I noticed my waifu Tiki shows up more often than anyone else in the barracks. Is this by chance or by design?
I noticed my waifu Tiki shows up more often than anyone else in the barracks. Is this by chance or by design?
Lost everyone in the last few levels. I like dramatic deaths.
Q: Olivia is Lv 20 as a Dancer. I want to use a Second Seal on her to raise her levels, but at the end of those 20 levels I would like her to re-class as a Dancer. Is this possible lol?
Q: Olivia is Lv 20 as a Dancer. I want to use a Second Seal on her to raise her levels, but at the end of those 20 levels I would like her to re-class as a Dancer. Is this possible lol?
Beat the game: Classic/Hard. 50 hours. Everyone from my main squad dead but MU/chrome.
Beat the game: Classic/Hard. 50 hours. Everyone from my main squad dead but MU/chrome.
Beat the game: Classic/Hard. 50 hours. Everyone from my main squad dead but MU/chrome.
Lost everyone in the last few levels. I like dramatic deaths.
I might finish it up later.
All of the characters I didn't actively use survived.*blink*
What was your strategy? Attrition? Nobody survived?
Since I was incredibly bored this morning, I sketched this up for fun.
I might finish it up later.
If I reclass a char using a second seal and eventually switch them back to their original class, I'm assuming they are back to level 1 in the original class?
Since I was incredibly bored this morning, I sketched this up for fun.
I might finish it up later.
Thought Libra would calm her wicked heart.
Is Sword of Seals the first Fire Emblem in the US/The Sword of Flame? I've never heard great things about Binding Blade.Overall, if I had to rank it with the rest of the games I've played in the series, I'd would place at:
Path of Radiance
Binding Blade
Radiant Dawn
Light & Shadow
Sword of Seals
Sacred Stones
Shadow Dragon
My mistake. :/Is Sword of Seals the first Fire Emblem in the US/The Sword of Flame? I've never heard great things about Binding Blade.
That sounds like a much more common opinion now.My mistake. :/
Mixed up Binding Blade/Sword of Seals(FE6) with Blazing Sword(FE7).
I'll edit it in a bit.
Thanks!That is pretty awesome, great detailing.
I am surprised this game did not have a guide you could buy, I would have snapped up one immediately.
Yeah, that's what I was going for. lolMio'ri
L+R+START is your best friend.Say, what's the fastest method of re-loading saves? Instead of, you know, pushing the home button, pressing close, then restarting the game, then loading the game again (bah so cumbersome)
Because I foresee there's going to be a LOT of reloading especially when I tackle higher difficulties.
lmaooooo Inigo x Owain C Support
Inigo: Perhaps you should name your next move "Eternal Chastity."
Owain: Sure, why not? I've got the perfect teacher for it right in front of me!
Wow, that's pretty good. Maybe I should load up my old save and get all the kid's supports.
Since I was incredibly bored this morning, I sketched this up for fun.
I might finish it up later.
All of the characters I didn't actively use survived.
Lost Donnel and Virion during the game. Got to chapter 21, lost Frederick, decided to carry on without him as I was almost done.
Then lost Lissa the next chapter.
And then all hell broke loose. Lost Lucina, Lon'qu, Vaike, Morgan, Owain, Pt. Marth, and still won with just Chome/Tunavi. Decided they did not go down in vain and carried on. Beat the last two levels with only us 2. Beat the final level with just them two. Lifetaker is awesome. Lost a lot of good men during the Awakening War heh
I have an irrational hatred for people who put Awakening squarely in the middle of modern Fire Emblems.
Pick a side
That sounds like a much more common opinion now.FE7 FTW
I have an irrational hatred for people who put Awakening squarely in the middle of modern Fire Emblems.
Pick a side
So I had Ricken and Panne get married..... this is weird.
What's your strategy for pairing up units?
Once you hit S rank or A rank with two units, do you just pair them up in every battle from there on? Or do you try pairing them up with other units to rank up to A? I'm wondering if its good to diversify your relationship ranks, or once you found a "good pair" just stick with that forever.
So if you duel someone online you don't lose characters right?
Yep, they patched Mario Kart 7.Yes, they can.
Guys, help me make a decision. Doing a FeMC run, and I'm really stuck between hooking her up with Chrom or Lon'qu. He's already at B rank with Sumia, although I figure I can marry everyone off to leave him open for Olivia, but I'm not sure winds up being the better support and/or results in the better kids.
I'll be able to finish this game without Cordelia, right? She died on the level in which she appears, and I really don't feel like starting over.
Ah, I hope they actually patch it then. A month and nothing so far =(
Create a Morgan and Lucina with unlimited potential.
I hope the rest of your characters die horrible painful deaths =P