Eh. I think opening it up to more and more of the playerbase was a good thing overall? it gives far more mileage out of the assets and dev time and they managed to put Normal at a spot of filling a needed niche in gearing and weekly content that was super DFable (...most of the time).
It's a large part of why I'm not super stoked at the idea of unique assets, new storyline, etc. etc. tucked away in Super Savage; it's gone from what I thought was "we took a fight from internal balance phase and released it" to "we made a new EVERYTHING!" I am 100% more for that level of resources put towards more general content and the least amount of effort put towards the things I like. I'm satisfied just running face first into the wall with minimal frills.
It probably WAS a good thing for the rest of the community. But it did take something away from the hardcore raiders in order to give it to everyone else.
There was a sense of accomplishment present in Coil that is no longer in FFXIV.
Seeing people running around in Allagan / High Allagan / Dreadwyrm gear was incentive in a way that nothing in Heavensward was or Stormblood (currently) is.
I beat savage, what do i get? The same free ass gear from Normal except now i can dye it. Coooooool.