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Fire Emblem Fates |OT| Nohr does what Hoshidon't


Reclassing system is confusing me a bit.

I got a lv2 Sorcerer Odin and would like to give him Vantage, which is from Samurai, his paralel starting job. If I use a Heart Seal now, would I still be able to get it if I changed into Swordmaster or is it gone for good as I've already advanced?


Reclassing system is confusing me a bit.

I got a lv2 Sorcerer Odin and would like to give him Vantage, which is from Samurai, his paralel starting job. If I use a Heart Seal now, would I still be able to get it if I changed into Swordmaster or is it gone for good as I've already advanced?

Yeah, you can still get Vantage if you reclass to Swordmaster (though you still have to level up in order to actually get it). It's never too late to get a skill.


Reclassing system is confusing me a bit.

I got a lv2 Sorcerer Odin and would like to give him Vantage, which is from Samurai, his paralel starting job. If I use a Heart Seal now, would I still be able to get it if I changed into Swordmaster or is it gone for good as I've already advanced?

He would be a level 2 swordmaster. At level 3 he would learn duelist's blow; level 4 he would learn vantage.


He would be a level 2 swordmaster. At level 3 he would learn duelist's blow; level 4 he would learn vantage.

Woah, that's great! Thanks! There's hope for him after all =p On top of that at lv5 he'd learn Astra... I love him as a character, but as a unit he leaves much to desire.


Aww shucks, the castle that has all ores and food resources got axed on the top ranked list, what a shame.

I used it as a one stop trip to get all the resources I need


Since I plan on getting Revelation anyway, would it be worth it to get it early to throw an Ebon Wing at Odin in Conquest? He kind of seems like he'd do well as a hybrid magic/physical class.

I mean, the "flying offensive hybrid" role is filled by Camilla at the moment, and I don't see anyone outclassing her any time soon, but still... I only worry about getting another unit weak to arrows.
I was doing Conquest Chapter 10 where
you have to defend the green zone for 11 turns and I was on the last turn doing great then a Pegasus knight flew in and failed me

I AM SHOOK! Have to find the strength to do it again dammit!


I was doing Conquest Chapter 10 where
you have to defend the green zone for 11 turns and I was on the last turn doing great then a Pegasus knight flew in and failed me

I AM SHOOK! Have to find the strength to do it again dammit!
May I introduce you to a wonderful little invention called the Freeze Staff?
Put this on your local Felicia or Elise, and make sure they can use it, and it'll stop pegasi, or any other unit, from moving on their turn. That's how I managed to get through that chapter. Elise for unofficial MVP!
May I introduce you to a wonderful little invention called the Freeze Staff?
Put this on your local Felicia or Elise, and make sure they can use it, and it'll stop pegasi, or any other unit, from moving on their turn. That's how I managed to get through that chapter. Elise for unofficial MVP!

The embarrassing thing was that it was only AFTER I failed that chapter did I find out what the Freeze Staff does... Elise could've used it then and there :(

Will try again!

EDIT: finally completed Chapter 10! YAAS!

That chapter inspired me to think that maybe the Fire Emblem franchise would benefit from a survival mode?




I just ignore those requests now. They're generally super positive about your decision anyway.

So I finally reached Conquest's true final mission, and aside from the final boss being some out of nowhere FF9 level bullshit... it's the first map that's giving me some serious trouble to complete. I'm having a real hard time dealing with those heavy knights/bowmen/strategists duos running towards you further down... any body have any idea to get past those relatively unscathed (while dealing with the self-destruct zomboids)?

Velcro Fly

Finished Birthright 13 just now!
Ryoma! Finally!

Also I almost shit my pants when
Camilla came down and tried to pick a fight
. But it was all good since I have two superhuman archers.

Mozu is in the danger zone of getting left behind though. Falling a little behind in level and I find myself more likely to give someone else the free kills on enemies that are in single digit HP. I have other spear users but giving Hana or Rinkah those easy kills feels better.
I am glad I took up Conquest now though, it is a breath of fresh air. Coming off of Birthright Classic/Hard I picked Casual/Normal for Conquest, which was a mistake though. I lose units left and right because of dumb mistakes that I don't even bother correcting at this point. Might have to redo the whole thing eventually, but we'll see. Normal seems quite challenging already, but casual mode destroys any necessity for strategy.
The extra map objectives and different map goals are cool.

It really is. I decided to go for Classic/Normal for Conquest to try and counter the increase in difficulty over Birthright (which I did on Classic/Hard) and although I'm only up to chapter 10 I'm really enjoying not only the diversity in units I have access to - I actually have a TANK, and a good axe user, and a flying tome user instead of endless useless ninjas and sword/spear units! - but also in the mission objectives. I'm actually forced to make a charge into the enemy rather than turtle up for 20 turns, and I'm finding uses for Felicia's debuffs and dual attacks that I wasn't in Birthright.
It really is. I decided to go for Classic/Normal for Conquest to try and counter the increase in difficulty over Birthright (which I did on Classic/Hard) and although I'm only up to chapter 10 I'm really enjoying not only the diversity in units I have access to - I actually have a TANK, and a good axe user, and a flying tome user instead of endless useless ninjas and sword/spear units! - but also in the mission objectives. I'm actually forced to make a charge into the enemy rather than turtle up for 20 turns, and I'm finding uses for Felicia's debuffs and dual attacks that I wasn't in Birthright.



Keaton is an absolute weirdo and I don't want to pair him up with anyone, but I want to get his kid. Are any of his supports not disgusting?

Pair him with Camilla, he's still weird but she matches that and keeps him in line and then you get Velouria with savage blow and grisly wound and your team is 100% better just due to her existence. Also pairing him with Camilla wether you make him the support or the front liner is a really good combo because both of them benefit greatly from the bonuses the other gives.

Fair warning, Velouria while a precious little wolf pup made of absolute power, is equally as " disgusting" as her father in a lot of her supports. I personally find both the wolfskins charming but you may indeed want to skip all their support convos if a lot of scavenging/killing/eating weird stuff, smelling things etc bothers you.
Fair warning, Velouria while a precious little wolf pup made of absolute power, is equally as " disgusting" as her father in a lot of her supports. I personally find both the wolfskins charming but you may indeed want to skip all their support convos if a lot of scavenging/killing/eating weird stuff, smelling things etc bothers you.

Her design resembles Nah from Awakening, my Robin's other daughter, it's one of the main reasons why I paired Corrin up with Keaton.


Keaton is an absolute weirdo and I don't want to pair him up with anyone, but I want to get his kid. Are any of his supports not disgusting?
Velouria is definitely worth sitting through Keaton's weirdness.

I paired Keaton with Azura on my first playthrough and I thought those convos were pretty funny so if she's still unpaired you might try that. Azura's monotonous way of talking is incredibly ramped up there, but for humorous purposes it actually works. No mention of Keaton's treasure collection either.
Pair him with Camilla, he's still weird but she matches that and keeps him in line and then you get Velouria with savage blow and grisly wound and your team is 100% better just due to her existence. Also pairing him with Camilla wether you make him the support or the front liner is a really good combo because both of them benefit greatly from the bonuses the other gives.

Fair warning, Velouria while a precious little wolf pup made of absolute power, is equally as " disgusting" as her father in a lot of her supports. I personally find both the wolfskins charming but you may indeed want to skip all their support convos if a lot of scavenging/killing/eating weird stuff, smelling things etc bothers you.

Well I mean it doesn't gross me out but if I was any of those girls I'd sure as hell stay a million miles away. Thanks for the tip about Camilla, though. I think I'll pair him with Rinkah though, since I'm doing Revelations and I want all mixed nationality babies.


Velouria is definitely worth sitting through Keaton's weirdness.

I paired Keaton with Azura on my first playthrough and I thought those convos were pretty funny so if she's still unpaired you might try that. Azura's monotonous way of talking is incredibly ramped up there, but for humorous purposes it actually works. No mention of Keaton's treasure collection either.

Avatar quote

I heard that, in Revelations, in order to get the 'true' ending you should have the MC marry Azura.

Is this true? No spoilers please.

Because I kinda want to go with Charlotte...

Velcro Fly

Sakura is my first naturally promoted unit! I made her a Priestess because the stat boosts were so much bigger. I have a few others that are getting to that 16 or 17 range.

I think I'm going to start making some real choices about my pairings pretty soon. I just want to be able to play all the Birthright paralogues (and get all the children).



I heard that, in Revelations, in order to get the 'true' ending you should have the MC marry Azura.

Is this true? No spoilers please.

Because I kinda want to go with Charlotte...

No, marriages don't change any story dialogue at all in this game.
Sakura is my first naturally promoted unit! I made her a Priestess because the stat boosts were so much bigger. I have a few others that are getting to that 16 or 17 range.

I think I'm going to start making some real choices about my pairings pretty soon. I just want to be able to play all the Birthright paralogues (and get all the children).

It has bigger stat boosts because Priestess needs to use both STR and MAG, unlike Onmyoji.

Unless you get your hands on a Shining Bow, anyway.


Hm, how is Conquest with child units?

I've hit an amusing point where I keep spawning Paralogues after Chapter 12, and everyone on my core team gained 3-4 levels between these chapters already thanks to those Paralogues auto-scaling, so I'm getting several early child units now. Already got Felicia!Percy (HP+5 and Tomebreaker) and Elise!Kana (Sol and Demoiselle) and both of those seem like solid, worthy additions to my core squad. Now if Effie!Sophie, who I expect to be a defensive powerhouse, will be a worthy addition is... debatable. Need to do that Paralogue first (which will probably push Odin and Selena to S rank meaning I'll need to get Ophelia, too...) before I can assess her.

I feel like getting Percy and Kana this early might actually make them worth investing in. Heck, Percy came with capped Luck at level 12 and almost as many HP as Camilla. A Tomebreaker Wyvern Rider just seems unfair somewhere, and getting Sol onto Kana who also has her own healing skill makes her pretty durable. Between a Dragonstone and a Nohrian Blade, she can take a hit, too. When your Def is higher than your Level, you're in fine shape.

Also, Percy is voiced by the same person who voices Pit in Kid Icarus Uprising, right?


That's a weird pairing, but I guess that opens up Malig Knight as an option-


erase your save data breh
I know, I know. It's all the bad anime tropes and I walked into it on purpose. I'm not proud, but Elise has one thing that my avatar so desperately wanted: A Res stat. It's just sad when a big scary dragon has to hide behind a little girl because that bad man over there has magic. Even if that's an amusing mental image. Happened often enough to unlock the S so... why not?

I feel sorry for the localization team having to localize that particular support. ...and I kind of want to see the Japanese one.

Felicia!Percy is fun, though. Felicia has the highest Luck growth of the first gen units. And Arthur has... no such thing. So, the game overcompensates with Percy to make him actually lucky, but with Felicia, he'd get that anyway. So he starts out with it capped. And I expect when he promotes, it'll cap soon after again.


man this game would be perfect if i was still in uni. great game to play while just sitting there listening to e3 preshow/press conferences

unfortunately i have like a bajillion fucking things to do instead


I tend to play the game bit by bit when I have the time (maybe a chapter or two every couple of days). My first run of Conquest took me over 3 weeks but I still finished it.

Back in school it was the same as I would play a bit after finishing my work. I don't think I've had an actual binge session where I just play all day but I still finish these games.


I now know the downside of using Arthur. He... likes Critical Hits. Outgoing AND incoming. He would be a heroic smear on the ground had Felicia not built up a full Dual Guard meter with him last chapter. I take it that's from his abysmal Luck stat? I should throw any Goddess Statues I find at him, right? ...on second thought, I should carefully put those on the ground next to him. I might hit him if I threw one.

I'm thinking I should blitz the main story from here. Just reached chapter 14. Maybe grab Ophelia, but just try to get through. Got a solid team already who just needs Leo and Xander to round it out, so why wait too long? You don't get anything great from waiting in Conquest.

Andrew J.

I now know the downside of using Arthur. He... likes Critical Hits. Outgoing AND incoming. He would be a heroic smear on the ground had Felicia not built up a full Dual Guard meter with him last chapter. I take it that's from his abysmal Luck stat?

That and his personal skill.


That and his personal skill.
Right, it makes the enemy more likely to get hit, but also himself. I can't figure if I want to turn him in to a Crit machine Berserker or pick the obvious thematic promotion to Hero. It'd be a shame not to make him a Hero.

Also pushing forward in the story, just cleared chapters 14 and 15.

Conquest 14
Who was that strange singer with the azure hair singing the song only Azura knows, I wonder? Nice remix, though. The Dark Song is catchier than the Light Song. And I honestly wouldn't mind to be able to use that outfit for her in battle, but I doubt you can. Also, "You get Leo, and there's an enemy with a Silence Staff covering nearly the entire map, so don't you dare use him!" Conquest is mean sometimes.

Conquest 15
First of all, neat map. A little easy, but it was kind of funny to have that classic "It's you and the Jeigan" map this far into the game. Welcome back Gunther. Got any growth rates while you were gone? No? Welcome to the castle, then.

The story is getting weird, though. And kind of "Buy Revelation to get an explanation"- ish. So, Garon is an Evil Groot, and we have to destroy Hoshido to save it. Well okay then, let's get destroying! Can we start with Takumi? I kind of want to start with Takumi. Eh, with my luck, he'll be defending the final boss just to be a jerk until the end.


lmao you'll see when you get there
...of course.

Honestly, I'm beginning o treat this game a little like Kingdom Hearts when it comes to story. It's gloriously dumb sometimes and I love it. Next chapter is called
, so I guess here 16 chapters in, it's time to get this war show on the road.


Kinda grumpy they didn't announce the scramble dlc for fates.

Sometimes I think they won't even bother localizing it. It'll likely have the highest localization costs out of any Fates DLC, while I doubt it'll have sales to match that. Fates' base localization itself had cost cutting measures too (mainly eliminating the script variations of the avatar).
Sometimes I think they won't even bother localizing it. It'll likely have the highest localization costs out of any Fates DLC, while I doubt it'll have sales to match that. Fates' base localization itself had cost cutting measures too (mainly eliminating the script variations of the avatar).

They did that in Awakening too though.
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