Let's be real Square can't even put up a modernized web store, a modernized MMO backend is probably beyond their ken.
How much of the server backend is actually built off of 1.0's, I wonder? The client was obviously nuked from orbit and 2.0 was built entirely from scratch, but that doesn't mean the server-side was, I suppose.
I honestly don't think I've heard an MMORPG dev cite storage space as a reason for not expanding certain aspects of the game(housing, wardrobe) like the XIV team has.
? FF14's non-bank space is paltry.Me either
but to be fair, I don't think i've played an MMO that provides as much generous non-bank space as XIV.
Then again, this is a subscription MMO, so i guess it's expected.
Beat the final boss of Stormblood.
Final thoughts:
Lyse literally did nothing, she is being praised for what now? Not dying??
Zenos was cool, don't even care.
Shinryu felt like a real final boss and I loved it. Also not a cake walk, I'm looking forward to extreme.
Y'Shtola lives, hilariously. I'm almost entirely sure she'll just keep on getting near death murder blows forever and die naturally (well she's dying slowly). I would've been pissed if she did die, that would've been lame.
Hancock secretly best new character.
Xaela arc was great. Wish there was more of that.
Estinien comes in, just wrecks shit, then fucks off. Actually too powerful. I assume he'll be important now, as he has unique hair and that normally means main character.
As cool as Shinryu is, weird it is the final boss. Like it makes little sense? I guess it does in the sense of Illberd created it, and it's a monster formed off the back of dead Ala Mhigians.
Yotsuyu was cool, rip
Gotestu was made to die, but that's cool, he actually did a cool thing.
Man, wish being a monk actually mattered. I wish monk mattered. Why doesn't monk matter? The Stormblood monk questline isn't even good, like at all. Just a fake Griffin and oh no Widargelt is royal family. It doesn't matter ffs. Should've made Widargelt some general in the main story and let him have his Ala Mhigo freedom boner like he had in 2.0.
Shinryu is probably my favouirte boss in the game so far. Actually feels like a final boss.
Again: Lyse what the fuck you did nothing. Give me that red dress, I liberated Ala Mhigo.
Dark knight story got good again, thank fucking god.
Well that turned into a bunch of musings of my general thoughts of Stormblood.
Considering how AoEs used to work - fuck you Titan - I'm gonna say "too much"How much of the server backend is actually built off of 1.0's, I wonder? The client was obviously nuked from orbit and 2.0 was built entirely from scratch, but that doesn't mean the server-side was, I suppose.
Did you watch the post credits scenes? Because two of those, well...
Watbut to be fair, I don't think i've played an MMO that provides as much generous non-bank space as XIV.
Waiting for the moment I am meant to start hating Lyse.
I only just reached Yanxia, so possibly still to come, but so far nothing I've witnessed involving her has measured up to the sheer level of vitriol towards her in this thread. I guess I'll see...
That Pool of Tribute fight, in story mode. What awesome fucking shit was that. The music is hype, the mechanics are dope and as a DPS I must have done something right because I got 4 commendations![]()
It really does depend on the fight. Take Susano Extreme for example. Each tank buster is roughly a minute apart with a tank swap on each occasion, so in effect you're taking a buster every 2 mins. Vengeance and Thrill of Battle happen to be on a 2min cooldown, so you can use both for each Stormsplitter and easily survive even in Deliverance. That allows you to fit the likes of Rampart, Convalescence and Raw Intuition (be careful not to use it when running side to side) in the gap in between tank busters for extra passive mitigation. If you want to play extra safe, you could just use Inner Beast whenever possible and stack it with Vengeance for the buster, but that's kind of overkill. You could use Anticipation as well and I do like it, but you're better off taking Reprisal in 8 man. If both you and your tank buddy take Reprisal, one of you can use it to take 10% damage off every Stormsplitter tank buster, and the other every Uheki AoE.Do you have an example? I'm trying to become more optimal since the newer dungeons/trials seem to actually hit pretty hard.
I think keeping rdm in melee range is probably a dps gain. Never use backstep, use dash on cooldown, 80/80 melee combo, and let autoattacks do the rest. Yeah, it's low damage, but it's sustained that you otherwise wouldn't have and pbaoes aren't common.
But then, I am not 70 on it yet.
Waiting for the moment I am meant to start hating Lyse.
I only just reached Yanxia, so possibly still to come, but so far nothing I've witnessed involving her has measured up to the sheer level of vitriol towards her in this thread. I guess I'll see...
I think keeping rdm in melee range is probably a dps gain. Never use backstep, use dash on cooldown, 80/80 melee combo, and let autoattacks do the rest. Yeah, it's low damage, but it's sustained that you otherwise wouldn't have and pbaoes aren't common.
why is the increased gp regen trait at 70 only one more gp per tick
it changes nothing in the grand scheme of things because of the way they changed unspoiled node timers you always have enough time to naturally regen to 600 GP between nodes and not use a cordial, it just makes you get there slightly fasterThat's technically a 20% boost to passive GP regen.
it changes nothing in the grand scheme of things because of the way they changed unspoiled node timers you always have enough time to naturally regen to 600 GP between nodes and not use a cordial, it just makes you get there slightly faster
Lyse might seem like she does nothing in the game, but I think objectively, we need to look at how FFXIV is written as a narrative series.
Oh, another QoL feature we need. Telephone quest givers. Can even explain it in game via linkshells.
New MSQ quest? Alisaie rings you up on the scion linkshell and tells you to get your ass to Rising Stone.
My biggest beef with XIV's story is how much it goes out of its way to paint the Warrior of Light as the greatest, most powerful person on the planet. I don't need that kind of puff piece wish-fulfillment fantasy, thanks. I think it's gotten a little better since ARR at not relying so heavily on that, but it's still there.
Warrior of light does sidetrack many character plots which makes the characters themselves feel like they accomplished nothing. It doesn't mean the characters sidetracked by WoL are bad though.
Lyse might seem like she does nothing in the game, but I think objectively, we need to look at how FFXIV is written as a narrative series.
The Plot of ARR:
It has been five years since the Calamity and Eorzea is still struggling to come to terms with picking up the pieces. The land is fractured with distrust and the Primals continue to stir as the Beast Tribes grow restless.
Until... you the Warrior of Light appear, and do what no other Echo user in the world has done before. You unite the Grand Companies again, the people rise behind you, Primals fall before you, and even the advancing Imperial Forces crumble before your almighty strength and willpower. Eorzea is now truly... A REALM REBORN!
The Plot of Heavensward:
It has been over a thousand years since the betrayal of Thordan and his Knights Twelve. Ishgard and Dravania have been waging a war without end. Man against Dragon, united under the banner of a false religion. As Nidhogg sings the rising chorus of the Dragonsong once more, the children of Thordan might be on their last legs.
Until... you the Warrior of Light travel into this land for the first time, and do what no other Dragoon or hero has done before. You broker peace between the Ishgardians and Dragonkind, you fight back against Nidhogg's brood, you expose the High Church for the fault it is, bring democracy to the people, slay the embodiment of the First King himself, and finally put a dramatic end to the Dragonsong by ending Nidhogg himself.
The Plot of Stormblood:
It has been over two decades since the lands of Ala Mhigo and Doma have been subjugated by the Empire. An entire generation has grown up not knowing what freedom looks like. Zenos has turned the native people against each other, and rules with an iron fist.
Until... you the Warrior of Light finally get off your ass and travel to the lands which have been hyped up since ARR. All obstacles vanish. All disillusion is shattered. Only hope remains. You travel to the Far East, and meet Hien, who gets off his ass as you help beat all the great tribes of the Steep, and goes "Yeah, I'm with her!" And thus Doma was freed. You return to Ala Mhigo, and proceed to kick everyone's ass, with Lyse standing beside you going "Yeah, I'm with her!" And thus Ala Mhigo was a nation once more.
Ehhh...the others all do make meaningful contributions to your success though. Thats not really true of Lyse. Shes not a strategist/leader like Alphinaud and Raubahn. She doesnt have special knowledge or power like Estinian and Iceheart. She doesnt even get to shine as a fighter, Alisae has more of those moments.
Displacement does damage so you want to keep it on CD as well for max DPS.