Eirika and Nino seem like a perfect tagteam with Gronnblade and Eirika's buffs.
Saizo is great.Goddamnit , 33 orbs and all 3 star
Ia gwendolyn or saizo any good?
Basic question, when you pull from gacha and didnt get 5 star, does the pity-draw bonus still applies if you only draw one or two units from the pool rather than drawing them out as full batch?
May consider rerolling. You lose the fantastic deep devotion banner but maybe can start with a couple of 5*s and a lot of orbs to hoard for the future.
Ephraim's English voice is so snotty.
So the new characters immediately annoyed me with their constantly jacking off over family ties in their paralogue.
I always thought he'd have a more suave sounding voice. His art isn't really doing much for me either.He sounds a little more soft-spoken than I expected - I was expecting a little giggle after "<3 You almost met with the tip of my lance~ <3". But it makes for an effective contrast with his critical lines.
Good grief Ephraim
Burned through 70 orbs, nothing goodthe game wants to play Sheena tho , for 3 of them at 4*
Edit: around 90 orbs gone, no focus character
Got hinoka in the last pull
Used 120 orbs and only got Tharja and Eirika, I wanted Seliph and Julia.
I saw like 5 greens orbs and all of them were either Arthur or Barst :'(
My three 5* are all red (also have a Marth screwed by RNG with -speed).
At least I did got a few useful 4* like FCorrin and MRobin.
I didn't have time to check this morning, but from what I understand there's 3 paralogue maps and 3 difficulties? With 1 extra orb from doing some kind of quest related to them?
What level are the paralogue maps?
I think one of my Olivias has this cause it doesn't make sense otherwise.^People have reported seeing 2 +ve-ve stats on characters, yes.
Got a troll 3* robin, but I might rank him up because I'm hurting for a caster and I wanted Robin anyway.
So either I'm mathing wrong, missing something or it's possible to have two negative stats on a character. The upgrade preview says that turning my4 * corrin to 5 will make her new stats
18hp,17 atk, 6 speed 9 defense and 6 res. This would imply low hp and atk with high defense. Even if you remove the dark breath and upgrade it to the 5 star version that would only be 21 starting attack which counts as low according to the calculators so ???
I've determined I'm going to enjoy this game a lot more if I don't get competitive about it and just play for fun and to collect peeps I like. I apologize to the thread for my salty breakdown earlier.