big black woman
I really wanted to enjoy this game after seeing the reviews, and I love Int. Sys., but the demo just bored me :-\
I wish they had included some difficulties between Normal and Hard and between Hard and Lunatic. I feel like the gaps between them are too big.
A friend (EB manager) did me a huge solid and hung onto a sealed returned copy of the game for me. I have it!
This'll be my first Fire Emblem. What am I in store for, friends?! And, any advice? Should I start out on Casual mode?
Left my 3DS back at home. Will play tomorrow night.
A friend (EB manager) did me a huge solid and hung onto a sealed returned copy of the game for me. I have it!
This'll be my first Fire Emblem. What am I in store for, friends?! And, any advice? Should I start out on Casual mode?
Left my 3DS back at home. Will play tomorrow night.
A friend (EB manager) did me a huge solid and hung onto a sealed returned copy of the game for me. I have it!
This'll be my first Fire Emblem. What am I in store for, friends?! And, any advice? Should I start out on Casual mode?
Left my 3DS back at home. Will play tomorrow night.
I started playing the game in normal mode, since this is my first Fire Emblem, but after the first two battles I am starting to regret that decision, because it's mind-numbingly easy. Is there a way to switch modes after I've already started? Does the difficulty ramp up to a satisfactory level if I stick with Normal?
It's weird how reclassing from Dark Flier leads to mostly stat decreases across the board. Even more annoying when enemy Dark Fliers are one of the most dangerous enemies I face when doing risen battles.
This game is available for download correct?
I just bought a 3DS because of the Newegg deal, but would like to stay digital if possible.
Normal is a perfectly fine place to start. If you think you'll be OCD over character deaths and stuff, pick Casual as well.
try using a rescue staff for starters.Question for those who completed the game/trying to do every paralogues:
I'm up to Chapter 17 but unlocked Paralogues 10 & 16. I try to tackle Paralogue 10 (Cordelia x Lon'qu are the parents) but Severa keeps freaking dying. Is a correct order to do the Paralogues with the main story?
Ok, now I see what you guys were talking about their supports. I can't stop laughing though XD
You can do the Paralogues in whatever order you want, whenever you want.Question for those who completed the game/trying to do every paralogues:
I'm up to Chapter 17 but unlocked Paralogues 10 & 16. I try to tackle Paralogue 10 (Cordelia x Lon'qu are the parents) but Severa keeps freaking dying. Is a correct order to do the Paralogues with the main story?
I feel like you guys are gonna ask me to turn in my GAF membership for asking this, but...
What does min/max mean? In the context of this game and I guess the genre in general? This is my first FE.
I'm on Chapter 20 now. 45 hours in. How many Chapters do I have left?
I'm on Chapter 20 now. 45 hours in. How many Chapters do I have left?
Five + Endgame.
6 left. You're almost there.
Question for those who completed the game/trying to do every paralogues:
I'm up to Chapter 17 but unlocked Paralogues 10 & 16. I try to tackle Paralogue 10 (Cordelia x Lon'qu are the parents) but Severa keeps freaking dying. Is a correct order to do the Paralogues with the main story?
The previous game had Normal, Hard, Maniac and Lunatic, which was pretty much perfect.I wish they had included some difficulties between Normal and Hard and between Hard and Lunatic. I feel like the gaps between them are too big.
Really liking Tharja. Killed her on accident during my first playthrough. She's a cutie, in spite of being a freak. Reminds me of my first girlfriend.![]()
It's basically just referring to making the best characters. For this game in particular, it means pairing the right two characters to produce the best possible kid as far as stats, classes, and skills are concerned.
Though, realistically, true min/maxing here would be trying to make every be Sorceror's for Nosferatu/Aversa's access :x
Once you beat the game, you can still work on paralogues and such right? I just want to wrap things up before I go for a higher difficulty playthrough.
Am I the only one who grinds his bench up to ao around the same level as my other guys...
I'm afraid of another radiant dawn situation I guess...
Put I think 25 hours so far and only on chapter 21
Once you beat the game, you can still work on paralogues and such right? I just want to wrap things up before I go for a higher difficulty playthrough.
Put I think 25 hours so far and only on chapter 21
Please, I'm at 50 and only on Chapter 17.
I regret playing this game in normal. At a certain point it becomes way to easy I dont even use healers anymore. Go straight in an kill everything that moves misson complete. I guess it being my first fire emblem i choosed normal. If i ever go back to play other fe games ill choose the middle dificulty. I'm around chapter 15.
Lies, Green hair is best hair. <3 Tiki.Inferior hair colored avatar.
Are you getting the Bundle?19th of goddamn April. RRGhghGHhgh
lol I'm @ 50 and at the last chapter. I haven't recruited any children either...Please, I'm at 50 and only on Chapter 17.
When I play, I try to suck the most out of each battle even though in this game you don't have to.How is that even possible lol