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Fire Emblem Awakening |OT2| PAL reinforcements

When you change class, you keep your skills, right?

Wish I'd let Lissa level up some more before changing her class, didn't realise it was better to do it at Level 20 than Level 10

Replayed that side-mission and again just couldn't save the villagers :(

Turned out the rewards are useless anyway, so it's alright :p

Panne, Stahl, Frederick, Chrom and Virion are beasting it for me. I'm thinking I shouldn't be using Frederick unless necessary, until the others catch up with his level at least, but it's too tempting

Is there any word at all on FE coming to WiiU btw?The prices they're going for in the UK, thinking of buying one and definitely will if it gets a full console FE


Is there any word at all on FE coming to WiiU btw?The prices they're going for in the UK, thinking of buying one and definitely will if it gets a full console FE

There's the Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem crossover announced in the beginning of the last year, but that was the last game related FE announcement. Nothing else has been said about future games of the series since then. I really hope we get some news this E3...
Cheers guys

Hope I'm not hamstringing myself by neglecting to Forge weapons. I just hate spending currency on temporary upgrades. Also, I always disregard consumable temporary stat-boosters, in every game
That music, man. That music.

Right in the feels.

I wanted to carry on fighting, they can't give you that cutscene, that adrenaline and anger, then have a character come in and make you run away when the build-up implied that you'd be given a choice to try and fight. That shit ain't right :(

Virion, Panne/Sully, and Chrom have become my go-to guys, with Lissa levelling up like a beast and keeping everyone safe.

Not sure what direction to take Virion in. He gets so many killing blows, he's levelling up really quickly, so I have a big choice to make when he hits 20
Help me GAF

I'm sat here like a bloody idiot, grinning at the screen because I love the characters so much. The way Virion talks to Sully. Vaike's brashness. Having Stahl acting like a kind of tutor for Donnel. It's so fucking good.

Levelled Donnel up 3 times in one challenge battle, had him use some stat-boosting items to get his defense and crit% up. Virion is leaving everyone in his dust

Love the speed from which you go from the DS menu to playing btw. Must take 10 seconds max.
I don't really understand how the the random battles work on this.

I'll be on the World Map with nothing to do except for a main mission, then I turn the 3DS off, then when I go back into the game, some random battles and Barracks events open up. Doesn't that make it possible to infinitely grind?


I don't really understand how the the random battles work on this.

I'll be on the World Map with nothing to do except for a main mission, then I turn the 3DS off, then when I go back into the game, some random battles and Barracks events open up. Doesn't that make it possible to infinitely grind?
Yes, it is possible to grind infinitely, but just like with most RPGs, it's better to play through the game normally and farm extra EXP if you get stuck or want a particular unit to catch up. Not that you can't play the game any way you want, as FE games in general give you ample options to suit your style of play.


I don't really understand how the the random battles work on this.

I'll be on the World Map with nothing to do except for a main mission, then I turn the 3DS off, then when I go back into the game, some random battles and Barracks events open up. Doesn't that make it possible to infinitely grind?

Depends, are you Streetpassing people? I think you'll get random battles whenever you Streetpass someone, but IIRC beating all random battles, saving, switching the 3DS off and then on again shouldn't reset the random battles.
Depends, are you Streetpassing people? I think you'll get random battles whenever you Streetpass someone, but IIRC beating all random battles, saving, switching the 3DS off and then on again shouldn't reset the random battles.

Nah, no Streetpasses. I'll see if any pop up next time I turn it on. Think I'll have to start declining them soon, just done Chapter 10 and have one Level 20 character, and multiple characters between 15 and 19. Getting a lot of one-hit-kills, feels like it'[s becoming a little easy


Are deaths absolute in classic mode? Some PCs are saying things like 'I better leave', i.e. Lissa.

And the random battles, ow. Starting off flanked is not my idea of fun.


Nah, no Streetpasses. I'll see if any pop up next time I turn it on. Think I'll have to start declining them soon, just done Chapter 10 and have one Level 20 character, and multiple characters between 15 and 19. Getting a lot of one-hit-kills, feels like it'[s becoming a little easy

The post above makes me think they pop up indefinitely, so I might be wrong. You should have the option to decline the battles anyway.

Are deaths absolute in classic mode? Some PCs are saying things like 'I better leave', i.e. Lissa.

And the random battles, ow. Starting off flanked is not my idea of fun.

Deaths are absolute in the sense you can't play as those characters any more, but not absolute for story-central characters (e.g. Lissa will appear in some plot related cutscenes, since she's Chrom's sister).
The post above makes me think they pop up indefinitely, so I might be wrong. You should have the option to decline the battles anyway.

Yeah, only have to do them if they're stood on a shop which I want to buy something from.

Want to level up the dragon character, but she starts at a horrendously low level compared to the rest of the guys


I think the Barracks (and chance of Merchants/Random battles) is time based? Like every 2 hours, there will be a random Barracks event and a chance to shuffle the world map encounters (world map encounters frequently shuffle after beating a map too). Guess you could wait for Risen to vacate a shop you want to buy from if you don't need the stuff right away.
Lost Olivia :(

Not sure I'd have used her much, but still. Had her surrounded by allies as she has so little health, then moved someone away from her to attack an enemy, and left her open to attack


Paralogue 2 is driving me nuts. Kill the archers, girl.

If she falls and I don't talk to her, does it affect anything?
No. The Anna in Paralogue 2 can fall without anything major happening. It's the Anna in Paralogue 4 you have to save.

You could try to sneak someone up to her with some careful Pair Up Pegasus maneuvering, though. Just mark the attack range of the archers and zig-zag through it. Maybe have Sumia pick up Frederick or Chrom, or something like that.


I always send Sumia over there. Sumia can kill the archers by herself as long as there are not archers in range of each other. In any case, with pair up you should be able to send an air unit and a tanky unit with a javelin to rescue Anna.


I always send Sumia over there. Sumia can kill the archers by herself as long as there are not archers in range of each other. In any case, with pair up you should be able to send an air unit and a tanky unit with a javelin to rescue Anna.

Seems like Sumia + Archer = OHK. I'm on Hard mode.


Seems like Sumia + Archer = OHK. I'm on Hard mode.
Well, yes. Archers kill fliers. That's their thing. But you can attack an archer in melee range and it can't counter. For me, it's a Fire Emblem tradition to, if at all possible, kill archers with my Pegasus Knights.

But that's why I suggested pairing Sumia up with Frederick. If she does get caught out in archer territory, switch to Frederick and watch the archer be terribly ineffective.


Well, yes. Archers kill fliers. That's their thing. But you can attack an archer in melee range and it can't counter. For me, it's a Fire Emblem tradition to, if at all possible, kill archers with my Pegasus Knights.

But that's why I suggested pairing Sumia up with Frederick. If she does get caught out in archer territory, switch to Frederick and watch the archer be terribly ineffective.

Exactly, I gave Sumia the Silver Lance and send her to dispose of any archer that had no backup, meanwhile Chrom and the rest of the team hold the chokepoint and try to get someone through to help Sumia with the rest of the enemies coming from the north east position.


Shame I already broke the SL. :( Are the Paralogue missions always available?

I save her twice, both times they kill someone after rushing the team. FML.


Shame I already broke the SL. :( Are the Paralogue missions always available?

I save her twice, both times they kill someone after rushing the team. FML.
Paralogues don't expire, ever. You could return to Paralogue 2 right before the final chapter if you wanted to.

The only things that expire are Risen and Annas on the world map. Everything else is there forever as you unlock them.


Yeesh. Keep her alive every time, and Victor murders someone.
Victor is really strong. And aggro-linked to everyone in his group. Only send your toughest units to face him. Try to have Frederick or Kellam as the back-unit in a Pair Up for that wonderful Defense bonus they give. I'd wager most Chrom/Frederick pair ups should be a match for Victor if you've been using Chrom enough to get some levels on him.

Also, here's a fun little thought experiment for Fire Emblem.

You have 20 HP. The enemy has 30 HP. You can double the enemy, and you each do 10 damage per hit. How do you win this fight? Do you attack, or let him attack first?

If you attack first, you'll do 10+10 damage and take 10 back. On the Enemy Phase you take 10 damage and die.

If you let him go first, you take 10 damage, do 10+10 in retaliation. On your turn, you attack and do 10 damage. You win!

So sometimes you need to put a strong unit out as bait.
Hey I just started playing Fire Emblem. I am enjoying the game alot, but I have a few questions. Is the DLC worth getting? Do weapons degrade or something? I have notice the 34/40 for example on iron sword and I was wondering if there was a limit on using a weapon. In addition to weapons, I am not really sure what the Mt in the weapons stats stand means. Thanks!


Hey I just started playing Fire Emblem. I am enjoying the game alot, but I have a few questions. Is the DLC worth getting? Do weapons degrade or something? I have notice the 34/40 for example on iron sword and I was wondering if there was a limit on using a weapon. In addition to weapons, I am not really sure what the Mt in the weapons stats stand means. Thanks!
There are DLC that gives you more conversations, expands on the story, earn you more money, earn more experience, give you exclusive skills, let's you play against classic Fire Emblem characters, etc. So it's a matter of what you are looking for.
I personally bought them all because I fell in love with the series lol
Weapons can break. They have a limited use. Only the Falchion can't break. After a point, rely on the stores to get more weapons. There are also somewhat expensive items that can be used to repair weapons so you can use them longer.
Mt stands for might. Check this wiki page or check out Serenes Forest. There will usually be someone or a group posting daily here in this thread so come here for help if you have any more questions :)
There are DLC that gives you more conversations, expands on the story, earn you more money, earn more experience, give you exclusive skills, let's you play against classic Fire Emblem characters, etc. So it's a matter of what you are looking for.
I personally bought them all because I fell in love with the series lol
Weapons can break. They have a limited use. Only the Falchion can't break. After a point, rely on the stores to get more weapons. There are also somewhat expensive items that can be used to repair weapons so you can use them longer.
Mt stands for might. Check this wiki page or check out Serenes Forest. There will usually be someone or a group posting daily here in this thread so come here for help if you have any more questions :)
Thanks! Assuming its pointless to upgrade the basic weapons then?


How is this game for somebody who is basically a SRPG newbie?

I played Jeanne D'Arc a couple years ago which went ok (and I hear it's very easy for an SRPG) until the last few battles which destroyed me.

I really want to try FE:A due to all the positive comments I've heard over the past year, but I'm a little scared it might be too much for somebody new to the genre. Same reason I've avoided FFT eventhough I bought the PSN version about 3-4 years ago.


Oh, you'll be good. Jeanne D'Arc is damn easy and FEA's alright. It's not unmanageable. Just play on normal mode then.

FFT is leagues more complicated than FEA so yeah, don't stress about it.


Thanks! Assuming its pointless to upgrade the basic weapons then?
You can, but you don't have to. The ones you get in the store are enough every time you want a more powerful weapon (at least they were for me on normal and hard difficulty) rather than spending money on forging them to be stronger.

How is this game for somebody who is basically a SRPG newbie?

I played Jeanne D'Arc a couple years ago which went ok (and I hear it's very easy for an SRPG) until the last few battles which destroyed me.

I really want to try FE:A due to all the positive comments I've heard over the past year, but I'm a little scared it might be too much for somebody new to the genre. Same reason I've avoided FFT eventhough I bought the PSN version about 3-4 years ago.
It's very beginner friendly. You can play on normal and casual and you won't have to worry about losing any of your units if they go down in a map. They'll recover after you finish that map.
They show you the ropes and the basics in the first couple of maps. And if you have any problems, just come to us in this thread and we'll be glad to help you. It's a fun game, one of my favorite 3DS ones.


Cool, I'll fire it up then. Maybe by the end of this I'll have enough of an idea of how SRPG's work where I can attempt FFT.


Just about to fire this up for the first time after it sat on my shelf for a year. Never played anything like this before - well, I've played advance wars but that's different in that each battle is self contained and you don't level up characters. Can anyone give some good tips for a newbie without spoiling too much? Probably going to play it in the casual mode (?) where people don't die permanently as I'm too OCD for that and I don't have time to be endlessly replaying battles. Besides that I know nothing outside of the demo I played when it first came out so any tips would be appreciated

Edit: also, will I be fine on Hard difficulty the first time through as a competent gamer of 26 years? Worried that Normal will be "Nintendo easy" (if that's a thing) and overly simplified for kids


Just about to fire this up for the first time after it sat on my shelf for a year. Never played anything like this before - well, I've played advance wars but that's different in that each battle is self contained and you don't level up characters. Can anyone give some good tips for a newbie without spoiling too much? Probably going to play it in the casual mode (?) where people don't die permanently as I'm too OCD for that and I don't have time to be endlessly replaying battles. Besides that I know nothing outside of the demo I played when it first came out so any tips would be appreciated

Let's start with some basic stuff about you should to know to play

- In this game, stats are not tied to levels, so two units of the same class at the same levels will have different stats for sure. Not only that, but the same unit will end up with different stats in different savefiles for sure.
- When units level up, they have a chance to upgrading each stat, you read that right, a chance. Units like Mages have better chance at getting Mag while Armored units will get Def more often. The chance also varies form character to character, so certain characters will have better chance at some stats even compared to other characters of the same class.
- About classes, units can upgrade from a base clase to a advanced class. When upgrading, the level displayed is reduced to 1 again (so you go from level 20 base class to level 1 advanced class), but the stats are upgraded and the unit is considered at least level 21 for exp calculations.

Now, about the game itself

- Frederick, a unit you get at the start of the game is a early game monster but only because he is in a advanced class already. Be sure to level up your other units and not rely on him too much, he wont get many level ups early in the game as the exp he gets is minimal.
- Weapons break after some use, and there are no reliable ways to repair them. Be sure to use your good weapons on key targets only on the early game, later you will get access to good weapons more often so it wont be a problem.
- You may want to consider the weapon triangle vs some enemies. Swords > Axes > Lances > Swords. The unit with the winning weapon gets a bonus to attack, accuracy and avoidability while the unit with the losing weapon gets a penalty to the same stats.

Edit: also, will I be fine on Hard difficulty the first time through as a competent gamer of 26 years? Worried that Normal will be "Nintendo easy" (if that's a thing) and overly simplified for kids

I'm not too sure. The gap between normal and hard is pretty big imo, it feels like there should be a difficulty right in between. You will have to plan carefully, consider the enemy turns and range, sometimes pray to the rng.


Just about to fire this up for the first time after it sat on my shelf for a year. Never played anything like this before - well, I've played advance wars but that's different in that each battle is self contained and you don't level up characters. Can anyone give some good tips for a newbie without spoiling too much? Probably going to play it in the casual mode (?) where people don't die permanently as I'm too OCD for that and I don't have time to be endlessly replaying battles. Besides that I know nothing outside of the demo I played when it first came out so any tips would be appreciated

Edit: also, will I be fine on Hard difficulty the first time through as a competent gamer of 26 years? Worried that Normal will be "Nintendo easy" (if that's a thing) and overly simplified for kids

Enemies will always attack the squishier targets in range, this means if you move your healer forward to heal an ally the enemy might try to run straight past your fighters and attack it so plan ahead with where you position your units.

For difficulty I suggest starting on Normal. Hard mode (the beginning in particular) is trickier if you're not familiar with the game and some of the mechanics. If you the challenge though, feel free to try Hard mode. It is certainly possible and casual mode will make it less painful.


Had the most amazing moment in Chapter 11. My entire army was near the boss, then five enemies spawn. Figure I am dead. No one dies, the worst squeaked away with 1 HP left, then I buried them all.


I cant believe I have miss out on this game for awhile, really enjoying it alot so far :) Hopefully Nintendo will release another one sometimes soon.

I was googling Fire Emblem gifs to respond to this but I found this and I just had to post it instead.

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