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Fire Emblem Awakening |OT| Lord of the RNG

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Cool. I'm just an hour or two in (I'm trying to recruit Donnel in the first DLC mission and have just returned from the snowy Great Wall of China thingamabob up north in the core game) and so my head is still spinning from all the moving parts in this game.

Thanks for the tips, folks.

You can recruit a second healer in chapter 5, so things should get smoother after that.
Cool. I'm just an hour or two in (I'm trying to recruit Donnel in the first DLC mission and have just returned from the snowy Great Wall of China thingamabob up north in the core game) and so my head is still spinning from all the moving parts in this game.

Thanks for the tips, folks.

You'll get a second healer in a couple chapters, at any rate.

But if you want to avoid overusing your healer, make good use of your ranged units to let your melee units get kills without taking damage, by chipping them down first.


Are Fire Emblem games the kind of games that you should use a guide to not miss anything (i.e. optional recruitable characters) or is it one of those replayable games?


You'll get a second healer in a couple chapters, at any rate.

But if you want to avoid overusing your healer, make good use of your ranged units to let your melee units get kills without taking damage, by chipping them down first.

Yeah, I'm learning this the hard way in Donnel's recruiting mission - I've got Lissa running back and forth desperately pissing faerie dust at my guys so they don't explode all while Pegasus Lady is getting shot out of the sky by archers and Donnel isn't getting any XP because he's just strapped to someone else's back as they kill bad guys so he doesn't actually get to do anything/level up/etc.
Another general tip: If a number of enemies are in your range, do some math to determine which of your units can do which numbers of damage to which enemies, and maybe you can work something out to give a weaker unit a kill while making sure you don't take too much damage in the process.

Are Fire Emblem games the kind of games that you should use a guide to not miss anything (i.e. optional recruitable characters) or is it one of those replayable games?

In Awakening, characters are pretty straightforward to recruit. You'll get them all handed to you. Not so in other FE games! coughShinonandDouglascough

Mr. Fix

Are Fire Emblem games the kind of games that you should use a guide to not miss anything (i.e. optional recruitable characters) or is it one of those replayable games?

The other ones? You'd need a guide the first time to find out who recruits who. For this one though, they're made obvious, and it's always Chrom that talks to them. A lot you get automatically here.

I've always come back to the handheld games annually, and I expect more so for this game. There's different pairings they encourage you to do.
In Awakening, characters are pretty straightforward to recruit. You'll get them all handed to you. Not so in other FE games! coughShinonandDouglascough

Douglas wasn't even that bad, just annoying. Tate was pretty bad since it was so specific if you went the easy route of why not have her sister talk to her!
In Awakening, characters are pretty straightforward to recruit. You'll get them all handed to you. Not so in other FE games! coughShinonandDouglascough

Well, besides characters, you also kinda needed guides for those apparently obligatory dessert levels with loot hidden in the sand, and the secret shops and stuff. Does this one have that?
Just promoted Donny from a Lv. 15 Villager to a Lv. 1 Mercenary. I said "wow.
RIP Maribelle. You came. You healed. You got killed by reinforcements that can move on the same turn they appear.

The pluses are that it's part of a pack, so you are not just buying the item but you also get a character and since DLC chapters are repeatable, you can get the skill onto as many people as you want.

Sounds like the DLC kinda breaks the game though. I'll probably end up passing on all of it, since it seems like it's not balanced and exists more to overpower you (give you bonus skills) or for fan service.
Sounds like the DLC kinda breaks the game though. I'll probably end up passing on all of it, since it seems like it's not balanced and exists more to overpower you (give you bonus skills) or for fan service.

Considering the final goal of the DLCs is to beat up this guy, you'll be glad of all the extra help they'll give. Not to mention, the DLC was released as mostly postgame stuff anyway.


So Paralouge 2 question

Is it ok if
Anna dies? Can I still recruit her? Do I miss anything if I don't save her in this chapter?
I know you can grind in this... but I feel like using donny is just wasting exp that i can use on cooler folks.

I feel like an idiot... but outside of moving slow units around faster, and rescuing folks from danger... is there any other use for pair up?

I feel like having guys singled out (but next to each other for bonus naturally) is better due to more attacks?

this game has post game, like as in you beat the final chapter and you can still play the save?

Mr. Fix

I feel like having guys singled out (but next to each other for bonus naturally) is better due to more attacks?

this game has post game, like as in you beat the final chapter and you can still play the save?

I've been screwed several times because I didn't have more units actually. It really depends. If the speed bonus is enough to help another unit attack twice, I'll pair them up.

And yup. You can still do Paralogues after you beat the game. It just sends you back to before the final chapter.
I know you can grind in this... but I feel like using donny is just wasting exp that i can use on cooler folks.

I feel like an idiot... but outside of moving slow units around faster, and rescuing folks from danger... is there any other use for pair up?

I feel like having guys singled out (but next to each other for bonus naturally) is better due to more attacks?

this game has post game, like as in you beat the final chapter and you can still play the save?

You get bonuses to the main character's stats. AND you can still use supports for other characters. So you could get plus 1 or 2 on almost all your stats, and still rake in the bonuses of a A/B/C/S level support


Darn it, I had to be irresponsible...
Now it seems like my godlike stat growth is gone...

Before the reset, I was getting like 5 stats or more every level.
Now I'm lucky to get 4, mostly getting 2-3...


is it worth it to train both Nowi and Panne? I was expecting them to play like a Laguz but it seems they're different.
I feel like an idiot... but outside of moving slow units around faster, and rescuing folks from danger... is there any other use for pair up?

I feel like having guys singled out (but next to each other for bonus naturally) is better due to more attacks?

Pair up also provides stat bonuses to the lead unit that a regular dual battle wouldn't provide.


It's possible that you don't want to eat extra damage due to a weakness, you wouldn't deal much damage due to wielding the wrong weapon in the triangle, or being outsped if you were singular. So if the unit has nothing else to do it might as well pair up to help somebody.


Man, I am really missing shove.

Still kinda confused about Paring Up.
Whichever character you select with merges with the other? Or is there something else?


If she dies in Paralogue 2 do I lose the chance to recruit her in the future then? I figure that'd be the case, but I just want to make sure.

No, Anna can "die" in that chapter and she still will appear in the later Paralogue where she actually joins the player. You can also get her in the later paralogue and go back there and have two Annas in a single map. This game kind of has a nurse Joy thing going on with her - multiple "sisters" with the same name and appearance.


It makes me sad every time I kill off a new character that appears on the screen. I know that I can technically restart my 3DS but I feel that I'm better off moving on if I've made enough progress already on the map.

It's probably for the best anyways. The game only lets you choose like 6 or 8? characters at a time during a battle, so it feels good to have characters that aren't always going to be neglected all the time. Although, if I had known that Donnel (the pothead) was any good, I would have made an effort in leveling him up in that chapter.
Okay, the villagers in

Paralogue 3

are officially the most suicidal lemmings I've ever seen.

What happened:

I wasted two of my damn Rescue staff uses on the villagers, thinking they'd stay by my side until I had actually cleared the enemy that was, y'know, trying to kill them. Nope! They left my safe haven and ran right into the enemy and kept going even when enemy wyvern reinforcements arrived.

Two died, and the one left alive at the end of the chapter gave me a Seraph Robe. I wonder what other goodies I missed out on.


Don't know if this has been talked about but am I the only one that noticed every character has their feet cut off? It's as if everyone is walking on their ankles :(


I don't own the game, but I do have a DLC question. Well, a few.

- I know there's paid DLC and then there's SpotPass DLC. What's the difference?
- How does the game explain the characters from other games being in Awakening?


Well this game is AWESOME. I'm on like Chapter 3 or 4 now. Can people only have support conversations if they're paired up? I just got Lissa and Vaike to talk, since I have them paired up. (Totally making a match out of those two!)

Since I'm new to Fire Emblem, I wonder what would happen if you played with permadeath on and let EVERYONE die? (Of the people who can die permanently, I mean.)

I'm playing in Casual. Sully died one chapter, and for a moment I thought, "In Classic, that would -mean- something!" But then I realized, if I were playing Classic, no, it wouldn't mean anything, since I would just restart the mission again and again until I beat it with her intact, lol. Since I know I would be capable of that eventually, I just thought to myself, "OK, Casual mode brought Sully back, but I would've saw to that even if I were playing Classic. This just saves me a lot of time."

Feels good mang.
If you let everyone die, you'll have less units. Simple. (excepts your lords, they can't die and continue - you'll have to restart the chapter again)

You'll get later on in the game where the chapters are harder and one person may slip and die near the end and you may not restart, you feel for them, but it's a personal decision. It's like a journey in the game. You'll usually get a memorial of sorts for the fallen at the end of the game. They are always remembered <3.

/jealous PAL gamer...


Man, I am really missing shove.

Still kinda confused about Paring Up.
Whichever character you select with merges with the other? Or is there something else?

Pairing-up with another character on the map allows you to merge two characters on to one square. Unlike putting two characters and making them stand right by one another, only one of the characters can make a move at a time. This can be useful when you want to:

- "Carry" a weaker character across the board, in hopes of gaining experience when a double team is involved.
- Boost another character's stats, so their Strength/Magic/Avoidance/Resistance/etc. is a bit higher
- Collaborate with a character that can move farther on the map (with like a Pegasus Knight for example) so you can defeat characters faster or to make a safe move by approaching the enemy from a safer distance

Pairing-up with another character also encourages you to build relationships with other characters. There are four levels of relationships, ranging from C-B-A-S. If each character is of the opposite sex (Male-Female, Female-Male), then they can reach a relationship level of S which means that they can get married and bear children of their own.


I don't own the game, but I do have a DLC question. Well, a few.

- I know there's paid DLC and then there's SpotPass DLC. What's the difference?

Spotpass is free and it ranges from legacy units for skirmishes, shopping and hiring, to legendary weapons and actual extra story chapters.

DLC always involves new chapters with their own stories completely unrelated to the main plot(aside from three of the later DLC chapters), classic/new bgms and maps, with any further bonuses, like the legacy units, skills or classes being obtained after finishing the chapter.

You can get spotpass characters through a battle too, but they're just skirmishes, taking place in the usual story maps, and having little story aside from some generic lines of the legacy character.

- How does the game explain the characters from other games being in Awakening?

In the DLC, Chrom and his army goes through a dimensional portal to another world. Anyway, it's explained that the legacy characters are like "mirror images" of the actual ancient heroes summoned by magical cards to serve the will of the summoner.

An old man who kept those cards loses them, and asks the player's help to recover them. After you're done with helping him for the first time, he gives you one of those cards (Marth's) and the promises to give more later if the heroes continue to help him, in order to help them in their own journey.

The DLC units have a blue aura around them due to that. The spotpass legacy units don't have the same blue aura, but one of the menu describes them as phantoms, although, like I said before, the spotpass legacy units don't have much of a story. The player summons them from a menu and then their party appears on the map (Each party has the legacy character itself leading it and up to 9 generic units to complete the team).


I am on Chapter 11 and now I am bogged with trying to find out who to pair up with who.. Q___Q
In fact, I have been grinding the DLC just to up people's support levels so I can try to decide who has the best chemistry..
BUTTTTT... Maybe I want Chrom and Olivia together! But then then..
I have to get rid of all the other women he's ever even spoken to by marrying them off, including me! Argghhhh...!
Stupid Chrom and sudden-Sigurd-syndrome!
I finally managed to beat chapter 4 on hard without Fredrick. The fact reinforcement can attack the turn they appear is bullshit. As it turns out pairing a My Unit mage with Virion the first archer makes you absurdly fast early on enough that it allows the My Unit to attack twice per turn. I think I'm regretting playing on hard I must have rest that chapter ten times.

Edit: I'm made a mistake its chapter 5 not chapter 4 that was difficult for me.


This game, guys... this fucking GAME, I can't believe we're only in early Feb, can't wait to see what this gaming year has in store for us.


So I just got the first support conversation between Chrom and Frederick- the one where
he hangs up naked posters of Chrom to raise morale. Is that him trolling or is it his goofy, uh, "common sense" (y'know, like with Sousuke from FMP)?

Well, either way, it got a good laugh outta me. :D


I finally managed to beat chapter 4 on hard without Fredrick. The fact reinforcement can attack the turn they appear is bullshit. As it turns out pairing a My Unit mage with Virion the first archer makes you absurdly fast early on enough that it allows the My Unit to attack twice per turn. I think I'm regretting playing on hard I must have rest that chapter ten times.
Reinforcements? I just beat chapter 4 on the first go and didn't experience any reinforcements. But then again I was blocking the nearest 'stairs', paranoid that an enemy would come out if they got the chance.

Are you talking about a different chapter? Chapter 4 is the one where you're
in an arena and face 'Marth'


I use Frederick as a last resort character to save me and boost defense by pairing him with people. I don't see what good benching him would do, especially in the early chapters and you don't have a full roster yet. >_>

I also like letting enemy reinforcements come out to die. More experience for me! I always get slightly disappointed when I'm accidentally standing on a fort on the turn they are supposed to come out. I never know if they are supposed to come 2 turns or what after you get a "warning announcement" from some character in the game about reinforcements.


I am on Chapter 11 and now I am bogged with trying to find out who to pair up with who.. Q___Q
In fact, I have been grinding the DLC just to up people's support levels so I can try to decide who has the best chemistry..
wait what?! you can repeatedly play the DLC maps?! then grinding for support levels would be very easy!


wait what?! you can repeatedly play the DLC maps?! then grinding for support levels would be very easy!

YES. Repeatable forever.
And also get repeatable items from shiny spots and villages forever.
Easy experience too!

Anyone want to raise Donnel after you finally get him (pair him up with a defensive or really speedy unit first) or any other weakling? Just have them run around the DLC level. lol
Reinforcements? I just beat chapter 4 on the first go and didn't experience any reinforcements. But then again I was blocking the nearest 'stairs', paranoid that an enemy would come out if they got the chance.

Are you talking about a different chapter? Chapter 4 is the one where you're
in an arena and face 'Marth'

You're right I made a mistake. I meant chapter 5.
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