Is there a specific reason to why we have another thread for FFXV?
Update: Lv18/18/17/17, Ch 5.
EDIT: Aw crap, noticing a slight annoyance with not doing sidequests in chapter 5 -.-
I remember there beeing another thread with the title "There and back again"The spoiler thread?
I remember there beeing another thread with the title "There and back again"
This is Thread PT II, the other reach its limitI remember there beeing another thread with the title "There and back again"
You need to be on level 40-45 to beat the gameIs it possible to be under leveled in this game? I decided to skip most of the side quests as they were hampering my enjoyment of the game. I just got to chapter 4 and I'm level 23. I kind of like just doing the main story but if it is going to make things frustrating later on then I need to know now so I can grind a little here and there.
Just got the Regalia Type-F. Holy fuck what is this abomination?
I remember there beeing another thread with the title "There and back again"
It's only use is to get you to the best dungeon in the gameI'm not sure what the point of it is honestly. At that point, you're already probably fast travelling everywhere.
There was an official Yusuke Naora artwork for the game featuring all the characters. I loved it and thought to make avatars out of it. Here are them. Feel free to use the one you desire.
I'm not sure what the point of it is honestly. At that point, you're already probably fast travelling everywhere.
I remember there beeing another thread with the title "There and back again"
I'm not sure what the point of it is honestly. At that point, you're already probably fast travelling everywhere.
It's only use is to get you to the best dungeon in the game
At the start of chapter 4. Just been warned of a point of no return. How long am I locked down a specific path if I choose to further the story right now?
At the start of chapter 4. Just been warned of a point of no return. How long am I locked down a specific path if I choose to further the story right now?
Here is her actress. She is beautiful.
Sonya Maltceva
Is it possible to be under leveled in this game? I decided to skip most of the side quests as they were hampering my enjoyment of the game. I just got to chapter 4 and I'm level 23. I kind of like just doing the main story but if it is going to make things frustrating later on then I need to know now so I can grind a little here and there.
The twoare annihilating me. Absolutely impossible fight on normal difficulty for me. :/ I think this is when I have to play on easy. The post game content is really hard and way, way better than the main game content in general.Yoda Knights in the "Legend Wrapped in an Enigma" quest
Last boss is level.. .40 something? I think?
I pretty much rofflestomped him with 0 effort at level 62 (admittedly, the choice of accessories also made it really easy), so yeah, you should be good.
I'd probably give it 8.5/10. The fact that I'm willing to score it so high, despite the issues I have with it (and believe me, I have some BIG issues with it) speaks volumes about how much the rest of the game resonated with me.
I think this is the consensus for quite a few reviews. It's a flawed but really unique presentation for a mainline Final Fantasy.
Fuck these bug enemies man.
Finally getting the hang of air combat.... really addicted to side quests too. I'm like level 31 yet still in Chapter 3, I think.
Especially when the rewards suckedNot a fan of the hidden door dungeons so far.
The combat, while good for a RPG, isn't satisfying or deep enough to warrant a 100 floor Bloody Palace - style dungeon.
I'm almost level 50, have fully upgraded the engine blade, and currently have five royal arms and I'm still in chapter 3. This OCD about doing everything possible before continuing the story is going to be the end of me.
So, I have these Royal Arms:
Sword of the Wise
Axe of the Conqueror
Bow of the Clever
Swords of the Wanderer
Blade of the Mystic
Sword of the Tall
Shield of the Just
Mace of the Fierce
Scepter of the Pious
And I've found the Crestholm Channels dungeon, which I plan to explore later and I imagine there must be a Royal Tomb there, right?
So where can I find the remaining 3 Royal Arms? Do I need to advance a little bit in the story before gaining access to them? (I'm on chapter 5)