Can the tactician/your character marry or are they just along for the ride?
Can the tactician/your character marry or are they just along for the ride?
Can the tactician/your character marry or are they just along for the ride?
Is anyone here doing a no-restart run on their first playthrough? I'd like to think that's more fun in a way, but I bet that changes when you lose your first character.
What do you do if your avatar goes down? He's the only one I've had killed so far. Moved in front of Stahl to protect him and ended up taking a 36 point critical axe to the face.
They definitely can marry.
Your tactician is one of the main characters of the plot. They can marry characters of the opposite sex.
Mmm, I'm wrestling with whether or not to rename my character's name. I usually prefer to keep the "canonical" names but I'm not crazy about "Robin".
Genealogy is too far down! Also, how come there's a map name displayed? I thought spotpass teams are placed on the world map at random?
So I realized that I had forgotten that I had picked up the Fire Emblem game for GameCube. Is it worth a plauthrough?
Path of Radiance is normally very popular among fans of the series. The graphics are a bit dated, as mentioned above, but you get used to it -- amazing game in every other respect.So I realized that I had forgotten that I had picked up the Fire Emblem game for GameCube. Is it worth a plauthrough?
Can the tactician/your character marry or are they just along for the ride?
How much space is the digital version?
Is anyone here doing a no-restart run on their first playthrough? I'd like to think that's more fun in a way, but I bet that changes when you lose your first character.
Okay chapter 5 has just pissed me off. Seems no matter what I do my units stats are just 1 too low to win against swarms of dragons. Down to Normal difficulty for me then...
It's the sidequests that are also sent out via SpotPass.
Genealogy Mystletainn The Radiant Hero
So I find Sully to be awesome and her. Any suggestions on making them awesome battle wise? Husband, classes, etc?daughter looks awesome as well
Yea that's where I was considering dropping to Normal. Wind and archery destroy dragons so you can try luring them out with sword users, then using other units to finish them off.
I'm currently banging my head against the wall Paralogue 2, trying to get to the village before Anna dies or an enemy unit gets there. It just seems like I'm always 1 turn too late.
So I realized that I had forgotten that I had picked up the Fire Emblem game for GameCube. Is it worth a plauthrough?
If anyone was wondering, I went and picked up a copy. They had 4 of them counting the display one. That was at 2pm. So it was accurate for me, your mileage may vary.If you guys are looking for it, check Target. Before the stores opened all of them said out of stock for me, but now that they are open, about the 10 closet stores say its in stock.
If anyone was wondering, I went and picked up a copy. They had 4 of them counting the display one. That was at 2pm. So it was accurate for me, your mileage may vary.
Mmm, I'm wrestling with whether or not to rename my character's name. I usually prefer to keep the "canonical" names but I'm not crazy about "Robin".
Alright, got it from Target.
Is the Gamestop game with the artbook in different packaging?
Or is the artbook separate like with Xenoblade Chronicles?
Dunno what I'm gonna do with my 2nd copy now...
Alright, got it from Target.
Is the Gamestop game with the artbook in different packaging?
Or is the artbook separate like with Xenoblade Chronicles?
Dunno what I'm gonna do with my 2nd copy now...
I feel great shame setting the difficulty back to normal.
No, I started a new game. If that's a feature than doh.You can change difficulty at any time?
It's probably been asked but did they shift the difficulties one tier down for the US version of this? Like JP easy -> US normal, JP normal -> US hard etc. ? Or is it only the casual mode addition?
If you guys are looking for it, check Target. Before the stores opened all of them said out of stock for me, but now that they are open, about the 10 closet stores say its in stock.
It's probably been asked but did they shift the difficulties one tier down for the US version of this? Like JP easy -> US normal, JP normal -> US hard etc. ? Or is it only the casual mode addition?
Just had my first casualty in Chapter 5...
Ricken noooooooooooo ;_; Oh well you did disobey orders so you kinda got what was coming. He got 2 hit by a Myrmidon though
As much as I want to start over, doing this Nuzlocke style so I have to resist.
You could have Ricken and Maribelle pair up, and use a rescue staff to bring them closer to you if you have one.
Ricken's already gone though, that's the sad thing. If Chrom didn't miss hitting a bandit everything would've been perfectly fine.
What the goddamn? I swear, some of the growths in this game are crazy. I've had several level ups where everyone got something in every stat except their least used stat.
Fuck you Tharja.