I just picked up my copy. Awesome that NOA let the street date get broken!
I was coming to post this,Gamestop where I pre-ordered just called and said I could pick it up right away,it's not street dated...nice.
I just picked up my copy. Awesome that NOA let the street date get broken!
What's wrong with Serenes Forest? They've been down for half a day now! I'm trying to listen to all those soundtracks!
I've been told it's a hard drive failure, which doesn't sound too bad, but there will be some lost data (around a day's worth) and it'll time to transfer the backups to the new hard drive.
What's wrong with Serenes Forest? They've been down for half a day now! I'm trying to listen to all those soundtracks!
I've been told it's a hard drive failure, which doesn't sound too bad, but there will be some lost data (around a day's worth) and it'll time to transfer the backups to the new hard drive.
so is the broken streetdate only a Canada thing...
Thus far yes, and only EB Games has begun selling the games early. But apparently they didn't so much "break" street date, but rather weren't given one by NoC.
I am a huge JRPG fan, and I may be traveling for work SIGNIFICANTLY (and thus wanting a portable).
What JRPG's are out/going to come out?
Any other "adventurey" type games coming out?
Should I get this or a Vita?
Im so confused...I want a handheld for business travel, but dont know what to get!
They won't.
8,579 blocks.
What is that in... um... GB?
Around 1.14GB.
I own both; a Vita for ~3 months and the 3DS XL for a few days. The Vita is a sleeker machine with a gorgeous screen, and if JRPGS are your thing it has almost every PSP JRPG worth playing along with Persona 4 Golden. It's also an excellent YouTube player, but note that if your memory card is filled to capacity, you may experience problems watching longer videos. There are a handful of new JRPGs coming to the Vita this year, but there aren't any official localization announcements as of yet, to my knowledge. It also looks less like a toy, which may or may not matter in your business travels.
OTOH, 3DS has Fire Emblem, which is so good - good enough that it validates my purchase of an XL. I've already spent more time playing the 3DS in 3 days than I have in 3 months on the Vita.
Can I just use a card reader to drag and drop all my files from one SD card onto my desktop and then put them onto the new card with the reverse method?
I called my nearest GameStop and asked if they happened to be selling the game already... they said "That doesn't come out till next month."Has any one in the US received the game early?
Yeah, that's what I do since my computer by itself can't work with SDHC cards for some reason.
I am a huge JRPG fan, and I may be traveling for work SIGNIFICANTLY (and thus wanting a portable).
What JRPG's are out/going to come out?
Any other "adventurey" type games coming out?
Should I get this or a Vita?
Im so confused...I want a handheld for business travel, but dont know what to get!
In a best case scenario, you can afford both. Given that's not always a valid option though, it would really depend on what you're looking for. The 3DS is getting a bunch of stuff such as Project X Zone, Shin Megami Tensei Soul Hackers and Fire Emblem. The Vita has Persona 4 Golden....and that's about it. Although P4G almost makes owning a Vita worth it imo.
In terms of adventure games, both have VLR but the 3DS will be getting Layton vs Phoenix Wright. Just do some research and you'll be fine.
I called my nearest GameStop and asked if they happened to be selling the game already... they said "That doesn't come out till next month."
Oh, the look is not a huge deal. I'll be on a plane for long periods of time anyway, then in hotel rooms.
I just want an ample stable of games to play and enjoy. I love JRPG's, WesternRPGs, Adventure type games.
And of course, it is this game that makes me want to buy any handheld in the first place.
That's true. I only played some of FFIII & IV on the DS and not much else, so I couldn't really speak to that. My gut says the PSP games have aged better due to the stronger hardware, but that shouldn't rule out the DS' expansive library.Well, if you're giving the Vita the credit of the PSP library, the DS' jRPG offerings are massive and offer some of the best titles in the genre. All playable on the 3DS, of course.
Tough call. As I've said, Vita seems like the platform to go with if you're a big fan of JRPGs and don't already own a PSP. On the other hand, it doesn't have Fire Emblem, memory cards are expensive, and there are legitimate concerns about its future. You also get Zelda and Mario on the 3DS, although I can't really speak for the quality of those games beyond Super Mario 3D Land (which is good, but a bit easy so far).
If we cross our fingers, maybe Square will localize Bravely Default.
Hmmm, one step closer to the 3ds
Thanks for the input.
Well, it IS accurate.I called my nearest GameStop and asked if they happened to be selling the game already... they said "That doesn't come out till next month."
I called my nearest GameStop and asked if they happened to be selling the game already... they said "That doesn't come out till next month."
I have to say, as somebody new to Fire Emblem, I find it far creepier to come at the marriage/child system on a technical "what would give me the best results" lever, versus getting into a bit of shipping. In the latter, I'm still thinking of my characters as characters with personality and whatnot. In the former, it's like looking at them simply as baby factories.
Can someone cofirm for me that the streetdate break covers the whole US and not just Canada? I need to know if I should make the trek out.
Well, it IS accurate.
I know. It just broke my heart. Maybe I'll luck out, I thought.Well they didn't lie. If you know what I mean.
I'm curious about that too.So is it possible to download SpotPass or DLC content right now, or will their distribution periods not begin until the release date?
I'm curious about that too.
Though, back then, some fans managed to get the Japanese version early and I seem to recall the DLC/SpotPass wasn't ready.
So is it possible to download SpotPass or DLC content right now, or will their distribution periods not begin until the release date?
I activated the spotpass, and checked for DLC at the world map. It's not available yet, which is unfortunate, 'cause I wanted to use Marth on this playthrough.
Maybe I'll pair up two totally incompatible characters just to infuriate you guys.
I like how you even edited out the smiley.The only one that would hurt is possibly you.
Can you guys confirm that Jp voices = no subtitles during cutscenes?