I believe he's saying there shouldn't be tanks or healers - the game should be designed around having no distinct roles, thus allowing everyone equal queues.
We all laughed, but the system of kicking everyone before peak hours, is actually working.
116 queue in Ragnarok (used to be around 2k before)
I hope Omega normal isn't as difficult for people as the final SB trial was. I really don't want to struggle to get my weekly loot each and every week.
I'd imagine at least the final fight in normal mode to be as difficult as that.I hope Omega normal isn't as difficult for people as the final SB trial was. I really don't want to struggle to get my weekly loot each and every week.
By introducing defense abilities such as physical damage resistance 20% up into role shared abilities, in their stead, we can create new unique abilities for jobs. You might think it will become easier, but the matter of fact is that it wont. We will remove useless parts in order to strengthen party cooperation and skill rotation.
Even if it is, they will end up learning it. Since they have to farm it, they'll at least learn how to get by. Just might be rough in the beginning.
So there's zero chance we'll actually be fighting Omega at all in the first tier of this Omega raid right? Lol.
So there's zero chance we'll actually be fighting Omega at all in the first tier of this Omega raid right? Lol.
Man, and here I consider myself pretty optimistic...
It's the only way I can sleep at night, don't take this away from me!
I'd imagine at least the final fight in normal mode to be as difficult as that.
So there's zero chance we'll actually be fighting Omega at all in the first tier of this Omega raid right? Lol.
If we do right limb, left limb, fuck it in the head we go again I'm going to just frown.
I don't even think we'll end up fighting Omega at all, tbh. I don't think that's going to be the goal of the raid series at all. The initial slide was just "Interdimensional Rift - Omega: The Bend of Time."So there's zero chance we'll actually be fighting Omega at all in the first tier of this Omega raid right? Lol.
Level 47 Paladin here, new to the game and all and been having a blast. My question is, what is the best way to level up, I can't do my next ARR story quest until I'm level 49.
The recommendation I've seen so far is to grind Palace of the Dead.Level 47 Paladin here, new to the game and all and been having a blast. My question is, what is the best way to level up, I can't do my next ARR story quest until I'm level 49.
As a tank, doing and re-doing the highest-level dungeon is your best bet since you'll have a super-low queue time. You can do PVP to mix it up if you'd like but that's probably the way to go.Level 47 Paladin here, new to the game and all and been having a blast. My question is, what is the best way to level up, I can't do my next ARR story quest until I'm level 49.
Level 47 Paladin here, new to the game and all and been having a blast. My question is, what is the best way to level up, I can't do my next ARR story quest until I'm level 49.
Yeah, but at 47 all he can do is AVAs a tank, doing and re-doing the highest-level dungeon is your best bet since you'll have a super-low queue time. You can do PVP to mix it up if you'd like but that's probably the way to go.
I don't even think we'll end up fighting Omega at all, tbh. I don't think that's going to be the goal of the raid series at all. The initial slide was just "Interdimensional Rift - Omega: The Bend of Time."
It just wouldn't make sense with the way the story previously handled Omega, we're probably going to be dealing with whatever threats exist in the Interdimensional Rift and trying to recover Omega
If you didn't finish all of Heavensward (going into Stormblood) don't read this or click the link
Although there is this interesting thing Krile says when she's standing around before you go up and talk to Lyse on the platform https://puu.sh/v1Pxo/68528283f4.png
"Interdimensional Rift" is a FFV reference. Spoilers for 3.5 and beyond (up to SB ending):Both Omega and Shinryu are optional bosses in FFV's Interdimensional Rift dungeon. That's where they both originated. If they take this reference to it's natural conclusion, then possible bosses in the raid series would be Omega, Shinryu, Gilgamesh, and Exdeath. Since we already fought Shinryu, maybe they'll take inspiration from the FFV GBA addition of Neo Shinryu? Too hard?
"Interdimensional Rift" is a FFV reference. Spoilers for 3.5 and beyond (up to SB ending):Both Omega and Shinryu are optional bosses in FFV's Interdimensional Rift dungeon. That's where they both originated. If they take this reference to it's natural conclusion, then possible bosses in the raid series would be Omega, Shinryu, Gilgamesh, and Exdeath. Since we already fought Shinryu, maybe they'll take inspiration from the FFV GBA addition of Neo Shinryu? Too hard?
"Interdimensional Rift" is a FFV reference. Spoilers for 3.5 and beyond (up to SB ending):Both Omega and Shinryu are optional bosses in FFV's Interdimensional Rift dungeon. That's where they both originated. If they take this reference to it's natural conclusion, then possible bosses in the raid series would be Omega, Shinryu, Gilgamesh, and Exdeath. Since we already fought Shinryu, maybe they'll take inspiration from the FFV GBA addition of Neo Shinryu? Too hard?
This is probably common knowledge but I'm not sure where to find it.. is it known what the ilevel requirement will be for Omega normal tomorrow? Wondering how much I have to grind my ilevel up today as I just finished the MSQ a couple days ago.
I thought it wasn't until next next week? Is it out tomorrow?
"Interdimensional Rift" is a FFV reference. Spoilers for 3.5 and beyond (up to SB ending):Both Omega and Shinryu are optional bosses in FFV's Interdimensional Rift dungeon. That's where they both originated. If they take this reference to it's natural conclusion, then possible bosses in the raid series would be Omega, Shinryu, Gilgamesh, and Exdeath. Since we already fought Shinryu, maybe they'll take inspiration from the FFV GBA addition of Neo Shinryu? Too hard?
Gilgamesh is already used. ExDeath might show up. Shinryu is a current trial. Omega Prime will most likely be the final boss. As for IR enemies: Califisteri wad already used and Apanda. Twintania is gone and Halicarnassis.
So maybe Catastrophw, Azulmagia, And Necrophone. Plus various collections of enemies from 12 and 13 as trash.
You guys ever wonder how gathering gear is supposed to improve abilities for gathering. Like my mining AF looks helpful for mining, hard hat and thick gloves. But this new 70 poncho and poof hat? Like how is this supposed to help me hit rocks?
Ah, I see. I hated Guild Wars 2 because of that. I absolutely love having the distinction of being the tank and have the healer watching my back. All hail the trinity.
-> proceed to get tanks that don't take Rampart, Reprisal, Provoke, or Shirk.
I feel like getting better and better skills in Role Action has simply made many of the situations worse.
My expectations for Omega are quite low after creator.
Just ask them to take them in that case I guess?
Then again, it took until A9 for them to add in the "Carry an object" mechanic from Neverreap into a raid scenario.
At mining undpoiled nodes I'm noticing people maximizing collectabiliy over the amount harvested. Why?
If I walk away with 2 more minimum required collectibles I fare better.
I mean, maximizing collectability and the amount collected go hand in hand since there's really just one rotation. As you progress in gear the number of collectables you can get also goes up because of Impulsive scalingAt mining unspoiled nodes I'm noticing people maximizing collectabiliy over the amount harvested. Why?
If I walk away with 1 more minimum required collectibles I fare better.
I keep telling myself there had to have been more to this mechanic in the original A9S design. There had to be.
I keep telling myself there had to have been more to this mechanic in the original A9S design. There had to be.
Hey Everyone,
Quick question. I've been trying to get back into the game, but wanted to see if I could get my 1.0 character back from Square. After about 3 tickets of them saying they couldn't find it, I go to make a new character today, and BAM, there he is. I see my current job is listed as a level 50 lancer, but when I go to log in with him I get the following message:
"To log in with this character from version 1.0, you must first specify the Disciple of War or Magic class you wish to begin the game as. You are also granted one opportunity to edit your character's race, tribe, gender, appearance, and name."
Now, the way that reads to me is "Hey, you get to start all over!". I was wondering if someone could clarify that for me before I start.
I have told you and anyone else who will listen 234,464,243 times that the reason the batteries do a small amount of damage when you place them is clearly because they originally applied a vuln to make having one person do two sets in a row impossible. Enforced responsibility swap/tank swap/etc.
I really wish the towers in A11 were better thought out. How you could essentially ignore all of them but one seemed like a huge oversight on their part.
Oh, I usually do, at least in the case of Shirk (because I am now the laziest tank due to this with PF randoms). It's more the case of becoming the bad guy for asking.
Was mostly just noting the whole Provoke situation of before to the current situation. At least now there's no "I don't have it" excuse, which admittedly is a huge step up.
I think role options bug me at this point because just let me have all 10 at once and decide what I want to bind. Stuff like Esuna being in there and optional bugs me because it didn't used to waste a cross-role slot before! It's not like most of the role actions are fun/cool/flexible.
I hated doing anything not solo in GW2 because of their non-trinity system. Everything was chaos and dungeons were nothing but corpse runs, World V World was fantastic though.Ah, I see. I hated Guild Wars 2 because of that. I absolutely love having the distinction of being the tank and have the healer watching my back. All hail the trinity.
I started with a full stack of Hi Cordials last night and ended up going through about half of them.Unspoiled nodes give more red scrips
More red scrips = more commercial manuals and Hi Cordials, which means much faster leveling. Grab all 3 leves for your level range, burn GP on an evaluation leve, gather GP on the other leve types, cordial up, unspoiled node, rinse, repeat.
I seem to already be getting the max collectability per hit, so how is the bolded true? Is it because I'll have fewer misses, since my chance to fail the gathering chance will be lower?Don't do unspoiled nodes at your level.
For 50-60, I did the level 50 unspoiled node only, because once you're higher level you can squeeze more collectables at the required collectability out of one node. Since each collectable is a chunk of exp, oftentimes grabbing more collectables nets you more exp than grabbing less collectables of nodes at your level.
Dammit, I forgot all about the GC hand ins!The same applied when leveling between 60 and 70. I only bashed the unspoiled 60 node, supplemented with leves which were really generous with the exp. Plus hq gc hand in.