Is February 12 in your time zone yet? Make sure you check the Barracks when it is!
Happy Birthday Miriel!
Ah, you're not even into the meat of it yet. You'll get plenty more characters and some of your mainstays might fall off in favour of the new, better units. Don't really sweat over who you're using though, there are almost no 'bad' characters in this game. Just use whoever you want. If you decide you want to use a character that has fallen behind, you can always grind them up through the free DLC, or Risen spawns.
And yes, Donnel is a great unit. He's well worth the pain of leaving him up in the beginning. After you reach level 15 as a Villager (obtaining his final skill from the class) feel free to use a Seal on him and reclass. He'll be a monster in no time.
If a character finds a weapon in the battlefield, are they stuck with it until the character trades it to someone else on the battlefield?
There are choke points in this game? It's like Kansas out here, flat and open for as far as the eye can see.
How do you prevent a weapon from breaking? The Forge?
And how do you repair a broken weapon?
Heal and Ephraim Lance just broke on me in the midst of a tough battle
Are Barracks events random or something?
I don't really get them.
If a character finds a weapon in the battlefield, are they stuck with it until the character trades it to someone else on the battlefield?
2) having problems with free dlc. I go to eshop to download, it launches the game and then...what?
There are female mercenaries whaaaaaa?!
I've only done the story chapters up to 16 and the first four or five paralogues so far, and supports do seem pretty sparse, but I've got money pouring out of every orifice.The thing is, even the opportunity to grind in FE feels strange to me because a staple of the franchise (well, of the games I've played from it) is that there's a limited quantity of exp in the game so you have to be careful about how you distribute it. I know that there have always been ways to circumvent this like arenas in FE7, the tower/ruins in FE8, bonus exp in FE9, etc. but I've always generally tried to avoid those whenever possible.
I just don't feel like I'm making good enough progress on my supports and the money situation is bad, but I guess I'll persevere.
Why are there no Grooms.
Is February 12 in your time zone yet? Make sure you check the Barracks when it is!
Happy Birthday Miriel!
Uh, another question: Is there divorce in this game? Aka can I change the "S" relationship from one character to another?
Nope. Marriage is final.
Severa is that good.
I paired my Avatar withand now Morgan is absolutely insane. She inherited Rally Spectrum, so I'm thinking of promoting her to something other than Grandmaster - just need to figure out what.Lucina
EDIT: Wait, derp, can only reclass to a first tier or make her a Grandmaster. Decisions, decisions.
I don't know about this Severa character, but Cordelia was born to be a mercenary.
That's what I said. Missed opportunity IMO.Why are there no Grooms.
I can see them making a sequel using this engine and assets (its almost guaranteed to happen). Too bad they kinda dug themself in a hole. I'm expecting future games all to have crazy support systems... localization is gonna take a while lol.
Hope they get around to adding unique attack animations for promoted classes at the very least.
Biggest animation disappointment gotta be swordmaster, don't tease us with the dual sword avatar
Also, male hero animations are plain bad.
Genealogy of the Holy War remake!
You can always use a Second Seal when your promoted unit hits 10+ if their stats are really subpar. No worries.Damnit, I just realized that I probably made a pretty big mistake by using the Master Seals at level 10 instead of waiting until level 20 for using them, since I'll be missing out on all the stat-gains between 10 and 20, right?
fuck me![]()
a question when you finish the game. Do you save the game and will it let you continue with the file anytime?
You can always use a Second Seal when your promoted unit hits 10+ if their stats are really subpar. No worries.
You can always use a Second Seal when your promoted unit hits 10+ if their stats are really subpar. No worries.
Mhmmm what are you saying? Like, I can revert them back to a basic class and promote them again, turning them into level 1 again? Does that work an endless amount of times?
Mhmmm what are you saying? Like, I can revert them back to a basic class and promote them again, turning them into level 1 again? Does that work an endless amount of times?
Pretty much that. The only negative is that you'll gain less exp since the game will count the levels you gained before.
Avatar doesn't give a fuck about exp though.
9 hours in, on Chapter 13, have only lost 2 people. I think I'm doing good for my first try at a Fire Emblem game. Are Mastery seals just on enemies, or is there a shop where I can buy some?
Pretty much that. The only negative is that you'll gain less exp since the game will count the levels you gained before.
There are female mercenaries whaaaaaa?!
aah, is there an upper level to exp gain? e.g.
? In terms of exp, so 40 levels gained either way = same amount of exp?
I believe so.
The cap depends on your difficulty level.
Normal is 20, Hard is 30 and Lunatic is 50 I believe.
I believe so.
The cap depends on your difficulty level.
Normal is 20, Hard is 30 and Lunatic is 50 I believe.
What does the cap mean if I can just use Second Seal and go to 1 again though? Will I just stop gaining stats after I've levelled 20 levels, regardless of what class?
what does this mean though, is it easier/harder to grind on higher difficulties or your unit has better/worse stats on higher difficulties?