I blame my usedhandheldgames-phobia on the GBA days.
I didn't even know about Galeforce until my 2nd run and my 1st run went fine with my double Falcon Knights.
Yeah. I guess prepping for harder DLC is something to look forward too, but I feel no desire to spend hours grinding Galeforce on to everything possible. Or pairing up couples based on stats. You have to go with your heart guys.Bwohoho
Decided to start a new game, gonna pair up My Unit and Lucina, then marry Morgan with Owain.
Theis going to be a bunch of scribbles by the time I'm through with it.Ylissean family tree
Good point, I hadn't even considered vengeance, and that will also be an option for what I'm looking at. Looks like I'll go with wrath, plus you get that more quickly and I like Berserkers more than Warriors.
I was thinking of how to create the most incestous family tree, and there you go. I'll probably do that in of my playthroughs.
Decided to start a new game, gonna pair up My Unit and Lucina, then marry Morgan with Owain.
Theis going to be a bunch of scribbles by the time I'm through with it.Ylissean family tree
Most incestuous would be pairing Chrom with one of the girls who has a male child, pairing Avatar with Lucina, and then having Morgan marry Chrom's second kid. That would be an Uncle-Niece marriage instead of a marriage between second cousins.
I just watched a video review of the game and was unpleasantly surprised by the jaggies in both the battles and the overall map. Is it so bad on the 3DS without 3D activated?
I still very rarely get any Risen to even spawn so my run is basically Golden Gaffe or Leif's Blade/Despoil grind.
Guess I know what's happening my next game.
My god, these spotpass teams that I'm getting. I'm not duelling you counter/sol/luna/aether/astra/galeforce freaks. Get out, you guys are all just merchants to me now.
I made Gregor a Hero and Vaike a Warrior.
I noticed a lot of people swap classes like crazy on GameFAQs. Could I just get through the game with just their current promoted classes?
Pretty easily, it's just some people like breaking the characters.
Ohhh, ok. Cause I was thinking I messed up by leveling Vaike's Fighter class to the max before promoting instead of changing classes at level 10.
Ohhh, ok. Cause I was thinking I messed up by leveling Vaike's Fighter class to the max before promoting instead of changing classes at level 10.
Ohhh, ok. Cause I was thinking I messed up by leveling Vaike's Fighter class to the max before promoting instead of changing classes at level 10.
I promoted Lissa after Ch 8, since she was level 15. Love the stat bonues I got for War Cleric.I just wanted her to be able to kill as well if she had to, and the sprite is cool.
What class should I make Donny once I get his second skill?
Everyone normally goes for Mercenary for Donnel first because of Armsthrift (2x Luck chance of no weapon usage when activated)
I chose Fighter because I didn't like Vaike as an axe user.
Can Simeon tell me how to get the free DLC for this game? The eshop Lin to the free map tells me it needs to go to the game to continue, so I choose okay, game boats up but nothing.
I haven't even finished his Paralogue yet and Owain is already my favorite male character in the game.
Screaming "Radiant Dawn" at the top of his lungs does that.
I'm on the paralogue mission where you can get the goddess staff (in the desert) but missed my chance. Is it worth it to do the mission over again to get it, or should I just kill the boss and be done with it? (I did recruit the available character)
Can get that and the Owain weapon from his paralogue in the Weapon dlc.
So basically skip, and get weapon in DLC later?
You could, but I thought you should be able to grab it still if you haven't killed the boss.
This elusive staff can be in obtained in Paralogue 14, by making a character wait on the tile 2 down and 1 left from the boss's position (or 4 right from the north-western Event tile). Just like above, if you miss it, you can obtain another in the "Infinite Divine Weapons" episode.
It's just the old fire emblem way of thinking (the older games had limited xp), this one has infinite xp, so there is really no need to worry about it and just enjoy the characters you want to play as.
That's the ideal way to do it. Promoting at 10 for your first promotion is really wasting a lot of stat growths.
In the end, it doesn't really matter. It's mostly just differences in time spent.
What you did is better in regard to stats anyway, since it's easier to level up before promoting, and you don't "waste" internal levels.
Pretty easy, just carry on as you are doing. Watch out for Sully and Maribelle too though.So how hard is it to make sure Chrom gets paired with Olivia without getting Sumia married off? I'm making sure they pretty much never interact on a map, but still.
Man fuck it, I'm just going to pair up nilly willy. I did the S for Sully/Stahl and Lon QU/Panne. Probably do Gregor/Nowi next.
Now thinking about it yeah that works because the only uncle Morgan would be able to marry would be Inigo, and Inigo's/Olivia's relationship was kinda ..... creepy. It's a perfect fit. It's so brokenly stuid that it has to be done.
Pretty easy, just carry on as you are doing. Watch out for Sully and Maribelle too though.
If you ever need the boost, just pair Olivia up on the chapter and go to town.
If one of the parents of a child doesn't have five skills, does the child just get the lowest skill on the list?