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Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood |OT| Y'all Need to Calm Down


Briefly went back to Paladin, so now all my ARR DoW classes are 50 or over. Maybe it's cause I've spent more time (and levels) with Warrior but Shield Bash being on-gcd keeps catching me out in terms of mistiming, and while I know it's meant to be the easier/simpler tank (I am way out practice) it hasn't yet clicked in quite the same way.

With that out of the way I also picked WHM back up, jumped into Haukke Manor, and killed the party (only at the final boss). Is there preferred thresholds for HP? I tried to avoid overhealing by not stepping in till someone was down to 60-70%, but sometimes things got dicier - especially when I also tried to keep up Aero and Stone.

I guess what I'm saying is - keeping in mind that they are levels 60, 50, and 39 respectively - does anyone have tips on how to WAR/PLD/WHM?
Honestly I think I play these roles too cautiously / not smoothly
Well for tanks it's mostly, use cooldowns and rotate them for good uptime, and use flash/overpower/unleash to keep aoe threat nice and easy then just do damage. Some situational stuff but that's about it. For healing in lower dungeons, mostly throw cures when the tank dips below 60% or so until he's back full, and rest of the time spam damage spells. Once you get regen/aspected benefic/fairy, throw that to reduce the amount of actual healing.

It isn't really that complicated but take your time getting used to stuff. Also healing varies a lot based on how good/bad the tank is, if they don't cooldown/pull a lot/have bad gear, you'll have to heal more and DPS less, if they play well you'll mostly be DPSing the entire time until like heavensward dungeons(and even then).


I've never used materia before, how do I know which materia to meld to what armor and for what class? Is there a specific ilvl of armor where I should start melding?


Finally made my way to Heavensward stuff today. Unlocked Dark Knight and it seems pretty awesome. Dark Knight and Astrologian have always seemed really cool to me so I'm excited to explore them more.

Also maybe it was just me but in the like 5 minutes I've been in Heavensward stuff it seemed like the animation quality jumped up quite a bit. Am I just imagining that?
No level jumps...I've only been playing for 2-3 weeks. Anyway, thanks for the advice, I guess I'll just take it easy and collect poetics here and there, because I don't see myself making a serious effort on another job before my RDM hits 70.

Getting 50 in a couple weeks is pretty good lol


FFLogs put up the O1S Challenge. Ain't nobody got time for padlogs, there's Clamp eating and lightning stacking to be figured out.

im looking at these challenges and the only thing that comes to mind is how stupid they are. if i am reading the blaze one right, that means you have to have 4 people dead for them. the clamp one is just as stupid, because doesnt it do a shit ton of damage? on top of the knock back. the only part that seems reasonable is the having lightning hit 2 people each time, but that puts a pretty strict time limit because im sure that people would run out of partners.


im looking at these challenges and the only thing that comes to mind is how stupid they are. if i am reading the blaze one right, that means you have to have 4 people dead for them. the clamp one is just as stupid, because doesnt it do a shit ton of damage? on top of the knock back. the only part that seems reasonable is the having lightning hit 2 people each time, but that puts a pretty strict time limit because im sure that people would run out of partners.

It being difficult to work out and execute is kind of the point, though.

Blaze is the stack mechanic; it means you do a 4-stack instead of 8-stack while the other 4 people stand off to the side and keep punching the boss. Higher damage on the people in the stack, requires more planning and better mitigation.

Clamp's danger isn't raw damage, it's the knockback associated with the damage that punts you off the arena that's the problem. There are ways to mitigate it, but since you can't have any deaths and failure to handle it means a death, it's an execution challenge.

I think enrage hits after like 7 Levinbolts, and clearing with no deaths should naturally mean you see fewer (I think we saw 4 last week? and next week is going to be a pretty big DPS bump for the game in general as people can finally use O2S tomestones to buy weapons so kill times should shrink.)

The idea of the fflogs challenges is essentially that you engage with the fight in different ways, taking advantage of the way the games systems work, in order to do challenge runs of the fights. It's a thing to test yourself against beyond just parse padding, and is something that was kind of missed in Creator where post-farm raiding was basically speedkills and that's it. It's maybe more planning or some job swapping to meet the specific execution goals, which can be kind of neat and may involve making use of things that serve no practical purpose normally in the current tier. It's something Yoshida has occasionally touched on as challenge achievements for raids, and WoW has had stuff like this for a while, but because XIV hasn't done them yet due to system limitations, so this is just the community DIYing it. It's similar to solo-tanking or solo-healing a fight; it s a thing to do because it's fun.

They were around in Midas, and and Gordias to varying levels of success, but missed Creator which was the first tier in HW to be accessible to the point they might have seen wider spread adoption.

I'm happy to see them in Omega, because it's something interesting to try to do with the fights. Got months and months of farming ahead, might as well try to mix it up.
What's a good way to get a dps from level 60 to 61? Pvp? Or fates?

I grinded potd from 50 to 59 so far only a couple more till I hit 60. please send help haha.
I've been focusing on leveling up my Archer/Bard up to lvl 35, but I can now pick up other classes. If I tried to pick up a melee class or whatever, is the time investment to get it up to par with my Archer/Bard the same? I'm getting a little bored of having a limited amount of moves and doing the same attack loops over and over.


It being difficult to work out and execute is kind of the point, though.

They were around in Midas, and and Gordias to varying levels of success, but missed Creator which was the first tier in HW to be accessible to the point they might have seen wider spread adoption.

I'm happy to see them in Omega, because it's something interesting to try to do with the fights. Got months and months of farming ahead, might as well try to mix it up.

ok, i was remembering blaze wrong. thanks for that. i knew the challenges were around during alexander, but those ones seemed like they mostly didnt require the level of execution this one is asking.


ok, i was remembering blaze wrong. thanks for that. i knew the challenges were around during alexander, but those ones seemed like they mostly didnt require the level of execution this one is asking.

I think the Midas and Gordias ones look more straightforward, but it's deceptive in large part because the underlying fights had a higher execution barrier so small changes end up being a bigger deal than they seem. A8S's required killing three adds within five seconds of each other, A6S required some crazy intentional damage taking with double mines, double orbs, two-stack water and four stack thunder. A couple of the Gordias ones were so bad nobody did them, and the A4S one was basically just "no, guys, no cheese. Do Nisi." and only got two takers.

The O1S one actually sounds attainable enough I'm hoping more people try it; the Gordias/Midas ones suffered from the fights themselves being tight enough that just farm was usually draining enough for most people. O1S itself is forgiving enough that trying and failing the challenge stuff during just normal farm won't wipe you/cost you the clear, so it's just a potential fun bonus thing.
I've been focusing on leveling up my Archer/Bard up to lvl 35, but I can now pick up other classes. If I tried to pick up a melee class or whatever, is the time investment to get it up to par with my Archer/Bard the same? I'm getting a little bored of having a limited amount of moves and doing the same attack loops over and over.

You get a 100% bonus xp for any class that's lower than your maximum class, up to 60, then it's reduced to a 50% bonus xp until 70.

The low amount of attacks is sadly an issue with pretty much every class especially after the pruning they did in SB, there's just not much to do the first 40 or so levels on most classes. It gets better as you level, especially once you can do the HW quests since those reward a new skill every 2levels adding a lot of depths to most jobs, but yeah early on it's pretty crappy. They should vastly shorten 1-50, but then people will still be gated by the insanely long MSQ in 2.0-2.5 so yeah it's a bit meh. Hope they do work on it though as it turns off a lot of new players.



What's the gold bar/meter and how do I make it go away? (I thought) It popped up when I accepted a quest, but it didn't go away after completing said quest.
Ok, people in this game are seriously impatient. In O3S we were using inner A, Outer A, etc etc and people spent 10 mins arguing about why dont we use numbers instead! Honestly, why can't things just be so simple? Of course... they left after. What a shame.


What's the gold bar/meter and how do I make it go away? (I thought) It popped up when I accepted a quest, but it didn't go away after completing said quest.
That's your arcanist class mechanic - the Aetherflow meter. Using the skill 'Aetherflow' lights up the gems, and allows you to use certain skills that cost 1 Aetherflow each.
You don't really want to hide it because it's important information. Incidentally, all classes/jobs have similar gauges (design and function differs of course).
Info on each classes Job Gauge is available via the Actions sheet (P on kbm; menu >Character>Actions on controller).


So my 30 day trial is almost over and I'm about to purchase a 90 day sub for that free mount. Anyone want me to use their recruitment code? I'll use the first to reply. :)


You get a 100% bonus xp for any class that's lower than your maximum class, up to 60, then it's reduced to a 50% bonus xp until 70.

The low amount of attacks is sadly an issue with pretty much every class especially after the pruning they did in SB, there's just not much to do the first 40 or so levels on most classes. It gets better as you level, especially once you can do the HW quests since those reward a new skill every 2levels adding a lot of depths to most jobs, but yeah early on it's pretty crappy. They should vastly shorten 1-50, but then people will still be gated by the insanely long MSQ in 2.0-2.5 so yeah it's a bit meh. Hope they do work on it though as it turns off a lot of new players.

Agreed, just smashing the same skill over and over for an entire dungeon is pretty dry. Starting the game on a preferred world has permanently skewed my perception of how long leveling an alt class should take. I was getting 300% experience and flying through those early levels.

And yeah, 2.0 to 2.55 is an impossible slog. I'd imagine it's enough to turn off a lot of casual players, especially given the run here, run there, run back here, run there again design.


So I started leveling a DRK for the first time and I'm up to level 34, and doing Brayflox Longstop and I am getting my ass whooped by these mobs. I've been in there three times, have my armor updated for the 32-34 range, whatever I could find... and like... I feel like pudding. Is this a situation where it's something that just gets better as I level or is DRK squishier for a bit? My tanking experience in the game is limited to playing PLD to 40 in vanilla.


It's a job-specific HUD element. You can move and resize it

How do you resize the job gauge? I have the healer one which is this massive plant thing that gets flowers on it when I do healing, but it'd be better if it was smaller and out of the way somewhere.


How do you resize the job gauge? I have the healer one which is this massive plant thing that gets flowers on it when I do healing, but it'd be better if it was smaller and out of the way somewhere.

open the HUD settings and use ctrl+home(R3) on the gauge.
How do you resize the job gauge? I have the healer one which is this massive plant thing that gets flowers on it when I do healing, but it'd be better if it was smaller and out of the way somewhere.

There's a hud layout option under the System Menu tab in options. You can manually reposition and resize individual elements there.

Also make sure you're the associated job at the time


finally beat v3s
i reached last phase last week, and the last few days only kept wiping enrage at about 5%
it was 1 chest PF group though so kinda cheating, but whatever, a clear's a clear :3


This is a question for the crafters.

I have been levelling my crafters to 60 and have both CRP and WVR at 60. Should I bother with Ironworks set/Augmented JOB Sets? Or Should i straight away go to Stormblood sets?

If the first question answer is yes. I should target Ironworks set and use the scrips for the crafting books right? Statistically melded ironworks is better than Augmented Job sets?
Fuck me. I accidentally installed the Windows 10 Creators Update last night after avoiding it for months (heard nothing but bad things about it) , and now the game has sporadic frame drops. Has anyone else experienced this and possibly have a solution? Google is telling me that a reformat is probably my best bet. I guess I am overdue for one but I'm really not up for it today lol


Last night/early morning I went onto Frontlines and had a 6 win streak :). Simply unbelievable. Maelstrom finally came through for me as now I only need one more win for the mount so should hopefully be able to get it before my sub runs out.


I felt like havensward was game of thrones-ey

But yeah besides literal darth vader with a literal light saber at multiple points in the story. Just like the progression and whats it is about. The alliance, returning 4rth party included all felt like on par with the empire, or threats, the empire weren't it control, they couldn't just waltz in. They would get rocked. This puts you in the situation of litter ally being a rebel in a revolution , the different countries due to their space apart almost feel like different planets almost.Wild varances in cultures ect, I just got to the place with all the black horned Au Ra, and I got special cool dialogue because my character is one too.

But back to my point you are traveling around to these " different planets" trying to fight of the empire that is actually named the empire lead by a guy who is just darth frigging vader. And then you have the black haired doma girl who is essentially just not gross jabba the hut running around with the Rhoe with the bowlcut who is a very lame boba fett

There's just a lot of story cues, and themes, and variances in local that really scream star wars. Ontop of the old world with future shit it in aesthetic that star wars already has. It also helps that star wars is... to heavily inpsired by old japanese samurai films so a lot of the Japanese imagery in some parts really helps with that comparison.

It just really feels.. star wars-ey, and i'm like super into it

Wow you saw Yotsuyu and thought: Jabba the Hut? I thought they were pretty clearly:


Also the Azim Steppe guys were straight-up Dothraki. I'm still struggling to see Star Wars in it but fair enough I guess.


Wow you saw Yotsuyu and thought: Jabba the Hut? I thought they were pretty clearly:


Also the Azim Steppe guys were straight-up Dothraki. I'm still struggling to see Star Wars in it but fair enough I guess.

Yeah the GoT reference wasn't subtle there :p


Wow you saw Yotsuyu and thought: Jabba the Hut? I thought they were pretty clearly:

Also the Azim Steppe guys were straight-up Dothraki. I'm still struggling to see Star Wars in it but fair enough I guess.

It's more like both the Dothraki and the Azim Steppe guys are based off the real nomadic tribes of the Eurasian Steppe. The best known of these is probably the Mongols.
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