Is Eirika good?
The quests are for greater badges where I have a million of them and no feathers to use.
Is Eirika good?
Yes. She has hone atk on her weapon and also hone speed. The drag skill is super useful to bring enemies into chockes or into mage range.Also her stats are decent she has good speed but her atk stat is a bit low.
true to the games m i rite
Sorry that she prefers me, mate. 😋She's pretty solid (Strength and Speed buffs alone is $$$), but more importantly, she's one of my favorite characters. Seeing all of these "I pulled Eirika?!" posts is physically hurting me.
I wonder where she will fall among the sword user units.
I wonder where she will fall among the sword user units.
true to the games m i rite
Sorry that she prefers me, mate. 😋
The same fate will fall on Ike. Prepare yourself.Hell no! Ephraim is a total juggernaut in FE8. Not sure what happened here.
Still soon to know. Altema have her at S tier. I would say is comparable to Lucina lucina is more damage oriented and Eirika more supoortish but with less damage. Their stat distribution is simmilar. Lucina has more atk but less defense than eirika.
The same fate will fall on Ike. Prepare yourself.
Got Eirika, she any good compared to the swords we already have? I have Lucina already so idk if I really have a use for Eirika. I'm also already using 5 star Olivia so I don't think I'll be using 3 swords
What should I do with my second Hector? Run a 2 Hector team? Merge for a +1 Hector? Sell for feathers? The latter two options seem like a waste...
Got Eirika, she any good compared to the swords we already have? I have Lucina already so idk if I really have a use for Eirika. I'm also already using 5 star Olivia so I don't think I'll be using 3 swords
I downloaded the game, did my first gacha pull and got a 5* character. Started playing the story mode and noticed how said char was an absolute monster, decimating every enemy with ease while having a high enough Def to get hit multiple times without dying.
"Are all 5* characters meant to be this strong?" I thought. Nope, a quick google revealed to me that I hit the jackpot by getting Takumi on my first pull.
My next 3 pulls haven't been as lucky, but just now I got a 5* Seliph, so we'll see how he fares. His beginning stats are quite high, comparatively.
True, they'll probably go with the Smash incarnation that is a slow bruiser instead of one of the fastest characters in PoR, and speed being the stat he caps first on average. (According to serenes forest)
Doesn't have Poison Dagger so no.Got a 5* Jacob. I already have Kagerou, is it worth training?
I discussed this with some friends and we agreed that it's worrisome, but at least the reward isn't something a player can't obtain for free like an orb.wait... did they seriously add quests to the game where I need to pull all of this characters to complete them?????
talking about Pay 2 Win
I discussed this with some friends and we agreed that it's worrisome, but at least the reward isn't something a player can't obtain for free like an orb.
Julia's apparently really good and Eirika seems to be a great passive stat bufferso what is consensus about the new characters?
I guess that for now my chance to get Lucina has passed?
She's pretty solid (Strength and Speed buffs alone is $$$), but more importantly, she's one of my favorite characters. Seeing all of these "I pulled Eirika?!" posts is physically hurting me.
I just got a 3* Robin... such a thing shouldn't exist.
I guess that for now my chance to get Lucina has passed?