[IM G]http://i.imgur.com/xd0pgJz.jpg[/IMG]
My favorite part about Awakening's already awesome cover art is that I just realized Kellam is there, but he's the hardest to notice because he's the furthest in the background, partially faded out, and his face is obscured by Chrom's knee.
Man, I'm reaching that point when all of my main units are close to lv20 and I have too few Master Seals, too many Second Seals, and not enough money to buy the Master Seals I want =.=
Is one of the save files a different difficulty?
Its the same save file, I started a new one, got Ch 4 and went to the DLC stage, there were lvl 1 and lvl 10 pre promoted units among the promoted ones, got some decent level ups, so I tried to get in there again, and now ALL of them are promoted units! My units are around 5-7 prepromoted now.
My favorite part about Awakening's already awesome cover art is that I just realized Kellam is there, but he's the hardest to notice because he's the furthest in the background, partially faded out, and his face is obscured by Chrom's knee.
Leif's Blade + Donnel = Infinite Money
My favorite part about Awakening's already awesome cover art is that I just realized Kellam is there, but he's the hardest to notice because he's the furthest in the background, partially faded out, and his face is obscured by Chrom's knee.
Btw, when you forge, are you only forging that specific weapon, or all weapons of that type for that character? (eg. if I have a beaststone at 5, and I forge it, and it breaks, will the next beaststone retain the forged stats of the last one?)
Kellam in the Golden GAF is one of the characters that do no get robbed of his gold. He even says something like: Why didn't you get my gold? It was there, in a bag that said GOLD on the side. :lol
It would be even funnier if the game was programmed to simply ignore the Kellam unit in general, like never attack him on their turn.
If this was PoR, Kellam would totally have Shade as his ability when he first joins.
My favorite part about Awakening's already awesome cover art is that I just realized Kellam is there, but he's the hardest to notice because he's the furthest in the background, partially faded out, and his face is obscured by Chrom's knee.
Yeah, this was my gripe about her too. At least, in the main story she comes off as way too much of a serious mcseriouspants. I have yet to see more supports though.
That being said, I sorta hope we get her instead of Chrom in Smash 4.
Honestly I didn't mess with it much, it didn't seem like it was worth the money most of the time. The one big exception is with guys who have the armsthrift skill though, since that gives them a chance of not taking up a use when they use a weapon. I made an incredibly powerful Killer Axe for Donnel since he had a 96% chance of not using any uses on it, for instance.How are you guys approaching forging?
This was supposed to hit Mexican stores TODAY, UGH. Screw it, I'm buying online. I've missed 11 days of glorious Fire Emblem because I refuse to buy digital versions of retail games.
This was supposed to hit Mexican stores TODAY, UGH. Screw it, I'm buying online. I've missed 11 days of glorious Fire Emblem because I refuse to buy digital versions of retail games.
My favorite part about Awakening's already awesome cover art is that I just realized Kellam is there, but he's the hardest to notice because he's the furthest in the background, partially faded out, and his face is obscured by Chrom's knee.
Leif's Blade + Donnel = Infinite Money
My Leif's Blade on Donnel's son, Inigo, is forged to be named Mo' Money.
My Leif's Blade on Donnel is forged to be named Mo' Problems.
I don't think I've gotten Leif's Blade; is there a reliable way to get it? Or is it a random drop on the sparkley spaces?
I don't think I've gotten Leif's Blade; is there a reliable way to get it? Or is it a random drop on the sparkley spaces?
I don't think I've gotten Leif's Blade; is there a reliable way to get it? Or is it a random drop on the sparkley spaces?
Random drop or earn 1500 Renown points to get one.
Do you spend renown to get the items or do you just have to have enough to meet the required amount for the item?
My favorite part about Awakening's already awesome cover art is that I just realized Kellam is there, but he's the hardest to notice because he's the furthest in the background, partially faded out, and his face is obscured by Chrom's knee.
Okay, I told myself I wasn't going to complain about units missing from spotpass, but seriously... no Nephenee? And why include Geoffrey? Does anyone care about him?
I guess it's because there's no soldier class. Or they realized they could never make a better one. (Aran who?)
Okay, I told myself I wasn't going to complain about units missing from spotpass, but seriously... no Nephenee? And why include Geoffrey? Does anyone care about him?
I guess it's because there's no soldier class. Or they realized they could never make a better one. (Aran who?)
Nephenee isn't apart of the FE9's batch but FE10's instead.
It's so awkward that she's a knight though. I assume growth rates in this game are the same as the originals? That would make it acceptable at least.
Ideally you should reclass him at 10, or 15 if you want Underdog for some reason (it sucks, but I understand wanting it anyways). For a normal non-child character (like say Chrom or Vaike) you're better off hanging out in the basic classes from 1-20 a couple times, since you gain levels faster that way. But Donnel will cap his basic class stats so damn fast you'll possibly start hitting a wall before you hit 20 in Mercenary. And Mercenary is what you should be in because Armsthrift with his luck is great.
Ahaha, by buying online I mean that I'll order my physical copy from an online storeThat's one of the reasons why I didnt bought it physical. Word of advice: buy it on the Canadian store, it will save you around$ 250 pesos.
I noticed you mentioned a couple of times. Does that mean I should reclass, say, Chrom into another class instead of upgrading to Great Lord?
I should stop reading this thread, makes the wait all the harder.
*continues reading*
So, can Kellam become an Assassin? That seems to be right up his alley. If no one notices him, he'll be an awesome Assassin. "Spree of self-impalemets on swords continues!"
I feel dirty using the golden gaffe for money every once in awhile, but dear lord is this game stingy about giving money. No way I am going to farm battles for hours just to have enough to outfit my units or get a master seal. One 5 minute golden gaffe match will do, but it feels wrong. Ugh, have a feeling if I had stuck with normal I would feel differently, but yikes on hard.
I still very rarely get any Risen to even spawn so my run is basically Golden Gaffe or Leif's Blade/Despoil grind.
I still very rarely get any Risen to even spawn so my run is basically Golden Gaffe or Leif's Blade/Despoil grind.
The spawn rate is pretty weird. I think some days I get nothing but merchants popping out and every once in a while I'll get like 3 Risen spawns at once.
Ugh...I just defeated, and when he went down, he made the same sound made when you lose an allied unit in battle. Was I able to talk to and possibly recruit him?!Walhert
I still very rarely get any Risen to even spawn so my run is basically Golden Gaffe or Leif's Blade/Despoil grind.
On my Lunatic game there's two level 20 stat-capped and forged-weapon-toting Risen teams squatting on tiles with stores I need to get into. Fuck.
Nah.He's recruitable in an upcoming paralogue though.