Is thatChapter 6 base infiltration mission? Luckily only got caught once
I hate how they force it on you too... like oh yeah, you're going to get to this boat finally... nope.
Is thatChapter 6 base infiltration mission? Luckily only got caught once
Balouve Mines spoiler:Could I be able to take down Aramusha even if I'm level 10? He's lv 53 but everything else in this cave was level 7
It's an item, found in the Balouve Mines.Description: It's an amulet from Insomnia that symbolizes the power of friendship. It allows the team to use team attacks even if the ally is not nearby. Noctis can't equip it.
That's coming you know that lol, watch Xmas suits come along.
Maybe the Holiday pack will have Christmas themed costumes
Personally swimsuit dlc (for Gladio) or bust
Had a moment where I genuinely rage quit the game earlier. Can't stand forcedstealth segments with mission failure if you're spotted.
When was this? I don't remember a segment like it.Chapter 13 doesn't fail if you don't stealth. The Niflheim invasions also don't fail when you don't stealth.
Edit: Ah that section. It's really easy and short.
Before I potentially waste more time is it worth my time to keep playing JUSTICE MONSTERS FIVE? For a chievo maybe?
Before I potentially waste more time is it worth my time to keep playing JUSTICE MONSTERS FIVE? For a chievo maybe?
Cautiously optimistic on this, keep going back and forth on how I feel about it though. I'm sure I'll enjoy it, but I have some nagging feelings of doubt.
Before I potentially waste more time is it worth my time to keep playing JUSTICE MONSTERS FIVE? For a chievo maybe?
What do the Oracle of Ascension Coins do? They're key items but they're tons of them all over the game world. Can't sell them so do they have a purpose?
Yep.I hate how they force it on you too... like oh yeah, you're going to get to this boat finally... nope.
Definitely not. I was properly leveled and I still went through a number of Mega Phoenixes and Hi-Elixirs because of.his super slice attacks OHKO-ing my buddies even when I parry
I would say the combat is much more simplistic then both of those, maybe not worse.Watched 30 minutes of a stream and combat looked very dull. Am I missing something? I didn't see any magic so that may be one reason.
I'm almost finished with Dark Souls 3 and I just started The Witcher. Is the combat in FF 15 a lot worse than both of those?
Watched 30 minutes of a stream and combat looked very dull. Am I missing something? I didn't see any magic so that may be one reason.
I'm almost finished with Dark Souls 3 and I just started The Witcher. Is the combat in FF 15 a lot worse than both of those?
A carrier delay occurred for FFXV.
First and last time I order online rather than going to a midnight launch, lol.
Same here nothing redeemed on my end.
A carrier delay occurred for FFXV.
First and last time I order online rather than going to a midnight launch, lol.
As I said earlier, I want classic FF costumes for all four guys per game. Even if they need to gender swap the cosplay.I want DLC costumes :CCC
Watched 30 minutes of a stream and combat looked very dull. Am I missing something? I didn't see any magic so that may be one reason.
I'm almost finished with Dark Souls 3 and I just started The Witcher. Is the combat in FF 15 a lot worse than both of those?
Right there with you. Of all the games to have delayed.
You order from Amazon?
Mine's apparently on the UPS truck and set to be delivered today, but we'll see.
A carrier delay occurred for FFXV.
First and last time I order online rather than going to a midnight launch, lol.
Before I potentially waste more time is it worth my time to keep playing JUSTICE MONSTERS FIVE? For a chievo maybe?
;_; Sorry, yo.
Amazon, yeah. Here's the damnable thing of it all: I ordered Steins;Gate 0 as well, right? And both games were scheduled to leave the same sorting facility up in Michigan, right?
...and yet, Steins;Gate 0 left but FFXV did not. :\
Is there a way to view cutscenes again? I was playing and my stupid neighbor passed by with his lawnmower and I couldnt hear what was said.
At which chapter you unlock the?first astral
Carbuncle keeps reviving me and I already got his health down a 15% percent. But I can't escape the fight, what do I do? I don't want to lose all my progress in this dungeon.
I see, well i kinda got used to these small things, whatching One Piece with Horrible Subs-subs. I know what you mean with Hai hai for example.Well i should probably clarify that they have changed it to be more western i guess, so the meaning is more or less the same but sometimes its just different enough to how i would have translated it that it sounds wrong
Like in the beginning when the car have broken down and people drive past and Ignis says Shikata ga nai(nothing can be done, it cant be hepled) and the text says "Sometimes these things happen." Its technically the same but i just wouldnt translate it that way so it messes with the flow for me
Then we have moments like when they are pushing the car and Gladio complains and Prompto responds with "Hai hai" and the text says "Ok tough guy" or something like that and in that case it fits because in the english language they dont really have a phrase that fits hai hai and the way its said.
It kinda is like a bad fansub at times but im probably just being really picky