel like Upheaval should be used essentially on CD. Potency/Gauge cost it is better than a Fell Cleave.
The big one for me is Inner Release. Currently I've been doing the following:
Code:Inner Release -> Path -> Berserk -> Fell Cleave x2 -> Infuriate -> Fell Cleave x4
My issue it that I still have a GCD or two of Inner Release with nothing going on, so I'm thinking I'm doing something wrong here. That feeling of doing 6 Fell Cleaves on a boss is a nice one though.
Also curious if the extra potency from butcher's block is better or worse for dps than the extra gauge from path rotation.
Do you ever get another free mount besides the Chocobo? I imagine Heavensward has to give you a flying one at least in the story, right?
Malick[AI];241348662 said:I didn't have too many issues with this type of setup. Your RDM can kite the adds and spam vericure to keep aggro while your SAMs DPS the boss.
Do I need my physical copy to play it now that it is officially released?
Do I need my physical copy to play it now that it is officially released?
Early Access goes until Friday so they give you a little wiggle room to get your code in.
Early access will end on Friday, June 23, 2017 at 11:59 p.m. in the time zone for the registered accounts region (NA: PDT, EU: GMT, JP: JST). Please register the full FINAL FANTASY XIV: Stormblood registration code or promotion code before this time to continue playing after the Early Access period.
Early Access goes until Friday so they give you a little wiggle room to get your code in.
From the FFXIV site
Yes, the only thing you need to do before you can pickup the SAM quest line is beat ARR's story so you can even use a SAM for the patches after ARR before Heavensward even begins which is what I plan on doing myself. Just got to the lvl 49 quests so almost...there...My question is can I play through Heavensword story with Samurai? Or is Samurai only available after you beat the Hevensword campaign so to speak. I'm starting from scrach.
You'll get a flying chocobo mount and can eventually teach your chocobo to fly as well
What do folks mean by procs?
What do folks mean by procs?
Something that as a % chance to occur. So like, if an ability has a 20% chance to make something else happen, it "procs" when that thing happens.