Does anybody know what are the rewards for the Justice Monsters Five machine?
A kind of, what do you get at what score.
It's based on chests and the slot machine

Does anybody know what are the rewards for the Justice Monsters Five machine?
A kind of, what do you get at what score.
Best buy fucked my shipment up too. They literally just made the UPS shipping label an hour ago.
It's based on chests and the slot machine
Anyone got tips for the combat? Only played up to the first hunt and sidequest but I cant seem to block or dodge. Every fight is me holding attack and fumbling the defense.
Hold the defense button down instead of attack. Watch the magic. You'll soon realized you should only hold attack when you know it's safe.
Reposting my questions because the thread moves very fast and adding one more:
Are there any missableor are all of them story related?Royal weapons/tombs
It's based on chests and the slot machine
Look for a cracked wall in the upper stairs area. I had a lot trouble finding it too.
Puppy fat.
So I've got my patch installing - my Pro is warming up. All I need is some advice, GAF; Japanese or English voices? What are people's respective experiences so far?
I'd say that dude is better off learning how to parry since you'll get big damage that way.
Lmao. Imma join up.So many chubby teens will be impaired by Prompto. Hope we get a #bodytransformationtuesday hash from Square
Hold the defense button down instead of attack. Watch the magic. You'll soon realized you should only hold attack when you know it's safe.
Change your combat controls to type c immediately.
Type C
I'd say that dude is better off learning how to parry since you'll get big damage that way.
Combat is SO GOOD. The mp system, warping, evasion, parrying, and how it all ties together is amazing. Holy shit!
Due to operating conditions, your package may be delayed. / Delivery will be rescheduled.
Are you fucking kidding me, Amazon? I even paid for one day shipping ffs. The first time I go physical this entire generation, and this shit happens. This is the bullshit that will make me remain digital only.
#letsdoitLmao. Imma join up.
Combat is SO GOOD. The mp system, warping, evasion, parrying, and how it all ties together is amazing. Holy shit!
Hold the defense button down instead of attack. Watch the magic. You'll soon realized you should only hold attack when you know it's safe.
Im about to start screaming. All my tracking from UPS says is "Order Processed: Ready for UPS" I paid extra for it to be delivered TODAY. 10 years down the drain........
Honestly I think English has been really good so farSo I've got my patch installing - my Pro is warming up. All I need is some advice, GAF; Japanese or English voices? What are people's respective experiences so far?
Due to operating conditions, your package may be delayed. / Delivery will be rescheduled.
Are you fucking kidding me, Amazon? I even paid for one day shipping ffs. The first time I go physical this entire generation, and this shit happens. This is the bullshit that will make me remain digital only.
Oh nice! I got a gold bangle. I was trying to kill myself off by the end lol.It's based on chests and the slot machine
This won't let you dodge all the attacks. You also need to dodge roll.The fact that you can just hold the defense button down permanently is really killing my enjoyment of the combat system. It really cheapens the combat to know that you can just opt out of skillful dodging/parrying by holding the defense button down forever and taking no damage. Does this tactic start failing eventually as the game progresses, or do you lose some resource when defending that you will run out of if you sit on the defense button?
can you change the difficulty of the game mid-game?
I'm in the same boat man and I'm furious. Probably just going to go to Target and buy a copy there and return my Amazon copy whenever it eventually decides to show up. I shot an email to Amazon to see if they'll let me have a digital copy now and I'll return the physical one later. Doubt that'll work but worth a try.
Im about to start screaming. All my tracking from UPS says is "Order Processed: Ready for UPS" I paid extra for it to be delivered TODAY. 10 years down the drain........
Went ahead and booted up XV while 1.02 downloads because I heard there is an install once you start the game as well. If the install finishes before 1.02, am I safe to start or does the patch have a big impact on the first hour?
Supposedly for 60 fps support. Game runs mostly locked 30 fps and they did say it runs at 40-50 on the Pro in its current state but looks like they didn't release it yet.So is it correct that there's a bigger Pro patch coming in December?
The fact that you can just hold the defense button down permanently is really killing my enjoyment of the combat system. It really cheapens the combat to know that you can just opt out of skillful dodging/parrying by holding the defense button down forever and taking no damage. Does this tactic start failing eventually as the game progresses, or do you lose some resource when defending that you will run out of if you sit on the defense button?