People going on about how easy the new EX primals are and I'm on my 12th or 13th party for lakshmi...
Maybe I should stop joining blind practice groups, but I really enjoy the experience of helping everyone along to the goal line.
Based on the constant Horrors of PF posts in this thread, I'm totally convinced the most enjoyable primal parties are the more laid-back learning/clear groups. Even the biggest disasters there are still usually pretty chill people. There are some
interesting laid back people, like a surprising number of tanks that don't use Shirk and one memorable DRK that only ever used Power Slash all the time, but it's still generally non-rage-y.
I did get around to doing a Susano EX on Bard to see what it was like last night, and
oh my god is there so much less to pay attention to in that fight as a DPS.
Just hit 70 on my DRK. It's fun, haven't run into any issues, but obviously haven't tanked anything that hits hard yet. Everyone says DRK is trash, but I'm new to FFXIV so maybe it just hasn't sunk in yet. Will know more when I tank EX's, I assume.
PLD seems like a safe bet.
None of the tanks are trash and none are particularly harder to heal in dungeons or EX primals than the others, provided they're being played competently.
That last bit is the sticking point, of course, and my understanding is DRK sucks during the leveling process, but in terms of just getting punched by stuff it seems fine.
But that's how my pug managed to get to the 1%. Before that it was like 39% at best.
What does that positioning actually accomplish, though? I didn't complain when they started doing it, but the only difference I noticed was that it made it impossible to bait the knock back into the super short run you can get from tanking up north.
I'd like to see what the actual completion rate of Susano EX is. I've still yet to complete it or Lakshmi EX, but the latter seems a bit more forgiving while SusanoEX is okay up until after the sticky lightning phase, at which point it just keeps throwing shit at you endlessly. One mistake by just about anyone seems to cause it fall apart with no hope of recovery because there are just so many large, quick AOEs going on with it.
GAF: please tell me it's not that I just really suck and/or get bad groups.
I joined... three clear PFs yesterday; only one of the three succeeded, but it was less down to successful mechanics and more down to the tanks not constantly exploding. On average I'd say I hit one in two or three learning/clear PFs that go on to kill?