Do you have a source on that?You will get your epic store version soon enough
Do you have a source on that?You will get your epic store version soon enough
Not going on another rant about XVI but the story had a lot more Dragon Ball Z than Game of Thrones imo.Not every FF needs to be similar.
I liked how game of throney the game was but with ton of twists
if you don't use these rings (I only used dog ring) it is not an easy auto play game. You need to really get the parry going.
At least until the end. In this game, you get more powerful the further you get.
No. Just my presumption.Do you have a source on that?
Exactly. That was the best dragon ball game lol.Not going on another rant about XVI but the story had a lot more Dragon Ball Z than Game of Thrones imo.
Also the game is piss easy even in « Action » difficulty.
I’ll concede that the best scenes were the ones where the game completely accepts its « shonen » nature, like the Titan fight for example.No. Just my presumption.
Exactly. That was the best dragon ball game lol.
I don’t think the game was piss easy without rings. Souls really ruined games difficulty. Now everything thats not stomping on my balls is considered too easy.
Ok, then. I'll rather think they're not gonna go with Epic exclusivity for FF16.No. Just my presumption.
That’s true. Middle is a bit down in pacingI’ll concede that the best scenes were the ones where the game completely accepts its « shonen » nature, like the Titan fight for example.
Then immediately after that you have a main quest where you take Jill to the market to buy garlic.
I don't believe it. Let's wait to see if the game sells as well if they make the next one the same way. I think most people just tried it because it was different.
I'm actually surprised people here are saying other wise...You would be surprised. The game demo itself made a ton of fans
No. Just my presumption.
Exactly. That was the best dragon ball game lol.
I don’t think the game was piss easy without rings. Souls really ruined games difficulty. Now everything thats not stomping on my balls is considered too easy.
I wish it so, i like FF better on high fantasy setting.The Rising Tide DLC comes out in 3 days, so bring it on.![]()
It'll be interesting to see what the setting will be for 17 - modern/real world, dark fantasy, high fantasy, industrial, steampunk etc...
With 16 we kinda had a hunch it would be medievil again as the series hadn't gone there in a while.
To be honest we won't know if it was a success until FFXVII where we will see if the younger players actually stick around which is the important part. I bet it won't.before they did mention they want to expand the audience to attract younger, newer generation of playerbase. when they said this, some people laugh and mocking them. especially extreme turn based purist. lot of people failed to understand that how important this is. in the end this is a bussiness, it is very important to keep growing new generation of younger audience or the franchise would fall into very niche market and this would affect future bussiness & development budget and scale. especially FF is a franchise that always developed with AAA production level.
i wont say it is success yet since we dont have any data to look at but so far we can say it is working.
depend on what kind of approach they did on FFXVII too. for example if it return back to turn based/less mature & dark while newer audience already has fixed understanding that FF is action-ish combat/mature dark story, it would reflect in different result.To be honest we won't know if it was a success until FFXVII where we will see if the younger players actually stick around which is the important part. I bet it won't.
depend on what kind of approach they did on FFXVII too. for example if it return back to turn based/less mature & dark while newer audience already has fixed understanding that FF is action-ish combat/mature dark story, it would reflect in different result.
we will see if they maintain same audience interest for next entry which is, no brainer IMO.
Simplistic ass combat artificially stretched to 100 hours was so insanely bad. I was utterly bored by the combat a dozen hours in, and in 16 that is the only way to engage with the world.
Rebirth has SUCH a better, deeper, combat system while still giving you dozens of other things to do. Superior game in every way.
Different strokes and all, glad you liked 16.
Fair to call out my hyperbole.If the game took you more than 40 hours, you were doing something very wrong. Or were just very bad at an already easy game.
If the game took you more than 40 hours, you were doing something very wrong. Or were just very bad at an already easy game.
Does attempting ALL the side quests and listening to every last spoken word of dialog count?
Cause holy hell, boy does that make the game insufferable after about 10 hours.
some side quests were utter shit but it's optional. it's side quests.Does attempting ALL the side quests and listening to every last spoken word of dialog count?
Cause holy hell, boy does that make the game insufferable after about 10 hours.
some side quests were utter shit but it's optional. it's side quests.
Unlike other games, you absolutely don't have to do them to be at high enough level.
Some side quests were really good but it's impossible to say which will turn out good and which bad before starting.
game took my 50 hours about 75% total completion of everything
You don't need a source to know that square will 110% take the epic games moneyhatDo you have a source on that?
Make it a third person shooter with microtransactions that's free to play and you'll get even more
FFXVI sucked ass, no big surprise zoomers would love it.