Narrowly managed to defeat Narcian Hard. Team was Lucina, Young Tiki (5*), Sophia, and Azama (4*). Tiki lured them down since she was the only one who could survive and do that. Then she retreated as Lucina blocked off the Sword Fighter. Azama focused on healing Tiki. Sophia hit Narcian while he poked her for 0 damage. Once the Sword Fighter and Narcian were dead, Tiki was healthy enough to block the choke point. I somehow managed to manipulate the AI such that only one of them could hit Tiki, and it was the Green Mage, who only hurt her a little.
Tiki blew up the archer since he was trapped. Green Mage continued to smack Tiki while Blue Mage ran right up to her unable to do anything. By then Tiki could use her special and seriously hurt Blue Mage even though she normally couldn't scratch him. Blue Mage ran away, opening up Green Mage to be obliterated. Tiki then barely tanked Blue Mage's hit, which was enough to charge up her special again. She brought him down to low HP, enough so that Sophia with her charged-up special (thanks Narcian) could finish him off, ending the battle.
Epic battle with lots of strategy and team composition required. Azama isn't the best healer, but he sure came through in a pinch. Lucina face tanked once, and that was all I needed her to do. Sophia let Narcian charge up her special for free, then nuked him off the planet. Tiki was MVP with clever tanking, crushing several opponents with no effort, and her AOE attack that hurt the toughest opponent. I wish I recorded that.